

var x = 99;   = 是指派運算符,用于對變量進行指派。

x == 99; == 是比較運算符,用于比較兩個變量是否相等

相等運算符(equality operator)==和嚴格相等運算符(strict equality/identity operator)


If the two values have the same type, just compare them

If the two values have different types,  try to convert them into the same type and then compare them

CASE#1: 比較數字和字元串

字元串轉成數字:the string is converted into a number, and the two numbers are then compared.


CASE#2: 比較boolean和其他類型

we convert the boolean to a number, and compare. This might seem a little strange, but it’s easier to digest if you just remember that true converts to 1 and false converts to 0.



CASE#3: 比較null 和 undefined.

Comparing these values evalutates to true.  That might seem odd as well, but it’s the rule. For some insight, these values both essentially represent “no value” (that is, a variable with no value, or an object with no value), so they are considered to be equal. undefined == null Undefined and null are always equal. true


CASE#4: 需要特别注意

a 對象的比較

b 還有 空字元串在js中會自動轉換成0


首先是布爾值和其他類型進行比較,是以會首先把true轉成1,再将“true”和1 進行比較








These operators only know how to compare strings and numbers , so if you try to compare any values other than two strings or two numbers (or a string and a number), JavaScript will attempt to convert the types using the rules we’ve discussed.


99<= "100"成立,傳回為true,字元串“100”會自動轉為數字


Two values are strictly equal only if they have the same type and the same value.


!== is stricter than !=. You use the same rules for !== as you do for ===, except that you’re checking for inequality instead of equality




arithmetic operators

"+": addition, concatenation; 數字和字元串相加的時候,數字會轉為字元串(與==不同),隻要有操作數為字元串,就都會視為字元串拼接


而其他的arithmetic operators。會預設是運算,把字元串轉成數字

When it comes the other arithmetic operators—like multiplication, division and subtraction— JavaScript prefers to treat those as arithmetic operations, not string operations.


比如-true會是-1,true+“love”結果會是true love(布爾值與字元串相加,結果為字元串)



var num= 3+ Number("4");



When we test equality of two object variables, we compare the references to those objects

if both operands are objects, then you can use either == or === because they work in exactly the same way. 

Two references are equal only if they reference the same object



To remember which values are truthy and which are falsey, just memorize the five falsey values— undefined, null, 0, "” and NaN—and remember that everything else is truthy.


undefined is falsey.

null is falsey.

0 is falsey.

The empty string is falsey.

NaN is falsey.




Types always belong to one of two camps: they’re either a primitive type or an object. Primitives live out fairly simple lives, while objects keep state and have behavior (or said another way, have properties and methods).


with JavaScript you can create a string that is a primitive, and you can also create one that is an object (which supports lots of useful string manipulation methods). Now, we’ve never talked about how to create a string that is an object, and in most cases you don’t need to explicitly do it yourself, because the JavaScript interpreter will create string objects for you, as needed.


The length propertyholds the number of characters in the string. It’s quite handy for iterating through the characters of the string

The charAt methodtakes an integer number between zero and the length of the string (minus one), and returns a string containing the single character at that position of the string. Think of the string a bit like an array, with each character at an index of the string, with the indices starting at 0 (just like an array). If you give it an index that is greater than or equal to the length of the string, it returns the empty string

The indexOf methodtakes a string as an argument and returns the index of the first character of the first occurrence of that argument in the string.

Give the substring methodtwo indices, and it will extract and return the string contained within them

The split methodtakes a character that acts as a delimiter, and breaks the string into parts based on the delimiter

some other methods

slice: Returns a new string that has part of the original string removed

trim: Removes whitespace from around the string. Handy when processing user input.

match: Searches for matches in a string using regular expressions

lastIndexOf: Just  like indexOf, but finds the last, not the first, occurrence.

replace: Finds substrings and replaces them with another string.

concat: Joins strings together.

原文來自head first javascript programing
