

以下是幾個國外SEO 論壇裡點選和回複比較多的幾個小問題,提供出來,供大家參考下

(1 )    網站建設優化問題

What is Better Between DIV TAG and TABLE TAG


回答:they are both valued the same, just if you use tables, don't nestle them too deep, like don't put a table within a table within a table within a table as that just makes too much junk in the HTML and the SE's don't like it


(2 )    如何讓自己的站被收錄

how to submit a site on search engines.Is there any software for submitting or what is the procedure?



Generally speaking, we don't recommend that you submit a website to the search engines. There are really only 4 major search engines now (ask.com, google.com, yahoo.com, and msn.com) and they will find your website--especially if you get other websites to link to your website.

Concentrate on building a good website with lots of good content and get links from other websites--then the search engines will find you.



(3 )    搜尋引擎更新時間

When does Google update?

翻譯:Google 更新的時間

回答:Google has a standard monthly update which generally occurs at the end of every month. Google has been known to delay updates (or process them sooner than expected) when the mood strikes. Chances are delays are due to new algorithms being implemented and tested.

翻譯:Google 進行正常的日常更新,一般都是每個月的月底,google 會故意延遲或者比預期的更快的進行更新,這種情況通常發生在一些方法的洩露後,而且一些新的算法的實作和測試也會對資料更新有影響。

(4 )    Google 排名問題

Here is a little history about our site (URL in profile). Our site has been up for a little over 3 years and currently we have very good ranking in Yahoo and MSN. We rank almost always on the first page of Yahoo for the product names of the products we sell. However, in Google we are practically nowhere.

翻譯:問題是:我的網站對于yahoo 和MSN 這兩個搜尋引擎排名情況都非常好,但google 的很差,這是怎麼回事?

回複1 :I've always noticed that Google places a lot more importance on inbound links that the other SEs. If you rank really well on Yahoo & MSN, but not Google, that could mean your site itself is optimized well - now you just need to work on getting relevant sites to link to you. Not reciprocal links - inbound links.

翻譯:我老是注意到這一點,就是google 對于回鍊的重視程度比其他的搜尋引擎都要重要,加入你的網站排名情況在yahoo 和MSN 上都 很不錯,而并非google 上,這說明你的網站優化的不錯,現在你隻需要找些相關聯的站點增加連結,但注意哦,不是互相的連結,而是單純的回鍊。

回複2 :Blogs, Articles, Forums, or Social bookmarking helps a lot in getting optimum results. I tried 2 weeks, and i get PR5 for my site. Make sure your article no duplication. Social bookmarking will help as well

翻譯:部落格,文章,論壇,或者其他什麼地方進行宣傳,我嘗試過2 個星期,和為我的站準備了一個PR5 的(連結?),確定你的文章不是複制的,社會書簽也非常有用(不知道是什麼,可能是網摘?)

(5 )統計器問題:

Okay, I tried Google Analytics when they first came out and I wasn't that impressed only because the "numbers" were SO FAR off.

But, lately I was convinced by someone that it's much better now.

So, 6 weeks ago I installed the script on all the pages of my website. So, for March 2007 the raw logs on my website say that I received an average of 495 visitors a day with a total of over 15,000 visitors for the month. That's total visitors.

But according to Google Analytics I only received 440 visitors, total for the entire month of March.

Is it just me or are the stats in Google Analytics not credible? Anyone else with this situation?

翻譯:主要談論的是google 的自身網站分析器的統計不完全性和不穩定性,總體的網站通路數量沒有被完全統計進去,這個問題的回複比較多,連管理 員都參與了,我就不列出來,兩派都有各自的觀點,但總體上反應出google Analytics 對獨立IP 的統計可能是不準确的。

其實熟悉SEO 的朋友看得出來,國外讨論的一些問題,和我們國内,大家在SEO 論壇裡讨論的也差不多,而我們,讨論更多的可能是百度,而他 們的重點,主要是google ,然後是yahoo,MSN, 要是你在國外論壇來一句:“how about baidu?” 估計沒什麼人回複。

網店建設的注意事項啊,搜尋引擎的更新時間啊,這些一直是SEO 們追逐的問題,翻譯這些,也是希望通過了解,找出中西SEO 的共同點,一起來進行研究和探索。
