
pecl pdo mysql,使用PECL OS在PHP 5.1.6上安裝PDO_MYSQL:Ubuntu

pecl pdo mysql,使用PECL OS在PHP 5.1.6上安裝PDO_MYSQL:Ubuntu

I'm having real problems getting PDO_MYSQL working.

I started by just trying to install the PDO_MYSQL driver via PECL, however when this didn't work I looked round to see if there where any issues reported. It seems that there may be a conflict between the embedded version of PDO and PDO_MYSQL. To that end i decided to reinstall all it's dependencies from PECL.


OS: Ubuntu

PHP Ver: 5.1.6 (Unable to upgrade due to clients live environment)

Procedure Followed:

PECL uninstall PDO_MYSQL

PECL uninstall PDO

PECL uninstall mysql

PECL install mysql

PECL install PDO


Lines Added to PHP.ini




apachectl restart

[warn] php5_module is already loaded, skipping

I then check PHPINFO to see which modules are installed. I see:

PDO drivers sqlite2

That's it!

If any one could suggest any solutions to this I'd be deeply grateful. I need MYSQL PDO driver to run zend framework for an upcoming project... and yes I have to use v1.6 due to the PHP version.


If you're on ubuntu, try apt-get :

sudo apt-get install php5-mysql

which should make


and PDO will be available after an apache restart