
Sigma protocol用于one-out-of-many證明

2014年論文《One-out-of-Many Proofs: Or How to Leak a Secret and Spend a Coin》中有提及One out of N commitments containing 0的證明,具體的代碼實作可見:https://github.com/3for/libsigma

2015年論文《Short Accountable Ring Signatures Based on DDH》的具體代碼實作仍然見:https://github.com/3for/libsigma

1. Commitment to m ∈ { 0 , 1 } m\in\{0,1\} m∈{0,1}

  • 2014年論文《One-out-of-Many Proofs: Or How to Leak a Secret and Spend a Coin》中的實作算法為:
    Sigma protocol用于one-out-of-many證明
  • 2015年論文《Short Accountable Ring Signatures Based on DDH》中的實作算法為:【該論文中除了證明了任意的 b j , i ∈ { 0 , 1 } b_{j,i}\in \{0,1\} bj,i​∈{0,1},還額外證明了每行僅有一個元素為1,每行的總和為】
    Sigma protocol用于one-out-of-many證明
    Prover proof具體的代碼實作見:


namespace sigma {

template<class Exponent, class GroupElement>


        const GroupElement& g,

        const std::vector<GroupElement>& h_gens,

        const std::vector<Exponent>& b,

        const Exponent& r,

        int n ,

        int m)

    : g_(g)

    , h_(h_gens)

    , b_(b)

    , r(r)

    , n_(n)

    , m_(m)


    SigmaPrimitives<Exponent, GroupElement>::commit(g_, h_, b_, r, B_Commit);


template<class Exponent, class GroupElement>

const GroupElement& R1ProofGenerator<Exponent,GroupElement>::get_B() const {

    return B_Commit;


template<class Exponent, class GroupElement>

void R1ProofGenerator<Exponent,GroupElement>::proof(

        R1Proof<Exponent, GroupElement>& proof_out, bool skip_final_response) {

    std::vector<Exponent> a;

    proof(a, proof_out, skip_final_response);


template<class Exponent, class GroupElement>

void R1ProofGenerator<Exponent,GroupElement>::proof(

        std::vector<Exponent>& a_out,

        R1Proof<Exponent, GroupElement>& proof_out,

        bool skip_final_response) {

    a_out.resize(n_ * m_);

    for(int j = 0; j < m_; ++j) {

        for(int i = 1; i < n_; ++i) {

            a_out[j * n_ + i].randomize();

            a_out[j * n_] -= a_out[j * n_ + i];



    // proof_out.B_ = B_Commit;

    //compute A

    GroupElement A;

    while(!A.isMember() || A.isInfinity()) {


        SigmaPrimitives<Exponent, GroupElement>::commit(g_, h_, a_out, rA_, A);


    proof_out.A_ = A;

    //compute C

    std::vector<Exponent> c;

    c.resize(n_ * m_);

    for(int i = 0; i < n_ * m_; ++i) {

        c[i] = (a_out[i] * (Exponent(uint64_t(1)) - (Exponent(uint64_t(2)) * b_[i])));


    GroupElement C;

    while(!C.isMember() || C.isInfinity()) {


        SigmaPrimitives<Exponent, GroupElement>::commit(g_, h_, c, rC_, C);


    proof_out.C_ = C;

    //compute D

    std::vector<Exponent> d;

    d.resize(n_ * m_);

    for(int i = 0; i < n_ * m_; i++) {

        d[i] = ((a_out[i].square()).negate());


    GroupElement D;

    while(!D.isMember() || D.isInfinity()) {


        SigmaPrimitives<Exponent, GroupElement>::commit(g_, h_, d, rD_, D);


    proof_out.D_ = D;

    if (!skip_final_response) {

        Exponent x;

        std::vector<GroupElement> group_elements = {A, B_Commit, C, D};

        SigmaPrimitives<Exponent, GroupElement>::generate_challenge(group_elements, x);

        generate_final_response(a_out, x, proof_out);



template<class Exponent, class GroupElement>

void R1ProofGenerator<Exponent,GroupElement>::generate_final_response(

        const std::vector<Exponent>& a,

        const Exponent& challenge_x,

        R1Proof<Exponent, GroupElement>& proof_out) {



    proof_out.f_.reserve(m_ * (n_ - 1));

    for(int j = 0; j < m_; j++) {

        for(int i = 1; i < n_; i++)

        proof_out.f_.emplace_back(b_[(j * n_) + i] * challenge_x + a[(j * n_) + i]);



    proof_out.ZA_ = r * challenge_x + rA_;

    proof_out.ZC_ = rC_ * challenge_x + rD_;


} //namespace sigma

2. One out of N commitments containing 0

2014年論文《One-out-of-Many Proofs: Or How to Leak a Secret and Spend a Coin》中有:

Sigma protocol用于one-out-of-many證明
Sigma protocol用于one-out-of-many證明

其中的 C o m c k ( 0 ; ρ k ) Com_{ck}(0; \rho_k) Comck​(0;ρk​)是對0的commit,隻是增加了random noise值 ρ k \rho_k ρk​。


函數會将 n u m num num轉化為mxn bit矩陣,該矩陣内所有元素均 ∈ { 0 , 1 } \in\{0,1\} ∈{0,1},且每行僅有一個元素為1。

template<class Exponent, class GroupElement>
	void SigmaPrimitives<Exponent, GroupElement>::convert_to_sigma(
	        uint64_t num,
	        uint64_t n,
	        uint64_t m,
	        std::vector<Exponent>& out) {
	    uint64_t rem;
	    uint64_t j = 0;

	    for (j = 0; j < m; ++j)
	        rem = num % n;
	        num /= n;
	        for (uint64_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
	            if(i == rem)


3. One out of N commitments containing 1

2015年論文《Short Accountable Ring Signatures Based on DDH》中有:

Sigma protocol用于one-out-of-many證明
Sigma protocol用于one-out-of-many證明


  • Prover端有: G k = ∏ i = 0 N − 1 c i p i , k ⋅ E n c c k ( 0 ; ρ k ) G_k=\prod_{i=0}^{N-1}c_i^{p_{i,k}}\cdot Enc_{ck}(0;\rho_k) Gk​=∏i=0N−1​cipi,k​​⋅Encck​(0;ρk​)
  • Verifier端有: ∏ i = 0 N − 1 c i ∏ j = 0 m − 1 f j , i j ⋅ ∏ k = 0 m − 1 G k − x k = E n c c k ( x m ; z ) \prod_{i=0}^{N-1}c_i^{\prod_{j=0}^{m-1}f_{j,i_j}}\cdot \prod_{k=0}^{m-1}G_k^{-x^k}=Enc_{ck}(x^m;z) ∏i=0N−1​ci∏j=0m−1​fj,ij​​​⋅∏k=0m−1​Gk−xk​=Encck​(xm;z)





另外,實際代碼實作時,為保證所送出的commitment list為n^m個,不足的會按最後一個commitment補齊,此即為




[1] 2014年論文《One-out-of-Many Proofs: Or How to Leak a Secret and Spend a Coin》

[2] 2015年論文《Short Accountable Ring Signatures Based on DDH》
