
Discuz 高效wap編碼轉換類,很強的,gbk-utf8 or unicode

<?php if(!defined('IN_DISCUZ')) {         exit('Access Denied'); } define('CODETABLE_DIR', DISCUZ_ROOT.'./include/tables/'); class Chinese {     var $table = '';     var $iconv_enabled = false;     var $unicode_table = array();     var $config  =  array         (         'SourceLang'            => '',                    //  original charset         'TargetLang'            => '',                    //  target charset         'GBtoUnicode_table'     => 'gb-unicode.table',    //  GB2312 to unicode         'BIG5toUnicode_table'   => 'big5-unicode.table',  //  BIG5 to unicode         );     function Chinese($SourceLang, $TargetLang) {         $this->config['SourceLang'] = $this->_lang($SourceLang);         $this->config['TargetLang'] = $this->_lang($TargetLang);         if(function_exists('iconv')) {             $this->iconv_enabled = true;         } else {             $this->iconv_enabled = false;             $this->OpenTable();         }     }     function _lang($LangCode) {         $LangCode = strtoupper($LangCode);         if(substr($LangCode, 0, 2) == 'GB') {             return 'GBK';         } elseif(substr($LangCode, 0, 3) == 'BIG') {             return 'BIG5';         } elseif(substr($LangCode, 0, 3) == 'UTF') {             return 'UTF-8';         } elseif(substr($LangCode, 0, 3) == 'UNI') {             return 'UNICODE';         }     }     function _hex2bin($hexdata) {         for($i=0; $i < strlen($hexdata); $i += 2) {             $bindata .= chr(hexdec(substr($hexdata, $i, 2)));         }         return $bindata;     }     function OpenTable() {         $this->unicode_table = array();         if($this->config['SourceLang'] == 'GBK' || $this->config['TargetLang'] == 'GBK') {             $this->table = CODETABLE_DIR.$this->config['GBtoUnicode_table'];         } elseif($this->config['SourceLang'] == 'BIG5' || $this->config['TargetLang'] == 'BIG5') {             $this->table = CODETABLE_DIR.$this->config['BIG5toUnicode_table'];         }         $fp = fopen($this->table, 'rb');         $tabletmp = fread($fp, filesize($this->table));         for($i = 0; $i < strlen($tabletmp); $i += 4) {             $tmp = unpack('nkey/nvalue', substr($tabletmp, $i, 4));             if($this->config['TargetLang'] == 'UTF-8') {                 $this->unicode_table[$tmp['key']] = '0x'.dechex($tmp['value']);             } elseif($this->config['SourceLang'] == 'UTF-8') {                 $this->unicode_table[$tmp['value']] = '0x'.dechex($tmp['key']);             } elseif($this->config['TargetLang'] == 'UNICODE') {                 $this->unicode_table[$tmp['key']] = dechex($tmp['value']);             }         }     }     function CHSUtoUTF8($c) {         $str = '';         if($c < 0x80) {             $str .= $c;         } elseif($c < 0x800) {             $str .= (0xC0 | $c >> 6);             $str .= (0x80 | $c & 0x3F);         } elseif($c < 0x10000) {             $str .= (0xE0 | $c >> 12);             $str .= (0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3F);             $str .=( 0x80 | $c & 0x3F);         } elseif ($c < 0x200000) {             $str .= (0xF0 | $c >> 18);             $str .= (0x80 | $c >> 12 & 0x3F);             $str .= (0x80 | $c >> 6 & 0x3F);             $str .= (0x80 | $c & 0x3F);         }         return $str;     }     function Convert($SourceText) {         if($this->config['SourceLang'] == $this->config['TargetLang']) {             return $SourceText;         } elseif($this->iconv_enabled) {             return iconv($this->config['SourceLang'], $this->config['TargetLang'], $SourceText);         } elseif($this->config['TargetLang'] == 'UNICODE') {             $utf = '';             while($SourceText) {                 if(ord(substr($SourceText, 0, 1)) > 127) {                     if ($this->config['SourceLang'] == 'GBK') {                         $utf .= '&#x'.$this->unicode_table[hexdec(bin2hex(substr($SourceText, 0, 2))) - 0x8080].';';                     } elseif($this->config['SourceLang'] == 'BIG5') {                         $utf .= '&#x'.$this->unicode_table[hexdec(bin2hex(substr($SourceText, 0, 2)))].';';                     }                     $SourceText = substr($SourceText, 2, strlen($SourceText));                 } else {                     $utf .= substr($SourceText, 0, 1);                     $SourceText = substr($SourceText, 1, strlen($SourceText));                 }             }             return $utf;         } else {             $ret = '';             if($this->config['SourceLang'] == 'UTF-8') {                 $out = '';                 $len = strlen($SourceText);                 $i = 0;                 while($i < $len) {                     $c = ord(substr($SourceText, $i++, 1));                     switch($c >> 4) {                         case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7:                             $out .= substr($SourceText, $i - 1, 1);                             break;                         case 12: case 13:                             $char2 = ord(substr($SourceText, $i++, 1));                             $char3 = $this->unicode_table[(($c & 0x1F) << 6) | ($char2 & 0x3F)];                             if($this->config['TargetLang'] == 'GBK') {                                 $out .= $this->_hex2bin(dechex($char3 + 0x8080));                             } elseif($this->config['TargetLang'] == 'BIG5') {                                 $out .= $this->_hex2bin($char3);                             }                             break;                         case 14:                             $char2 = ord(substr($SourceText, $i++, 1));                             $char3 = ord(substr($SourceText, $i++, 1));                             $char4 = $this->unicode_table[(($c & 0x0F) << 12) | (($char2 & 0x3F) << 6) | (($char3 & 0x3F) << 0)];                             if ($this->config['TargetLang'] == 'GBK') {                                 $out .= $this->_hex2bin(dechex($char4 + 0x8080));                             } elseif($this->config['TargetLang'] == 'BIG5') {                                 $out .= $this->_hex2bin($char4);                             }                             break;                     }                 }                 return $out;             } else {                 while($SourceText) {                     if(ord(substr($SourceText, 0, 1)) > 127){                         if($this->config['SourceLang'] == 'BIG5') {                             $utf8 = $this->CHSUtoUTF8(hexdec($this->unicode_table[hexdec(bin2hex(substr($SourceText, 0, 2)))]));                         } elseif($this->config['SourceLang'] == 'GBK') {                             $utf8=$this->CHSUtoUTF8(hexdec($this->unicode_table[hexdec(bin2hex(substr($SourceText, 0, 2))) - 0x8080]));                         }                         for($i = 0; $i < strlen($utf8); $i += 3) {                             $ret .= chr(substr($utf8, $i, 3));                         }                         $SourceText = substr($SourceText, 2, strlen($SourceText));                     } else {                         $ret .= substr($SourceText, 0, 1);                         $SourceText = substr($SourceText, 1, strlen($SourceText));                     }                 }                 $this->unicode_table = array();                 $SourceText = '';                 return $ret;             }         }     } } ?>