
發現 developer.android.com 官網的一些小錯誤:View Animation


View Layers

 寫道 Compatibility: Use a software layer type to force a view to be rendered in software. If a view that is hardware accelerated (for instance, if your whole application is hardware acclerated), is having rendering problems, this is an easy way to work around limitations of the hardware rendering pipeline.

字型是紅色的單詞應該是 accelerated



View Animation

 寫道 Some values, such as pivotX, can be specified relative to the object itself or relative to the parent. Be sure to use the proper format for what you want ( "50" for 50% relative to the parent, or "50%" for 50% relative to itself).   

字型是紅色的應該是 50%p



Checking camera features

 寫道 Once you obtain access to a camera, you can get further information about its capabilties using the Camera.getParameters() method and checking the returned Camera.Parameters object for supported capabilities.

 字型是紅色的單詞應該是 capabilities