
每日外刊 | 0711-人工智能可能會毀滅世界的5個方式





每日外刊 | 0711-人工智能可能會毀滅世界的5個方式


Five ways AI might destroy the world


“If we become the less intelligent species, we should expect to be wiped out.” It has happened many times before that species were wiped out by others that were smarter. We humans have already wiped out a significant fraction of all the species on Earth. That is what you should expect to happen as a less intelligent species – which is what we are likely to become, given the rate of progress of artificial intelligence. The tricky thing is, the species that is going to be wiped out often has no idea why or how.


Take, for example, the west African black rhinoceros, one recent species that we drove to extinction. If you had asked them: “What’s the scenario in which humans are going to drive your species extinct?” what would they think? They would never have guessed that some people thought their sex life would improve if they ate ground-up rhino horn, even though this was debunked in medical literature. So, any scenario has to come with the caveat that, most likely, all the scenarios we can imagine are going to be wrong.


We have some clues, though. For example, in many cases, we have wiped out species just because we wanted resources. We chopped down rainforests because we wanted palm oil; our goals didn’t align with the other species, but because we were smarter they couldn’t stop us. That could easily happen to us. If you have machines that control the planet, and they are interested in doing a lot of computation and they want to scale up their computing infrastructure, it’s natural that they would want to use our land for that. If we protest too much, then we become a pest and a nuisance to them.



  • destroy/dɪˈstrɔɪ/ vt. 破壞,毀滅;殺死,人道毀滅(受傷、生病或危險的動物);
  • intelligent/ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt/ adj. 聰明的;有智力的;智能的;
  • species /ˈspiːʃiːz/ n. (動植物的)種,物種;種類;(具有相同特征的)一類人;
  • wipe out 徹底摧毀;消滅;
  • a significant fraction 相當大的一部分;
  • rate of progress 進步的速度;
  • tricky/ˈtrɪki/ adj. 難對付的,棘手的;狡猾的,詭計多端的;
  • rhinoceros/raɪˈnɑːsərəs/ n. 犀,犀牛(栖于非洲和亞洲);
  • extinction/ɪkˈstɪŋkʃ(ə)n/ n. 滅絕,消亡;(債務的)償清;消光;
  • scenario/səˈnærioʊ/ n. 設想,可能發生的情況 ;(電影、戲劇等的)劇情梗概;(藝術或文學作品中的)場景;
  • ground-up/ɡraʊnd ʌp/ adj. 碾碎的;磨成粉的;
  • rhino horn 犀牛角;
  • debunk/diːˈbʌŋk/ vt. 揭穿…的真相,證明…是錯誤的;
  • caveat/ˈkæviæt/ n. <正式>警告,限制性條款;<法律>預告登記(尤指遺囑檢驗中,非告知本人而不得進行某行為的通知);
  • clue/kluː/ n. 線索,提示;了解,想法;
  • chop down 砍倒;砍下;
  • rainforest /ˈreɪnfɔːrɪst/ n.(熱帶)雨林;
  • palm oil 棕榈油;
  • align with 與…一緻,與…保持一緻;
  • scale up 擴大規模;按比例放大;按比例增加;
  • computing infrastructure 計算基礎設施;
  • pest/pest/ n. 害蟲,有害動物;
  • nuisance /ˈnuːs(ə)ns/ n. 麻煩事,讨厭的人(或事物、情況);損害,妨害;


文本選自:The Guardian(衛報)

作者:Steve Rose

原文釋出時間:7 Jul. 2023


Time heals all wounds.

