
wordpress 版本_VersionPress:WordPress提供了真正的版本控制

wordpress 版本

While many WordPress developers use version control as part of their workflow (for example, Mark Jaquith’s WordPress Skeleton is extremely popular), there is still a gap when it comes to easy collaboration and version control for an entire WordPress project. Particularly in relation to database changes. Plugins such as WP Migrate DB Pro from Delicious Brains and the awesome WP-CLI command line tools go a long way in filling that gap, but the challenge of complete WordPress version control for the masses still remains unanswered.

盡管許多WordPress開發人員将版本控制用作其工作流的一部分(例如,馬克·賈奎斯(Mark Jaquith)的WordPress Skeleton非常受歡迎),但在整個WordPress項目的輕松協作和版本控制方面仍然存在差距。 特别是在資料庫更改方面。 諸如Delicious Deliciouss的WP Migrate DB Pro之類的插件和令人敬畏的WP-CLI指令行工具在填補這一空白方面還有很長的路要走,但仍無法解決對群衆進行完整WordPress版本控制的挑戰。

That was until an innovative project called VersionPress came along. VersionPress is a WordPress Plugin that will keep track of every change, completely version controlled using Git.

直到一個名為VersionPress的創新項目問世。 VersionPress是一個WordPress插件,可以跟蹤所有更改,使用Git完全控制版本。

Currently under development, the VersionPress plugin builds upon Git’s version control system. VersionPress will be able to store an entire WordPress website, database and all, completely version controlled in Git. The plugin is being developed by Borek Bernard (Founder) and Jan Voráček and, once launched, will be licensed under the GNU General Public License.

目前正在開發中的VersionPress插件基于Git的版本控制系統建構。 VersionPress将能夠在Git中存儲整個WordPress網站,資料庫以及所有完全由版本控制的版本。 該插件由Borek Bernard(創始人)和JanVoráček開發,一旦釋出,将獲得GNU通用公共許可證的許可 。

According to VersionPress.net:


VersionPress is a version control plugin for WordPress. It keeps the whole site, both files and the database, in Git enabling things like site-wide reverts, safe updates, easy staging.

VersionPress是WordPress的版本控制插件。 它将整個站點(包括檔案和資料庫)都保留在Git中,進而實作了站點範圍内的還原,安全更新,易于更新等功能。

The core features of VersionPress include:


  1. Creation of a backup after every logical change


  2. Restoration of any historical version of the project from the archive


  3. The ability to make changes selectively, without affecting new changes


  4. The ability to enable multiple users to work simultaneously on the same project


  5. A testing environment where there is a two-way sync between the testing environment and the live site


  6. A space-efficient repository that integrates effectively with third party tools


I was fortunate enough to watch a demonstration of VersionPress by Borek Bernard. My first impression: VersionPress will be a ground-breaking plugin for all developers.

我很幸運地觀看了Borek Bernard的VersionPress的示範。 我的第一印象:VersionPress将是所有開發人員的突破性插件。

wordpress 版本_VersionPress:WordPress提供了真正的版本控制

In addition to the demo, I had the opportunity to ask Borek a few questions about his project.


Chris: Where did the idea for VersionPress come from?

克裡斯: VersionPress的想法從何而來?

Borek: As a software developer, I use version control systems for just about every project I do. They are really useful – when anything goes wrong, there is always an easy way to get back to a working version. That’s why I’ve always found WordPress projects to be a little bit difficult – they are often serious software projects too but it’s hard to do proper versioning for them. It’s because half of the truth is in the files and half of it is in the database. So with my colleague, we started looking for ways to unite those two worlds and version everything in a single Git repository. The result is VersionPress.

Borek:作為軟體開發人員,我幾乎對我所做的每個項目都使用版本控制系統。 它們非常有用–發生任何問題時,總有一種簡單的方法可以恢複到正常工作的版本。 這就是為什麼我總是發現WordPress項目有點困難的原因-它們通常也是嚴肅的軟體項目,但是很難為它們進行适當的版本控制。 這是因為事實的一半在檔案中,而一半在資料庫中。 是以,與我的同僚一起,我們開始尋找将這兩個世界結合在一起并在單個Git存儲庫中對所有版本進行版本化的方法。 結果是VersionPress。

Chris: For developers already using Git in their workflow, how will they be able to benefit from using VersionPress?


Borek: I have seen many developers using Git to version control the files part of a WordPress site, which is certainly useful on its own and I have personally used that approach for a long time. However, I haven’t seen many developers doing full-site versioning in Git, including database. That is something quite unique about VersionPress, and while I don’t say that there aren’t solutions or workflows to achieve similar results, I haven’t seen a solution that combines proper version control with user friendliness in the way that VersionPress does.

Borek:我已經看到許多開發人員使用Git對WordPress網站的檔案部分進行版本控制,這本身就非常有用,而且我個人使用這種方法已有很長時間了。 但是,我還沒有看到很多開發人員在Git中進行全站點版本控制,包括資料庫。 這對于VersionPress來說是非常獨特的,雖然我沒有說沒有解決方案或工作流可以達到類似的結果,但是我還沒有看到一種能夠像VersionPress那樣将适當的版本控制與使用者友好性相結合的解決方案。

Chris: VersionPress has certainly attracted interest and your project was recently discussed on Hacker News, how can the WordPress community get behind this and contribute to fast track development?

克裡斯: VersionPress确實吸引了人們的興趣,最近在Hacker News上讨論了您的項目,WordPress社群如何才能支援這一工作并為快速開發做出貢獻?

Borek: Yes, the initial response has been overwhelming and we are humbled by that. But it is also a very young project and we know the goal is quite ambitious. That’s why we’re currently running a campaign at versionpress.net to crowdfund the initial development and I’d like to ask everyone who likes the idea of VersionPress to consider supporting it. We can’t make it without the support of the community and any help will be greatly appreciated.

Borek:是的,最初的React是壓倒性的,對此我們感到沮喪。 但這也是一個非常年輕的項目,我們知道目标非常雄心勃勃。 這就是為什麼我們目前在versionpress.net上運作一個活動以衆籌初始開發資金的原因,我想請每個喜歡VersionPress想法的人考慮支援它。 沒有社群的支援,我們無法做到這一點,我們将不勝感激。

Chris: How can readers keep up to date and find out more about VersionPress?


Borek: We have a Twitter account at @versionpress and publish the announcements and other things at our blog versionpress.wordpress.com.


So there you have it, certainly an interesting project to watch in the WordPress space. After learning more about the project I decided I’d get in early and back it (contributions start from as little as $5). I do wish the team every success with hitting their target soon and I really hope we do see this plugin in the near future! If all goes to plan, it should be available later this year.

是以,有了它,在WordPress領域肯定是一個有趣的項目。 在了解了有關該項目的更多資訊之後,我決定早日投入并投入使用(捐款起價僅為5美元)。 我希望團隊能盡快成功實作目标,并希望在不久的将來能看到這個插件! 如果一切都按計劃進行,它将在今年晚些時候上市。

翻譯自: https://www.sitepoint.com/versionpress-version-control-comes-to-wordpress/

wordpress 版本