
學習筆記-更新核心 - Ubuntu



#    下載下傳腳本
 wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/master/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh
#    安裝腳本
sudo install ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh /usr/local/bin/
#    查詢最新核心版本
ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -c
#    安裝最新版本核心
sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -i
#    重新開機電腦
sudo reboot
#    查詢目前核心版本
uname -rs           


#    列出所有可安裝的核心版本呢
sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -r
#    安裝指定版本的核心
sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -i 5.19.17
#    重新開機電腦
sudo reboot
#    查詢目前核心版本
uname -rs           


#    列出所有安裝的核心版本,并根據選項删除
sudo ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -u           


Usage: /usr/local/bin/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -c|-l|-r|-u

Download & install the latest kernel available from kernel.ubuntu.com

  -c               Check if a newer kernel version is available
  -i [VERSION]     Install kernel VERSION, see -l for list. You don't have to prefix
                   with v. E.g. -i 4.9 is the same as -i v4.9. If version is
                   omitted the latest available version will be installed
  -l [SEARCH]      List locally installed kernel versions. If an argument to this
                   option is supplied it will search for that
  -r [SEARCH]      List available kernel versions. If an argument to this option
                   is supplied it will search for that
  -u [VERSION]     Uninstall the specified kernel version. If version is omitted,
                   a list of max 10 installed kernel versions is displayed
  --update         Update this script by redownloading it from github
  -h               Show this message

  -s, --signed         Only install signed kernel packages (not implemented)
  -p, --path DIR       The working directory, .deb files will be downloaded into
                       this folder. If omitted, the folder /tmp/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/
                       is used. Path is relative from $PWD
  -ll, --low-latency   Use the low-latency version of the kernel, only for amd64 & i386
  -lpae, --lpae        Use the Large Physical Address Extension kernel, only for armhf
  --snapdragon         Use the Snapdragon kernel, only for arm64
  -do, --download-only Only download the deb files, do not install them
  -ns, --no-signature  Do not check the gpg signature of the checksums file
  -nc, --no-checksum   Do not check the sha checksums of the .deb files
  -d, --debug          Show debug information, all internal command's echo their output
  --rc                 Also include release candidates
  --yes                Assume yes on all questions (use with caution!)


Usage: /usr/local/bin/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh -c|-l|-r|-u

Download & install the latest kernel available from kernel.ubuntu.com

  -c               檢查是否有更新的核心版本
  -i [VERSION]     安裝核心VERSION,請參閱-l以擷取清單。你不必加字首,例如-i 4.9與-i v4.9相同。如果版本為省略将安裝最新的可用版本
  -l [SEARCH]      列出本地安裝的核心版本。如果提供了此選項的參數,它将搜尋該選項
  -r [SEARCH]      列出可用的核心版本。如果提供了此選項的參數,它将搜尋
  -u [VERSION]     解除安裝指定的核心版本。如果省略版本,則顯示最多10個已安裝核心版本的清單
  --update         通過從github重新下載下傳來更新此腳本
  -h               Show this message

  -s, --signed         Only install signed kernel packages (not implemented)
  -p, --path DIR       The working directory, .deb files will be downloaded into
                       this folder. If omitted, the folder /tmp/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh/
                       is used. Path is relative from $PWD
  -ll, --low-latency   Use the low-latency version of the kernel, only for amd64 & i386
  -lpae, --lpae        Use the Large Physical Address Extension kernel, only for armhf
  --snapdragon         Use the Snapdragon kernel, only for arm64
  -do, --download-only Only download the deb files, do not install them
  -ns, --no-signature  Do not check the gpg signature of the checksums file
  -nc, --no-checksum   Do not check the sha checksums of the .deb files
  -d, --debug          Show debug information, all internal command's echo their output
  --rc                 Also include release candidates
  --yes                Assume yes on all questions (use with caution!)