



Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is the global standard for process modeling and one of the most important components of successful Business-IT-Alignment.

業務流程模型和符号(BPMN)是流程模組化的全球标準,也是成功實作業務- it一緻性的最重要元件之一。

More and more organizations are using BPMN and in more and more universities BPMN is taught as a subject. These are the reasons:


  • 标準 Standard:

    BPMN is not owned by a certain enterprise but by an institution (OMG), which is already established through other world-wide standards, e.g., UML. The standard is supported by many software products; you are less dependent on any particular vendor’s products.

    BPMN不是由某個企業擁有的,而是由一個機構(OMG)擁有的,OMG 已經通過其他世界範圍的标準建立起來了,例如UML。許多軟體産品都支援該标準;您不太依賴于任何特定供應商的産品。

  • 簡單 Simplicity:

    The principle behind BPMN is rather simple which is why you can start working with this notation very quickly.


  • 表達能力 Power of expression:

    If necessary, you can describe precisely how a process functions with BPMN. However, this is more difficult than only roughly describing the process. This way of precise modeling is possible, but not mandatory.

    如果有必要,您可以精确描述流程如何使用 BPMN 運作。然而,這比僅僅粗略地描述這個過程要困難得多。這種精确模組化的方式是可能的,但不是強制性的。

  • 在 IT 界的實作 Implementation in IT:

    BPMN has been primarily developed to support technical implementation of processes (“Process Automation”). The more important the IT is in a company, the more helpful the use of BPMN becomes.

    BPMN的開發主要是為了支援過程的技術實作(“過程自動化”)。IT 在公司中越重要,BPMN 的使用就越有幫助。


Let’s begin our BPMN tutorial with a rather simple process diagram:


  • Start Event:

    Start event show which event causes the process to start. Start Events are always catching events.


  • Task:

    Tasks are the heart of the process. Ultimately, something has to happen to bring about a desired outcome. In BPMN, a task is technically part of the activities category, which also includes the sub-process

    任務是流程的核心。最終,必須發生一些事情來帶來想要的結果。在 BPMN 中,任務在技術上是活動類别的一部分,它還包括子流程

  • Intermediate Event:

    Intermediate events represent a status that is reached in the process and that is modeled explicitly. They are used infrequently, but intermediate events can be useful, for example if you regard reaching a certain status as a milestone and you want to measure the time until that milestone is reached. Intermediate none events are always throwing events.

    中間事件表示流程中達到的狀态,并顯式模組化。它們并不經常使用,但中間事件可能很有用,例如,如果您将達到某個狀态視為裡程碑,并且希望度量達到該裡程碑所需的時間。中間的 none 事件總是會抛出事件。

  • End Event:

    End event mark the status reached at the end of the process path. End events are always throwing events.


This diagram shows a simple process triggered by someone being hungry. The result is that someone must shop for groceries and prepare a meal. After that, someone will eat the meal and have his or her hunger satisfied.



When naming tasks, we try to adhere to the object-oriented design principle of using the [verb] + [object] pattern. We would say “acquire groceries,” for example, not “first take care of shopping for groceries.”


Events refer to something that has already happened regardless of the process (if they are catching events) or as a result of the process (if they are throwing events). For this reason, we use the [object] and make the [verb] passive in voice, so we write “hunger noticed.” BPMN does not require you to model start and end events for a process – you can leave them out – but if you model a start event, you must model an end event for each path. The same is true for end events, which require start events. We always create our models with start and end events for two reasons: first, that way it’s possible to determine the process trigger, and second, you can describe the final status of each path end. We only sometimes abandon this practice with sub-processes. More on this later.

事件指的是已經發生的事情,與程序無關(如果它們捕獲事件),或者是程序的結果(如果它們抛出事件)。出于這個原因,我們使用[賓語]和[動詞]的被動語态,是以我們寫“饑餓被注意到了”。BPMN 不要求您對流程的開始和結束事件進行模組化 — 您可以忽略它們 — 但是如果您對開始事件進行模組化,則必須為每個路徑模組化一個結束事件。結束事件也是如此,它需要開始事件。我們總是使用開始和結束事件建立模型,原因有二:第一,這樣就可以确定流程觸發器,第二,您可以描述每個路徑結束的最終狀态。我們隻是有時在子過程中放棄這種實踐。稍後再詳細說明。


You could always draw your diagrams from top to bottom instead from left to right – the BPMN 2.0 standard does not forbid it. However, we do not recommend it: It is very uncommon, and experience has proven that people tend to understand the process flow better if it is described in the same way as written text (from left to right, at least in the western world).

你總是可以從上到下繪制圖表,而不是從左到右 — BPMN 2.0 标準并沒有禁止這樣做。然而,我們不推薦這樣做:這種情況非常罕見,而且經驗證明,如果用與書面文本相同的方式描述過程流,人們往往會更好地了解過程流(至少在西方世界中是從左到右)。



In this diagram you can find the preparing steps a hardware retailer has to fulfill before the ordered goods can actually be shipped to the customer:


  • Start Event:

    The plain start event ‘goods to ship’ indicates that this preparation should be done now.


  • Parallel Gateway:

    Right after the instantiation of the process, there are two things done in parallel, as the parallel gateway indicates: While the clerk has to decide whether this is a normal postal or a spacial shipment (we do not define the criteria how to decide this inside the process model), the warehouse worker can already start packaging the goods.


  • Task:

    This clerk’s task, which is followed by the exclusive gateway ‘mode of delivery’, is a good example of clarifying the recommended usage of an exclusive data-based gateway: The gateway is not responsible for the decision whether this is a special or a postal shipment. Instead, this decision is undertaken in the activity before. The gateway only works as a router, which is based on the result of the previous task, and provides alternative paths. A task represents an actual unit of work, while a gateway is only routing the sequence flow.


  • Exclusive Gateway:

    This gateway is called ‘exclusive’ because only one of the following two branches can be traversed: If we need a special shipment, the clerk requests quotes from different carriers, then assigns a carrier and prepares the paperwork. However, if normal post shipment is fine, the clerk needs to check if extra insurance is necessary.


  • Inclusive Gateway:

    If extra insurance is required, the logistics manager has to take out that insurance. In any case, the clerk has to fill in a postal label for the shipment. For this scenario, the shown inclusive gateway is helpful, because we can show that one branch is always taken, while the other one only if the extra insurance is required, but IF it is taken, this can happen in parrallel to the first branch. Because of this parallelism, we need the synchronizing inclusive gateway right behand ‘Fill in a Post label’ and ‘Take out extra insurance’.


  • Inclusive Gateway(Synchronizing):

    In this scenario, the inclusive gateway will always wait for ‘Fill in a Postal label’ to be completed, because that is always started. If extra insurance is required, the inclusive gateway will also wait for ‘Taken out extra insurance’ to be finished.


  • Parallel Gateway (Synchronizing):

    Furthermore, we also need the synchronizing parallel gateway before the last task ‘add paperwork and move package to pick area’, because we want to make sure that everything has been fulfilled before the last task is executed.


In this example, we only used one pool and different lanes for the people involved in this process, which automatically means that we blank out the communication between those people: We just assume that they are somehow communicating with each other. If we had a process engine driving this process, that engine would assign user tasks and therefore be responsible for the communication between those people. If we do not have such a process engine, but want to model the communication between the people involved explicitly, we would have to use a collaboration diagram as described in the next chapter.



This example is about Business-To-Business-Collaboration. Because we want to explicitly model the interaction between a pizza customer and the vendor, we have classified them as “participants”, therefore providing them with dedicated pools:


  • Start Event:

    If we step through the diagram, we should start with the pizza customer, who has noticed her stomach growling. The customer therefore selects a pizza and orders it.


  • Event-based Gateway:

    The customer waits for the pizza to be delivered. The event-based gateway indicates that the customer actually waits for two different events that could happen next: Either the pizza is delivered, as indicated with the following message event, or there is no delivery for 60 minutes, i.e., after one hour the customer skips waiting and calls the vendor, asking for the pizza. We now assume that the clerk promises the pizza to be delivered soon, and the customer waits for the pizza again, asking again after the next 60 minutes, and so on.


  • Message Event:

    In this example, we use message events not only for informational objects such as the pizza order, but also for physical objects, like the pizza. We can do this because those physical objects actually inherently act as informational objects: When the pizza arrives at the customer’s door, she will recognize this arrival and therefore know that the pizza has arrived, which is exactly the purpose of the accordant message event in the customer’s pool. Of course we can only use the model that way because this example is not meant to be executed by a process engine.


  • Start Event:

    Let’s have a close look at the vendor process now. It is triggered by the order of the customer, as shown by the message start event and the message flow going from ‘order a pizza’ to that event. After baking the pizza, the delivery boy will deliver the pizza and receive payment.


Please note that there are no default semantics in this type of modeling, which means you can model collaboration diagrams to show the interaction between business partners, but also zoom into one company, modeling the interaction between different departments, teams or even single workers and software systems in collaboration diagrams. It is totally up to the purpose of the model and therefore a decision the modeler has to make, whether a collaboration diagram with different pools is useful, or whether one should stick to one pool with different lanes, as shown in the previous chapter.
