



Your letter; Your favour; your esteemed letter; Your esteemed favour; Your valued letter; Your valued favour; Your note; Your communication; Your greatly esteemed letter; Your very friendly note; Your friendly advice; Yours.


Our (my) letter; Our (my) respects; Ours (mine); This letter; these lines; The present.


The last letter; The last mail; The last post; the last communication; The last respects(自己的信); The last favour(來信)


The next letter; The next mail; The next communication; The letter following; the following.


Your letter of (the) 5th May; Your favour dated (the) 5th June; Yours of the 3rd July; Yours under date (of) the 5th July; Your letter bearing date 5th July; Your favour of even date(AE); Your letter of yesterday; Your favour of yesterday''s date; Your letter dated yesterday.


Your telegram; Your wire; Your cablegram(從國外); Your coded wire(密碼電報); Your code message; Your cipher telegram; Your wireless telegram; Your TELEX; Your Fax.


Your telephone message; Your phone message; Your telephonic communication; Your telephone call; Your ring.


(Noun) Advice; Notice; Information; Notification; Communication; A report; News; Intelligence; Message.

(Verb)(通知,告知)To communicate (a fact) to; To report (a fact) to...on; To apprise (a person) of; To let (a person) know; To acquaint (a person) with; To intimate (a fact) to; To send word; to send a message; To mail a notice; to write (a person) information; To give notice(預告); To break a news to(通知壞消息); To announce(宣布).


(Noun) An answer; A reply; A response.

(Verb) To answer; To reply; To give a reply; To give one''s answer; To make an answer; To send an answer; To write in reply; To answer one''s letter.

(特此回信)Reply to; Answering to; In answer to; In reply to; In response to.

(等候回信)To await an answer; To wait for an answer.

(收到回信)To get an answer; To favour one with an answer; To get a letter answered.


(Noun) Receipt(收到); A receipt(收據); A receiver(領取人,取款人); A recipient(收款人)

(Verb) To receive; To be in receipt of; To be to (at) hand; To come to hand; To be in possesion of; To be favoured with; To get; To have; To have before (a person); To make out a receipt(開出收據); To acknowledge receipt(告知收訖).


To confirm; Confirming; Confirmation; In Confirmation of(為确認...,為證明...); A letter of confirmation(确認函或确認書)


To have the pleasure to do; To have the pleasure of doing; To have pleasure to do; to have pleasure in (of) doing; To take (a) pleasure in doing (something); To take pleasure in doing (something); To be pleased to (with)(by); to be delighted at (in)(with); To be glad to (of)(about); To be rejoiced in (at).


Enclose; Inclose.


Urgently; Promptly; Immediately; With all speed; At once; With dispatch; With all despatch; With the quickest possible despatch; With the least possible delay; As soon as possible; As quickly as possible; As promptly as possible; At one''s earliest convenience; At the earliest possible moment; At an early date; Without delay; Without loss of time; Immediately on receipt of this letter; By express messenger; By Special messenger; By special delivery; By express letter.


By return; By return of post; By return of mail; By return of air-mail.


According to; Agreeably to; Conformably to; pursuant to; In accordance with; In conformity with (to); In obedience to; In deference to; In compliance with; In agreement with; In pursuance of.


About; Regarding; Concerning; As to; As regards; With regard to; In regard to;(of); Respecting; Relative to; Anent; In connection with; Referring to; With reference to; In reference to; Re.


To be due; To fall due (become) due(日期将到); Duly(正時,及時);In due Course (依照順序).


Per(=by, through) rail.(post,mail,steamer)(通過鐵路,郵政,輪船)

Per pro.= by proxy (由代理)

Per annum (=yearly,每年)

Per mensem (=monthly,每月)

Per diem [daiem] (=daily,每日)

Per man, per capital (=per head,依照人數,每一人)

Per piece (每一個,每一件)


To take the liberty of doing something; To take the liberty to do something; To take the liberty in doing something.


To regret; To be sorry; To be chagrined; To be mortified; To be vexed; To regret to say; To be sorry to say; To one''s regret; To feel a great regret for; To express regret; To be regretted; To be a matter for regret; To be regrettable; To be deplorable.


To have the honour of doing (being); To have the honour to do (be); To do one (oneself) the honour of doing (being); To esteem (regard) it as a high honour to do (be); To appreciate the honour to do (be); To feel honoured to do (be); To owe one a debt of honour to do (be); To be honoured with doing (being) something; To honour one with doing (being) something.


Please; Kindly; be good enough; Be kind enough; Have the kindness.


To thank; To be (feel) thankful; To be (feel) grateful; To be obliged; To be indebted; To esteem (it) a favour (privilege); To give (tender, return) one''s thanks; To express one''s gratitude (appreciation); To tender one''s sincere thanks for; To be overwhelmed with gratitude.


(Noun)(請吩咐) Command; Order; Service

(Verb)(服務) To command; To order; To serve; To be at one''s service; To render service to one; To do one a service; To be of service to one.


中國貿易網: www.made-in-China.com


貿易地帶 www.tradezone.com

世界競标 www.worldbid.com

數字領先 www.digilead.com

三A貿易 http://aaatrading.com

世界商務俱樂部 www.wbc.com

國際貿易 www.intl-trade.com

萬韋中心 www.insidetheweb.com

世界貿易總彙 www.wtvusa.como

世界貿易網 www.wt.net

加拿大貿易網 www.bc-trade.net

加拿大亞洲網絡資源 www.netsource-asia.com

墨西哥商務資源 www.mexconnect.com

墨西哥貿易 www.mextrade.com

巴西世界市場 http://worldwidemart.com

網上商店 www.shops-online.com

貿易代理 www.tradeagent.com

線上商機 www.onlineleads.com

貿易地帶 www.tradearea.com

拉美商務區 www.datapack.com

委内瑞拉工商目錄 www.ddex.com

巴西英戴克期商貿網 www.insidex.com

電子商務向導 http://biz2biz.eguide2000.com

完全商業資訊網 www.all-biz.com

亞馬遜 www.amazon.com

全球百強網 www.w100.com

世界交易搜尋 http://world-trade-search.com

我的指導 http://web.idirect.com

電子灣 www.ebay.com

行政官告白 www.ceoexpress.com

道瓊斯商業指南 http://businessdirectory.dowjones.com希望對你有幫助,我是做中南美市場的


中央情報局CIA(Central intilligence angncy):有各國整體報告。

網 址: http://www.cia.gov ;


網 址: http://www.uschamber.org/default.htm ;


網 址: http://www.ftc.gov/ ;


網 址: http://www.tda.gov/ ;


網 址: http://www.ftc.gov/ ;


網 址: http://www.doc.gov/ ;

國際貿易/進出口門戶網站(Federation of International Trade Associations)(FITA):由國際貿易聯合會舉辦,有北美30萬家企業名錄。

網 址: http://www.fita.org/index.html ;

鄧白氏(Dun & Bradstreet) (D&B) :全球最大的商業信用咨詢公司。

網 址: http://www.dnb.com/ ;

加拿大進出口管理局 (Export and Import Controls Bureau)

網 址: http://www.dfait-maeci.gc.ca/~eicb/epd_home.htm ;

加拿大外交和國際貿易部(The Canadian Trade Commisioner Service):由市場研究中 心和海外機構提供市場分析和國别報告。

網 址: http://www.infoexport.gc.ca/menu-e.html ;

加拿大進出口商協會:提供超值支援服務和貿易開拓活動。(The Canadian Association of Importers and Exporte)

網 址: http://www.importers.ca/

墨西哥線上(MEXICO OnLINE): 包括貿易指南、公司名錄。

網 址: http://www.mexonline.com ;


網 址: http://www.webdzine.com/mbita/

巴西貿易中心(Brazilian Trade Center):有進出口商名錄。

網 址: http://www.nogalink.com/ ;

巴西貿易促進網(Brazilian Trade Promotion Network)

網 址: http://www.braziltradenet.gov.br/e/conteudo-e.htm ;

巴西國際商會(International Chamber of Commerce of Brazil)

網 址: http://www.camint.com.br/index-e.html ;


網 址: http://www.mecon.gov.ar/default.htm ;


網 址: http://cei.mrecic.gov.ar/ ;


網 址: http://www.iccwbo.org/ ;;


網 址: http://www.eurochambres.be/ ;;

聯系方式:EUROCHAMBRES Rue Archimède 5 Box 4, B-1000 Brussels (Belgium)

Tel: (+32-2) 282.08.50

Fax: (+32-2) 230.00.38

電子信箱:[email protected]

歐洲商業指南(Euro Pages) 包括歐洲30個國家的500,000家企業名錄的網站, 可按産品或公司名查詢。

網 址: http://www.europages.com/ ;;

托馬斯歐洲企業名錄(Thomas Register of European Manufactures)歐洲工業企業買家指南,包括了歐洲境内17個國家的180,000 個工業産品供應商的資料。

網 址: http://www.tremnet.com/ ;;


網 址: http://www.londonchamber.co.uk/indexx.htm ;;


網 址: http://www.export.co.uk/ ;;

電子信箱:[email protected]

Corporate Information:包括美國、加拿大、德國、日本、英國、法國、意大利的總體介紹,覆寫三十五萬家企業,有研究報告、商業資訊等。

網 址: http://www.corporateinformation.com/ ;;

Hoover U.K.:可查詢65000家企業資訊。

網 址: http://www.hoovers.co.uk/ ;;


網 址: http://www.dubchamber.ie/ ;;

Irish Trade Board:愛爾蘭貿易網站,可提供各類資訊(英文)。

網 址: http://www.itw.ie/ ;;


網 址: http://www.cfce.fr/


網 址: http://www.bfai.com/home_b3.htm ;;


網 址: http://www.infobel.com/belgium/


網 址: http://www.hollandtrade.com/ ;;


網 址: http://www.cbi.nl/ ;;


網 址: http://www.exports.finland.fi/site/main/ ;;

芬蘭商貿聯合會(Federation of Finnish Commerce and Trade) (FFCT):是一個包括了批發商和零售商的全國性組織。

網 址: http://www.kaupankl.fi/ ;;

通訊位址:Mannerheimintie 76 A P.O. BOX 150 00251 HELSINKI

Tel. +358 9-431 560

Fax +358 9-4315 6302

電子信箱:[email protected]

馬耳他對外貿易促進會(The Malta External Trade Corporation) (METCO)

網 址: http://www.metcowww.com//start.htm ;;

挪威公司指南(Norway Companies directory)提供挪威公司的企業名錄。

網 址: http://www.gulesider.no/search.jsp?spraak=3 ;;


網 址: http://www.exportnet.ntc.no/cgi-bin/wbch.exe?page_id=5 ;;


網 址: http://www.sctc.se/ ;;


網 址: http://www.icetrade.is/islenska/default.htm ;;

Elektronisches Telfonbuch 提供企業查詢的網站。

網 址: http://www.etb.at/ ;;

國際商業網(Internet Business) 有75萬餘家企業資訊。

網 址: http://www.buscenter.net/ ;;


網 址: http://www.rbcnet.ru/eng_home.htm ;;


網 址: http://www.spbcci.ru/ ;;


網 址: http://www.accufind.com/


網 址: http://www.koda.ee/ ;;


網 址:

保加利亞工業協會(Bulgarian Industial Association)

網 址: http://www.bia-bg.com/ ;;

保加利亞貿易指南(Bulgaria Trade Directory):由保加利亞工商會(bulgarian chamber of commerce and industry)建立,可查詢保加利亞的企業的名錄。

網 址: http://www.bcci.bg/ ;;


網 址: http://www.tpo.cz/ ;;


網 址: http://www.gzs.si/china/ ;;


網 址: http://www.ccir.ro/


網 址: http://www.aseansec.org/


網 址: http://www.apecsec.org.sg/

通訊位址:APEC Secretariat 438 Alexandra Road, #14-00, Alexandra Point, Singapore 119958.

Tel: 65-276-1880

Fax: 65-276-1775

電子信箱: [email protected]

亞洲貿易促進論壇(Asian Trade Promotion Forum )(ATPF) :由二十個貿易促進機構組成。

網 址: http://www.jetro.go.jp/atpf/e/index.html

電子信箱:[email protected]

日本中小企業廳(Small and Medium Enterprise Infomation of Japan)線上提供中小 企業政策

網 址: http://www.chusho.miti.go.jp/english/index.html

日本資訊資源中心(Japan Information Resource Center)

網 址: http://www.konradh.net/jp.html ;;


網 址: http://www.mol.mn/mcci/mcci.htm ;;


網 址: http://www1.kcci.or.kr/eng/default.htm ;;


網 址: http://www.kotra.or.kr/eng/index.php3 ;;


網 址: http://www.kita.or.kr/eng/ ;;

南韓貿易新聞(Korea Trade News):提供買賣消息。

網 址: ;;

電子信箱:[email protected]


網 址: http://www.maoyi.net/ ;;

電子信箱:[email protected]



網 址: http://www.tdctrade.com ;;

香港總商會(Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce)

網 址: http://www.hkgcc.org.hk ;;

電子信箱:[email protected]


網 址: http://www.cma.org.hk ;;

地 址:香港中環幹諾道中64号廠商會大廈5樓

電 話:00852-25456166

傳 真:00852-25414541


網 址: http://www.fhki.org.hk ;;


電 話:00852-27323188

傳 真:00852-27213494


http://www.economia.gov.mo ;;


http://www.acm.macauweb.com/ ;;


網 址: http://www.wtcc.net.tw/ ;;

電子信箱:[email protected]


網 址: http://www.cnfi.org.tw ;;




電子信箱:[email protected]


網 址: http://www.tdb.gov.sg/homepg.html ;;

新加坡國際商會(singapore international chamber of commerce)

網 址: http://www.sicc.com.sg/ ;;


網 址: http://www.exhibitions-world.com/ ;;


網 址: http://www.miti.gov.my/ ;;

菲律賓經濟發展局(National Economic and Development Authority):官方網站。

網 址: http://www.neda.gov.ph/ ;;


網 址: http://www.tradeindonesia.com/


網 址: http://www.tcc.or.th/ ;;

泰國展會資訊(Trade Exhibition Association Calendar)

網 址: http://www.digitalserve.com/thaitradeshow/pages/fr_calender.html ;;

Trade India:印度進出口商指南。

網 址: http://www.trade-india.com/ ;;

巴基斯坦貿易索引(Trade Index of Pakistan)

網 址: http://www.pakistanbiz.com/ ;;


網 址: http://www.paktrade.org ;;Jamals

斯裡蘭卡商業網(Lanka Business Network)

網 址: http://www.lanka-business.com/ ;;

斯裡蘭卡貿易中心(Tradenet Sri Lanka)

網 址: http://www.tradenetsl.lk/

伊朗貿易協會(Iranian Trade Associatio):是一個在美國的獨立的非盈利商業網絡組織。它提供伊朗貿易資訊,協會刊物,企業名錄,美國貿易制裁觀察等。是一個非政府機構,沒有任何種族和政治傾向(英文)。

網 址: http://www.iraniantrade.org/ ;;

巴林工業貿易協會(Bahrain Chamber of Commerce & Industry)

網 址: http://www.bahchamber.com/ ;;

阿曼資訊部(Ministry of Information)

網 址: http://www.omanet.com/ ;;

塞普勒斯交易中心(The Cyprus Trade Center)(CTC):由設在美國的塞普勒斯商業、工業、旅遊部所屬出口促進辦公室建立。

網 址: http://www.cyprustradeny.org/ ;;

迪拜世界貿易中心(Dubai world Trade Center)

網 址: http://www.dwtcuae.com/ ;;

電子信箱:[email protected]

阿聯酋工商業協會(Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

網 址: http://www.adcci-uae.com/

澳洲商會(Australian Chambernet):與澳洲其他主要商會都有連接配接。

網 址: http://www.chambernet.com.au/ ;

澳洲商業指南(Australian Business Directory):商業網站,可查企業名錄。

網 址: http://www.australia-online.com/austrade.html ;

澳洲展覽服務(Australian Exhibition Services)

網 址: http://www.ausexhibit.com.au/showcal.htm ;


網 址: http://www.tradenz.govt.nz/ ;


網 址: http://www.manufacturers.org.nz/ ;


網 址: http://www.nzchamber.co.nz/

斐濟貿易與投資局(The Fiji Trade And Investment Bureau) (FTIB)

網 址: http://www.ftib.org.fj/ ;

IAfrica 是介紹非洲的商業網站

網 址: http://www.iafrica.com/ ;

埃及貿易指南(The Egyptian Trading Directory)

網 址: http://www.egtrade.com/ ;


網 址: http://www.business-swaziland.com/chamber/


網 址: http://www.zimtrade.co.zw/ ;

通訊位址:ZimTrade Head Office 7th Floor Dolphin House Leopold Takawira / Union Avenue P.O.Box 2738, Harare

Tel: 263-4 771642 771665

Fax: 263-4 771730

電子信箱:[email protected] 模裡西斯工商會

網 址: http://www.mcci.org/


網 址: http://www.pechamber.org.za/ ;

摩洛哥國别概況(Morocco Country Profile)由紐西蘭貿易發展委員會提供。

網 址: http://www.tradenz.govt.nz/intelligence/profiles/morocco.html ;

相關連結: http://www.emkt.com.cn/


世界電子商務網 www.ecplaza.com.cn

中國貿易線上 www.ciebb.com

視點資訊網 www.focusnet.com.cn

中國買賣 www.chinamymy.com

中國國際貿易發展網 www.itdn.com.cn

商務中國 www.bizcn.com

中國出口營銷網 www.globalmarketing.cn

國際商務網 www.globalbiz.cn

全球進口商典 www.globalimporters.info

國際商貿導航 www.51usd.com


1. 易創電子商貿網 www.ectrade.com

2. 中國黃頁 www.chinapages.com

3. 貿易黃頁 www.tpage.com

4. 台灣黃頁 http://yellowpage.com.tw

5. 外國企業中文網(億經國際商貿網) www.chinaexcite.com

6. 電子商務廣場 www.ecplaza.net

7. 二十一世紀電子商務 www.ec21.net

8. 線上貿易 www.cytra.co.kr

9. 大鳥電子商務 www.ibrd.com

10. 線上貿易展覽 www.bmp.ne.jp

11. 南韓資源 www.koreansource.com

12. 阿裡巴巴 www.alibaba.com

13. 貿易張貼 tradepost-chat.com

14. 貿易總彙 www.tradeatoz.com

15. 台灣制造商 http://www.manufacturer.net

16. 台灣貿易機會 htpp://manufacturer.com.tw

17. 台灣商業貿易機會 www.commerce.com.tw

18. 産品線上 www.tradeserv.com

19. 香港産品 www.hkprod.com.hk

20. 印度貿易 www.trade-india.com

21. 印度投資 www.india-invest.com

22. 泰國進出口 http://thai-imex.com/

23. 泰國貿易公告闆 www.thaipost.com

24. 印尼貿易區 http://indotradezone.com

25. 土耳其商務網 www.businessturkey.com

26. 土耳其外貿中心 www.turkex.com

27. 以色列商會 www.chamber.org.il

28. 科威特黃頁 www.kuwait-yellow-pages.com

29. 巴基斯坦商業星火 www.spark.dir.com

30. 新加坡貿易網 http://tradelink.com.sg

31. 新加坡亞洲商業 www.commerceasia.com

32. 聯合國貿易發展中心 http://eto.untpdc.org

33. 澳洲商務 www.cnctek.com

34. 澳洲國際商務論壇 www.ibf.com

35. 伊朗黃頁 www.iranyellowpages.com

36. 貿易快遞 http://trade-express.com

37. 珠穆琅瑪數字颠峰 www.8848.net

38. 易趣 www.eachnet.com


1. 貿易地帶 www.tradezone.com

2. 世界競标 www.worldbid.com

3. 數字領先 www.digilead.com

4. 三A貿易 http://aaatrading.com

5. 世界商務俱樂部 www.wbc.com

6. 國際貿易 www.intl-trade.com

7. 萬韋中心 www.insidetheweb.com 
