
Opengl ES系列學習--點亮世界

     本節我們在上一節的基礎上繼續添加光照,我們要分析的目标就是《OpenGL ES應用開發實踐指南 Android卷》書中第13章實作的最終的結果,代碼下載下傳請點選:Opengl ES Source Code,該Git庫中的lighting Module就是我們本節要分析的目标,先看下本節最終實作的結果。

Opengl ES系列學習--點亮世界



     要實作漫反射,我們可以使用朗伯體反射。朗伯體反射描述了這樣一個表面,它會反射所有方向上打到它的光線,以使它在任何觀察點上看起來都是一樣的,它的外觀隻依賴于它與光源所處的方位及其距離。我們在代碼中要實作朗伯體反射,需要先計算出表面和光線之間夾角的餘弦值,而要計算餘弦值隻需要計算指向光源的向量與表面法線的點積,它的工作原理是,當兩個向量都是歸一化的向量時,那兩個向量的點積就是它們之間夾角的餘弦值,這也正是朗伯體反射所需要的。來看一段代碼實作,在目前lighting Module當中,它的高度圖頂點着色器heightmap_vertex_shader.glsl中,定義了getDirectionalLighting方法,源碼如下:

vec3 getDirectionalLighting()
    return materialColor * 0.3 
         * max(dot(eyeSpaceNormal, u_VectorToLight), 0.0);       



     這點在我們Opengl ES系列學習--序小節的第五個問題點已經描述了,如果還有疑問,請回頭搞清楚。





     第三點使用點光源的文字全部是從書上原本的抄過來的,從這裡大家可以感覺到,要熟練或者精通使用Opengl ES,不光要懂得這些最基本的API,還必須懂得一些高等數學、實體學上的東西,我們才能明白,要實作一個結果,到底要用什麼樣的原理來實作,否則想不通這些,我們根本不知道代碼該怎麼寫,我自己對這些原理性的東西也是一頭霧水。


Opengl ES系列學習--點亮世界



public class Heightmap {
    private static final int POSITION_COMPONENT_COUNT = 3;
    private static final int NORMAL_COMPONENT_COUNT = 3;
    private static final int TOTAL_COMPONENT_COUNT =
    private static final int STRIDE =

    private final int width;
    private final int height;
    private final int numElements;

    private final VertexBuffer vertexBuffer;
    private final IndexBuffer indexBuffer;

    public Heightmap(Bitmap bitmap) {
        width = bitmap.getWidth();
        height = bitmap.getHeight();
        if (width * height > 65536) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Heightmap is too large for the index buffer.");
        numElements = calculateNumElements();
        vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(loadBitmapData(bitmap));
        indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(createIndexData());

     * Copy the heightmap data into a vertex buffer object.
    private float[] loadBitmapData(Bitmap bitmap) {
        final int[] pixels = new int[width * height];
        bitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height);

        final float[] heightmapVertices =
                new float[width * height * TOTAL_COMPONENT_COUNT];

        int offset = 0;

        for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) {
            for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) {
                // The heightmap will lie flat on the XZ plane and centered
                // around (0, 0), with the bitmap width mapped to X and the
                // bitmap height mapped to Z, and Y representing the height. We
                // assume the heightmap is grayscale, and use the value of the
                // red color to determine the height.
                final Point point = getPoint(pixels, row, col);

                heightmapVertices[offset++] = point.x;
                heightmapVertices[offset++] = point.y;
                heightmapVertices[offset++] = point.z;

                final Point top = getPoint(pixels, row - 1, col);
                final Point left = getPoint(pixels, row, col - 1);
                final Point right = getPoint(pixels, row, col + 1);
                final Point bottom = getPoint(pixels, row + 1, col);

                final Vector rightToLeft = Geometry.vectorBetween(right, left);
                final Vector topToBottom = Geometry.vectorBetween(top, bottom);
                final Vector normal = rightToLeft.crossProduct(topToBottom).normalize();

                heightmapVertices[offset++] = normal.x;
                heightmapVertices[offset++] = normal.y;
                heightmapVertices[offset++] = normal.z;

        return heightmapVertices;

     * Returns a point at the expected position given by row and col, but if the
     * position is out of bounds, then it clamps the position and uses the
     * clamped position to read the height. For example, calling with row = -1
     * and col = 5 will set the position as if the point really was at -1 and 5,
     * but the height will be set to the heightmap height at (0, 5), since (-1,
     * 5) is out of bounds. This is useful when we're generating normals, and we
     * need to read the heights of neighbouring points.
    private Point getPoint(int[] pixels, int row, int col) {
        float x = ((float) col / (float) (width - 1)) - 0.5f;
        float z = ((float) row / (float) (height - 1)) - 0.5f;

        row = clamp(row, 0, width - 1);
        col = clamp(col, 0, height - 1);

        float y = (float) Color.red(pixels[(row * height) + col]) / (float) 255;

        return new Point(x, y, z);

    private int clamp(int val, int min, int max) {
        return Math.max(min, Math.min(max, val));

    private int calculateNumElements() {
        // There should be 2 triangles for every group of 4 vertices, so a
        // heightmap of, say, 10x10 pixels would have 9x9 groups, with 2
        // triangles per group and 3 vertices per triangle for a total of (9 x 9
        // x 2 x 3) indices.
        return (width - 1) * (height - 1) * 2 * 3;

     * Create an index buffer object for the vertices to wrap them together into
     * triangles, creating indices based on the width and height of the
     * heightmap.
    private short[] createIndexData() {
        final short[] indexData = new short[numElements];
        int offset = 0;

        for (int row = 0; row < height - 1; row++) {
            for (int col = 0; col < width - 1; col++) {
                // Note: The (short) cast will end up underflowing the number
                // into the negative range if it doesn't fit, which gives us the
                // right unsigned number for OpenGL due to two's complement.
                // This will work so long as the heightmap contains 65536 pixels
                // or less.
                short topLeftIndexNum = (short) (row * width + col);
                short topRightIndexNum = (short) (row * width + col + 1);
                short bottomLeftIndexNum = (short) ((row + 1) * width + col);
                short bottomRightIndexNum = (short) ((row + 1) * width + col + 1);

                // Write out two triangles.
                indexData[offset++] = topLeftIndexNum;
                indexData[offset++] = bottomLeftIndexNum;
                indexData[offset++] = topRightIndexNum;

                indexData[offset++] = topRightIndexNum;
                indexData[offset++] = bottomLeftIndexNum;
                indexData[offset++] = bottomRightIndexNum;

        return indexData;

    public void bindData(HeightmapShaderProgram heightmapProgram) {


    public void draw() {
        glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, indexBuffer.getBufferId());
        glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, numElements, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
        glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0);



Opengl ES系列學習--點亮世界



public class HeightmapShaderProgram extends ShaderProgram {           
    private final int uVectorToLightLocation;
    private final int uMVMatrixLocation;
    private final int uIT_MVMatrixLocation;
    private final int uMVPMatrixLocation;
    private final int uPointLightPositionsLocation;
    private final int uPointLightColorsLocation;
    private final int aPositionLocation;
    private final int aNormalLocation;

    public HeightmapShaderProgram(Context context) {
        super(context, R.raw.heightmap_vertex_shader,
        uVectorToLightLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, U_VECTOR_TO_LIGHT);
        uMVMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, U_MV_MATRIX);
        uIT_MVMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, U_IT_MV_MATRIX);
        uMVPMatrixLocation = glGetUniformLocation(program, U_MVP_MATRIX);
        uPointLightPositionsLocation = 
            glGetUniformLocation(program, U_POINT_LIGHT_POSITIONS);
        uPointLightColorsLocation = 
            glGetUniformLocation(program, U_POINT_LIGHT_COLORS);
        aPositionLocation = glGetAttribLocation(program, A_POSITION);
        aNormalLocation = glGetAttribLocation(program, A_NORMAL);

    public void setUniforms(float[] matrix, Vector vectorToLight) {
        glUniformMatrix4fv(uMatrixLocation, 1, false, matrix, 0);   
            vectorToLight.x, vectorToLight.y, vectorToLight.z);
    public void setUniforms(float[] mvMatrix, 
                            float[] it_mvMatrix, 
                            float[] mvpMatrix, 
                            float[] vectorToDirectionalLight, 
                            float[] pointLightPositions,
                            float[] pointLightColors) {          
        glUniformMatrix4fv(uMVMatrixLocation, 1, false, mvMatrix, 0);   
        glUniformMatrix4fv(uIT_MVMatrixLocation, 1, false, it_mvMatrix, 0);   
        glUniformMatrix4fv(uMVPMatrixLocation, 1, false, mvpMatrix, 0);
        glUniform3fv(uVectorToLightLocation, 1, vectorToDirectionalLight, 0);
        glUniform4fv(uPointLightPositionsLocation, 3, pointLightPositions, 0);            
        glUniform3fv(uPointLightColorsLocation, 3, pointLightColors, 0);

    public int getPositionAttributeLocation() {
        return aPositionLocation;
    public int getNormalAttributeLocation() {
        return aNormalLocation;



public class ParticlesRenderer implements Renderer {    
    private final Context context;

    private final float[] modelMatrix = new float[16];
    private final float[] viewMatrix = new float[16];
    private final float[] viewMatrixForSkybox = new float[16];
    private final float[] projectionMatrix = new float[16];        
    private final float[] tempMatrix = new float[16];
    private final float[] modelViewMatrix = new float[16];
    private final float[] it_modelViewMatrix = new float[16];
    private final float[] modelViewProjectionMatrix = new float[16];

    private HeightmapShaderProgram heightmapProgram;
    private Heightmap heightmap;
    private final Vector vectorToLight = new Vector(0.61f, 0.64f, -0.47f).normalize();
    private final Vector vectorToLight = new Vector(0.30f, 0.35f, -0.89f).normalize();
    final float[] vectorToLight = {0.30f, 0.35f, -0.89f, 0f};
    private final float[] pointLightPositions = new float[]
        {-1f, 1f, 0f, 1f,
          0f, 1f, 0f, 1f,
          1f, 1f, 0f, 1f};
    private final float[] pointLightColors = new float[]
        {1.00f, 0.20f, 0.02f,
         0.02f, 0.25f, 0.02f, 
         0.02f, 0.20f, 1.00f};
    private SkyboxShaderProgram skyboxProgram;
    private Skybox skybox;   
    private ParticleShaderProgram particleProgram;      
    private ParticleSystem particleSystem;
    private ParticleShooter redParticleShooter;
    private ParticleShooter greenParticleShooter;
    private ParticleShooter blueParticleShooter;     

    private long globalStartTime;    
    private int particleTexture;
    private int skyboxTexture;
    private float xRotation, yRotation;  

    public ParticlesRenderer(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    public void handleTouchDrag(float deltaX, float deltaY) {
        xRotation += deltaX / 16f;
        yRotation += deltaY / 16f;
        if (yRotation < -90) {
            yRotation = -90;
        } else if (yRotation > 90) {
            yRotation = 90;
        // Setup view matrix
    private void updateViewMatrices() {        
        setIdentityM(viewMatrix, 0);
        rotateM(viewMatrix, 0, -yRotation, 1f, 0f, 0f);
        rotateM(viewMatrix, 0, -xRotation, 0f, 1f, 0f);
        System.arraycopy(viewMatrix, 0, viewMatrixForSkybox, 0, viewMatrix.length);
        // We want the translation to apply to the regular view matrix, and not
        // the skybox.
        translateM(viewMatrix, 0, 0, -1.5f, -5f);

//        // This helps us figure out the vector for the sun or the moon.        
//        final float[] tempVec = {0f, 0f, -1f, 1f};
//        final float[] tempVec2 = new float[4];
//        Matrix.multiplyMV(tempVec2, 0, viewMatrixForSkybox, 0, tempVec, 0);
//        Log.v("Testing", Arrays.toString(tempVec2));

    public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 glUnused, EGLConfig config) {
        glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);  
        heightmapProgram = new HeightmapShaderProgram(context);
        heightmap = new Heightmap(((BitmapDrawable)context.getResources()
        skyboxProgram = new SkyboxShaderProgram(context);
        skybox = new Skybox();      
        particleProgram = new ParticleShaderProgram(context);        
        particleSystem = new ParticleSystem(10000);        
        globalStartTime = System.nanoTime();
        final Vector particleDirection = new Vector(0f, 0.5f, 0f);              
        final float angleVarianceInDegrees = 5f; 
        final float speedVariance = 1f;
        redParticleShooter = new ParticleShooter(
            new Point(-1f, 0f, 0f), 
            Color.rgb(255, 50, 5),            
        greenParticleShooter = new ParticleShooter(
            new Point(0f, 0f, 0f), 
            Color.rgb(25, 255, 25),            
        blueParticleShooter = new ParticleShooter(
            new Point(1f, 0f, 0f), 
            Color.rgb(5, 50, 255),            
        particleTexture = TextureHelper.loadTexture(context, R.drawable.particle_texture);
//        skyboxTexture = TextureHelper.loadCubeMap(context, 
//            new int[] { R.drawable.left, R.drawable.right,
//                        R.drawable.bottom, R.drawable.top, 
//                        R.drawable.front, R.drawable.back}); 
        skyboxTexture = TextureHelper.loadCubeMap(context, 
        new int[] { R.drawable.night_left, R.drawable.night_right,
                    R.drawable.night_bottom, R.drawable.night_top, 
                    R.drawable.night_front, R.drawable.night_back});

    public void onSurfaceChanged(GL10 glUnused, int width, int height) {                
        glViewport(0, 0, width, height);        

        MatrixHelper.perspectiveM(projectionMatrix, 45, (float) width
            / (float) height, 1f, 100f);   

    public void onDrawFrame(GL10 glUnused) {
        glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);                

    private void drawHeightmap() {
        setIdentityM(modelMatrix, 0);  
        // Expand the heightmap's dimensions, but don't expand the height as
        // much so that we don't get insanely tall mountains.        
        scaleM(modelMatrix, 0, 100f, 10f, 100f);
        heightmapProgram.setUniforms(modelViewProjectionMatrix, vectorToLight);
        // Put the light positions into eye space.        
        final float[] vectorToLightInEyeSpace = new float[4];
        final float[] pointPositionsInEyeSpace = new float[12];                
        multiplyMV(vectorToLightInEyeSpace, 0, viewMatrix, 0, vectorToLight, 0);
        multiplyMV(pointPositionsInEyeSpace, 0, viewMatrix, 0, pointLightPositions, 0);
        multiplyMV(pointPositionsInEyeSpace, 4, viewMatrix, 0, pointLightPositions, 4);
        multiplyMV(pointPositionsInEyeSpace, 8, viewMatrix, 0, pointLightPositions, 8); 
        heightmapProgram.setUniforms(modelViewMatrix, it_modelViewMatrix, 
            modelViewProjectionMatrix, vectorToLightInEyeSpace,
            pointPositionsInEyeSpace, pointLightColors);
    private void drawSkybox() {   
        setIdentityM(modelMatrix, 0);
        glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL); // This avoids problems with the skybox itself getting clipped.
        skyboxProgram.setUniforms(modelViewProjectionMatrix, skyboxTexture);
    private void drawParticles() {        
        float currentTime = (System.nanoTime() - globalStartTime) / 1000000000f;
        redParticleShooter.addParticles(particleSystem, currentTime, 1);
        greenParticleShooter.addParticles(particleSystem, currentTime, 1);              
        blueParticleShooter.addParticles(particleSystem, currentTime, 1);              
        setIdentityM(modelMatrix, 0);
        glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ONE);
        particleProgram.setUniforms(modelViewProjectionMatrix, currentTime, particleTexture);
    private void updateMvpMatrix() {
        multiplyMM(tempMatrix, 0, viewMatrix, 0, modelMatrix, 0);        
        multiplyMM(modelViewProjectionMatrix, 0, projectionMatrix, 0, tempMatrix, 0);
    private void updateMvpMatrix() {
        multiplyMM(modelViewMatrix, 0, viewMatrix, 0, modelMatrix, 0);
        invertM(tempMatrix, 0, modelViewMatrix, 0);
        transposeM(it_modelViewMatrix, 0, tempMatrix, 0);        
            modelViewProjectionMatrix, 0, 
            projectionMatrix, 0, 
            modelViewMatrix, 0);
    private void updateMvpMatrixForSkybox() {
        multiplyMM(tempMatrix, 0, viewMatrixForSkybox, 0, modelMatrix, 0);
        multiplyMM(modelViewProjectionMatrix, 0, projectionMatrix, 0, tempMatrix, 0);


Opengl ES系列學習--點亮世界


     drawHeightmap實作高度圖的繪制,因為我們在HeightmapShaderProgram類中定義的setUniforms預留的參數,是以需要計算出這幾個參數,傳遞進去。multiplyMV(vectorToLightInEyeSpace, 0, viewMatrix, 0, vectorToLight, 0)将視圖矩陣viewMatrix和方向光向量vectorToLight相乘,結果存儲在vectorToLightInEyeSpace向量當中,因為前面已經調用了updateMvpMatrix方法,該方法中已經将視圖矩陣和模型矩陣相乘了,是以updateMvpMatrix方法執行完,方向光已經在世界空間中了,是以這裡計算完的結果,方向光向量已經在眼空間中了;緊接着的三個multiplyMV原理完全相同,作用是将三個點光源放入眼空間中,三個點光源全部都占四位,是以offset偏移值為4,三個點光源向量的結果全部存儲在pointPositionsInEyeSpace數組中;計算完成之後,調用heightmapProgram.setUniforms将參數設定到着色器程式中。

     該類中最後來看一下updateMvpMatrix方法的實作,先調用multiplyMM(modelViewMatrix, 0, viewMatrix, 0, modelMatrix, 0)将視圖矩陣和模型矩陣相乘,得到的就是我們本節最上面三個概念中講的模型視圖矩陣;然後調用invertM(tempMatrix, 0, modelViewMatrix, 0)将模型視圖矩陣反轉;再調用transposeM(it_modelViewMatrix, 0, tempMatrix, 0)對反轉後的矩陣進行倒置,這幾步完全都是按照我們之前的幾個概念來實作的,是以還是要先搞清楚概念,否則我們根本不知道下一步要怎麼處理。


// uniform mat4 u_Matrix;
uniform mat4 u_MVMatrix;
uniform mat4 u_IT_MVMatrix;
uniform mat4 u_MVPMatrix;

uniform vec3 u_VectorToLight;             // In eye space
uniform vec3 u_VectorToLight;

uniform vec4 u_PointLightPositions[3];    // In eye space
uniform vec3 u_PointLightColors[3];

attribute vec4 a_Position;
attribute vec3 a_Normal;

varying vec3 v_Color;
vec3 materialColor;
vec4 eyeSpacePosition;
vec3 eyeSpaceNormal;

vec3 getAmbientLighting();
vec3 getDirectionalLighting();
vec3 getPointLighting();
void main()                    
    v_Color = mix(vec3(0.180, 0.467, 0.153),    // A dark green 
                  vec3(0.660, 0.670, 0.680),    // A stony gray 
    // Note: The lighting code here doesn't take into account any rotations/
    // translations/etc... that may have been done to the model. In that case, 
    // the combined model-view matrix should be passed in, and the normals 
    // transformed with that matrix (if the matrix contains any skew / scale, 
    // then the normals will need to be multiplied by the inverse transpose 
    // (see http://arcsynthesis.org/gltut/Illumination/Tut09%20Normal%20Transformation.html
    // for more information)).
    vec3 scaledNormal = a_Normal;
    scaledNormal.y *= 10.0;
    scaledNormal = normalize(scaledNormal);
    float diffuse = max(dot(scaledNormal, u_VectorToLight), 0.0);
    diffuse *= 0.3;
    v_Color *= diffuse;    
    float ambient = 0.2;
    float ambient = 0.1;
    v_Color += ambient;
    materialColor = mix(vec3(0.180, 0.467, 0.153),    // A dark green 
                        vec3(0.660, 0.670, 0.680),    // A stony gray 
    eyeSpacePosition = u_MVMatrix * a_Position;                             
    // The model normals need to be adjusted as per the transpose 
    // of the inverse of the modelview matrix.    
    eyeSpaceNormal = normalize(vec3(u_IT_MVMatrix * vec4(a_Normal, 0.0)));   
    v_Color = getAmbientLighting();
    v_Color += getDirectionalLighting();                                                                                                                  
    v_Color += getPointLighting();
    gl_Position = u_MVPMatrix * a_Position;

vec3 getAmbientLighting() 
    return materialColor * 0.1;      

vec3 getDirectionalLighting()
    return materialColor * 0.3 
         * max(dot(eyeSpaceNormal, u_VectorToLight), 0.0);       

vec3 getPointLighting()
    vec3 lightingSum = vec3(0.0);
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {                  
        vec3 toPointLight = vec3(u_PointLightPositions[i]) 
                          - vec3(eyeSpacePosition);          
        float distance = length(toPointLight);
        toPointLight = normalize(toPointLight);
        float cosine = max(dot(eyeSpaceNormal, toPointLight), 0.0); 
        lightingSum += (materialColor * u_PointLightColors[i] * 5.0 * cosine) 
                       / distance;
    return lightingSum;       


     main函數中第一句還是調用mix方法根據Y分量值擷取高度圖的顔色插值,然後調用eyeSpacePosition = u_MVMatrix * a_Position将高度圖的頂點位置轉換成眼空間中的位置,因為我們需要計算每個點光源與目前位置的向量,是以這裡需要轉換,後邊就用到它了;接着将法線與轉置矩陣相乘并歸一化,得到法線在眼空間中的向量,這些都是根據前面講的概念來實作的;然後分别調用getAmbientLighting()計算環境光,調用getDirectionalLighting()計算方向光的朗伯體反射,調用getPointLighting()計算三個點光源的朗伯體反射,把是以結果累加得到要傳遞給片段着色器的v_Color的最終值;最後調用gl_Position = u_MVPMatrix * a_Position給内建變量gl_Position指派。getAmbientLighting方法很簡單,就是把光照強度減小,系數0.1沒有任何意義,大家可以自己修改;getDirectionalLighting方法的目的就是計算方向光的朗伯體反射,我們在本節開頭已經用它作為示例講解過了;getPointLighting是用來計算點光源的朗伯體反射,為什麼for循環要執行三次呢?因為我們定義的點光源有三個,每個點光源都會影響一個高度圖的效果,是以需要把三個點光源的影響全部計算在内。計算過程還是依照前面講的概念,對點光源,需要先計算出光源到頂點位置的向量,然後調用normalize将向量歸一化,再和法線運算取點積得到餘弦值,也就是朗伯體反射的系數,最終和表面光materialColor相乘就得到朗伯體反射的最終結果了。這裡将它和距離distance相除,是為了仿照光照密度随距離遞減的效果,而乘5.0是為了放大光源效果,5.0也沒有任何意義,大家可以随意修改它,就可以看到光強度明顯變化了。



