




Many hotels still limit you to one or two Wi-Fi devices per room–a frustrating limitation, especially when traveling with someone else. Connection restrictions can apply anywhere you have to log into a Wi-Fi network via a portal instead of a standard passphrase. Here are some ways to get around that limitation.

許多酒店仍然将您限制為每間客房一個或兩個Wi-Fi裝置,這是一個令人沮喪的限制,尤其是與其他人一起旅行時。 連接配接限制可以應用于您需要通過門戶(而不是标準密碼)登入到Wi-Fi網絡的任何位置。 以下是一些解決此限制的方法。

使用筆記本電腦連接配接到Wi-Fi并共享連接配接 (Connect to the Wi-Fi with Your Laptop and Share the Connection)


If you’re carrying your Windows or Mac laptop with you, it’s fairly easy to share your hotel’s Wi-Fi connection with other wireless devices–especially if you do a little bit of planning ahead of time.


How you turn your Windows laptop into a Mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot depends on which version of Windows you’re running. With Windows 10, it’s as simple as flipping a single switch that you can find at Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile Hotspot. In Windows 7 or 8, you’ll need to install a free tool named Virtual Router to get the job done. Macs, on the other hand are not able to share a single Wi-Fi adapter. Each adapter can either be connected to a Wi-Fi network or hosting its own network, but not both. To turn your Mac into a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot, you’ll need to purchase an inexpensive USB Wi-Fi adapter. After that, though, all the tool you need to share your Mac’s Wi-Fi connection are built right in.

如何将Windows筆記本電腦變成移動Wi-Fi熱點取決于您所運作的Windows版本。 使用Windows 10,就像翻轉單個開關一樣簡單,您可以在“設定”>“網絡和Internet”>“移動熱點”中找到該開關。 在Windows 7或8中,您需要安裝一個名為Virtual Router的免費工具才能完成工作。 另一方面,Mac無法共享單個Wi-Fi擴充卡。 每個擴充卡既可以連接配接到Wi-Fi網絡,也可以托管自己的網絡,但不能兩者兼有。 要将Mac變成移動Wi-Fi熱點,您需要購買廉價的USB Wi-Fi擴充卡。 不過,此後,就内置了共享Mac的Wi-Fi連接配接所需的所有工具。

建立一個藍牙PAN (Create a Bluetooth PAN)

If the devices you want to connect have Bluetooth hardware, you could potentially use Bluetooth to share the connection with them. This requires creating a Bluetooth “PAN”, or “Personal Area Network.”

如果要連接配接的裝置具有藍牙硬體,則可能會使用藍牙與它們共享連接配接。 這需要建立一個藍牙“ PAN”或“個人區域網路”。

For example, on a Mac you can open the Sharing interface in the System Services window and enable Internet sharing over “Bluetooth PAN.” Pair your other devices to the Mac via Bluetooth to take advantage of the PAN and the Mac’s Internet connection. This could be a decent option if all you have available to you is a Mac — as long as your other devices have Bluetooth hardware and support the PAN profile, you’re good to go.

例如,在Mac上,您可以在“系統服務”視窗中打開“共享”界面,并通過“藍牙PAN”啟用Internet共享。 通過藍牙将其他裝置與Mac配對,以利用PAN和Mac的Internet連接配接。 如果您可以使用的是Mac,那麼這可能是一個不錯的選擇-隻要您的其他裝置具有藍牙硬體并支援PAN配置檔案,您就可以使用了。


購買WiFi到WiFi路由器 (Purchase a WiFi-to-WiFi Router)


If you’re thinking in advance, you can purchase a router designed specifically for this purpose. You’ll want a router that can do WiFi-to-WiFi routing. In other words, the router needs to be able to connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot and create its own Wi-Fi network at the same time.

如果您正在考慮,可以購買專門為此目的設計的路由器。 您需要一個可以進行WiFi到WiFi路由的路由器。 換句話說,路由器需要能夠連接配接到Wi-Fi熱點并同時建立自己的Wi-Fi網絡。

Be sure to purchase a router designed for the purpose of sharing a Wi-Fi connection, not a pocket-sized router designed for connecting to an Ethernet port and creating a single Wi-Fi network.


Plug the router in and it’ll create its own Wi-Fi hotspot. You can then connect to it and use the interface to connect the router to your hotel’s Wi-Fi connection and sign in via their captive portal to give every device connected to your Wi-Fi hotspot access to the Internet.

插入路由器,它将建立自己的Wi-Fi熱點。 然後,您可以連接配接到它,并使用該接口将路由器連接配接到酒店的Wi-Fi連接配接,并通過其專屬門戶登入,以使連接配接到Wi-Fi熱點的每個裝置都可以通路Internet。

And if none of these solutions fit your needs and you have a smartphone with a decent data plan, you could always use tethering to share your smartphone’s data connection with your other devices. That way, you don’t need to rely on your hotel’s painfully slow and obnoxious Internet connection at all.

而且,如果這些解決方案均不能滿足您的需求,并且您擁有一部具有合理資料計劃的智能手機,則可以始終使用網絡共享與其他裝置共享智能手機的資料連接配接。 這樣,您根本不需要依靠酒店的緩慢而令人讨厭的Internet連接配接。

Image Credit: Nicolas Vigier on Flickr

圖檔來源: Flickr上的Nicolas Vigier

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/213761/how-to-share-a-hotels-single-wi-fi-connection-with-all-your-devices/


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