
translate matlab,Translate an Image using imtranslate Function

Translate an Image using imtranslate Function

This example shows how to perform a translation operation on an image using the imtranslate function. A translation operation shifts an image by a specified number of pixels in either the x- or y-direction, or both.

Read an image into the workspace.

I = imread('cameraman.tif');

Display the image. The size of the image is 256-by-256 pixels. By default, imshow displays the image with the upper right corner at (0,0).



title('Original Image')

translate matlab,Translate an Image using imtranslate Function

Translate the image, shifting the image by 15 pixels in the x-direction and 25 pixels in the y-direction. Note that, by default, imtranslate displays the translated image within the boundaries (or limits) of the original 256-by-256 image. This results in some of the translated image being clipped.

J = imtranslate(I,[15, 25]);

Display the translated image. The size of the image is 256-by-256 pixels.



title('Translated Image')

translate matlab,Translate an Image using imtranslate Function

Use the 'OutputView' parameter set to 'full' to prevent clipping the translated image. The size of the new image is 281-by-271 pixels.

K = imtranslate(I,[15, 25],'OutputView','full');

Display the translated image.



title('Translated Image, Unclipped')

translate matlab,Translate an Image using imtranslate Function