




Word is a powerful application, but some of the configuration tools are not very intuitive. It’s easy enough to change the font for text in your current document, but that doesn’t change the default font that’s applied every time you create a new document.

Word是一個功能強大的應用程式,但是某些配置工具不是很直覺。 更改目前文檔中文本的字型很容易,但這不會更改每次建立新文檔時應用的預設字型。

Changing the default font in Word is not obvious. We’ll show you an easy way to do this.

在Word中更改預設字型并不明顯。 我們将向您展示一種簡單的方法。

Open an existing document or enter some text in a new document. Select some text and click the “Font” dialog box button in the “Font” section of the “Home” tab.

打開現有文檔或在新文檔中輸入一些文本。 選擇一些文本,然後單擊“首頁”頁籤的“字型”部分中的“字型”對話框按鈕。


On the “Font” dialog box, select the font you want to set as the default in the “Font” list box and click the “Set As Default” button.



A dialog box displays asking if you want to set the default font for the current document only or for all documents based on the Normal template. Select the “All documents based on the Normal.dotm template” radio button. Click “OK”.

将出現一個對話框,詢問您是否要為目前文檔或基于普通模闆的所有文檔設定預設字型。 選擇“所有基于Normal.dotm模闆的文檔”單選按鈕。 點選“确定”。


NOTE: The new default font is saved only to the template currently in use. Existing documents will not be changed the next time they are opened.

注意:新的預設字型僅儲存到目前使用的模闆中。 現有文檔在下次打開時将不會更改。

If you have a custom template applied to the current document, the default font will be saved in that template and not in the Normal template. The easiest way to change the default font in the Normal template is to create a new document and then follow the steps in this article.

如果您有一個自定義模闆應用于目前文檔,則預設字型将儲存在該模闆中,而不是普通模闆中。 在Normal模闆中更改預設字型的最簡單方法是建立一個新文檔,然後按照本文中的步驟進行操作。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/219767/how-to-set-the-default-font-in-word/
