




by Greg Murray


AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. In essence, AJAX is an efficient way for a web application to handle user interactions with a web page -- a way that reduces the need to do a page refresh or full page reload for every user interaction. This enables rich behavior (similar to that of a desktop application or plugin-based web application) using a browser. AJAX interactions are handled asynchronously in the background. As this happens, a user can continue working with the page. AJAX Interactions are initiated by the JavaScript in the web page. When the AJAX interaction is complete, JavaScript updates the HTML source of the page. The changes are made immediately without requiring a page refresh. AJAX interactions can be used to do things such as validate form entries (while the user is entering them) using server-side logic, retrieve detailed data from the server, dynamically update data on a page, and submit partial forms from the page.


What is particularly attractive about this is that AJAX applications do not require a separate plug-in, and are platform and browser-neutral. That said, AJAX is not supported as well in older browsers. Care needs to be taken in writing client-side script that accounts for the differences between browsers. You might consider using a JavaScript library that abstracts the browser differences and in some cases support older browsers using alternative interaction techniques. For more details, see the AJAX FAQ for the Java Developer

是什麼讓AJAX技術具體如此魅力呢?AJAX應用不需用單獨的插件,并且是平台和浏覽器中立的。也就是說,AJAX并不被舊的浏覽器良好支援。但是不必太過擔心,你可以撰寫跨不同浏覽器的腳本。你應該考慮使用跨不同浏覽器的JS庫并且在一些情況下有選擇性的使用互動技術以支援舊的浏覽器。了解更多,請檢視JAVA開發者的AJAX FAQ。http://weblogs.java.net/blog/gmurray71/

So Where Does Java Technology Fit In?


Java technology and AJAX work well together. Java technology provides the server-side processing for AJAX interactions. It can provide this through servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology, JavaServer Faces (JSF) technology, and web services. The programming model for handling AJAX requests uses the same APIs that you would use for conventional web applications. JSF technology can be used to create reusable components that generate the client-side JavaScript and corresponding server-side AJAX processing code. Let's look at an example that uses AJAX and servlets.

JAVA技術與AJAX搭配使用非常不錯。JAVA技術為AJAX互動提供伺服器端處理,通過servlets、JavaServer Pages (JSP)、JavaServer Faces (JSF) 及web服務。AJAX請求的程式設計模式使用與正常WEB應用相同的API。JSF技術可以用來建立可重用的元件,這些元件生成用戶端JS并與伺服器端AJAX處理代碼通信。下面讓我們來看一個使用AJAX和SERVLETS的例子。

Autocomplete Example


Imagine a web page in which a user can search for information about an employee. The page includes a field where the user can enter the name of the employee. In this example the entry field has an autocomplete feature. In other words, the user can type in part of the employee name, and the web application attempts to complete the name by listing all employees whose first or last name begins with the characters entered. The autocomplete feature saves the user from having to remember the complete name of the employee or from looking for the name on another page.

假設使用者在一個網頁中搜尋雇員資訊。這個頁面包含一個輸入域,使用者在其中輸入雇員的名字。在這個例子中輸入域具有自動完成的功能。換句話說,使用者輸入雇員名的一部分,WEB應用通過列出所有姓名以輸入字母開頭的雇員來幫助完成輸入。自動完成功能讓使用者可以無需記住員工的全名或者從另一個頁面查找名字。(此句偶之前百思不得其解,後來經永華指點,大約是這樣的:你可以有三種方式查詢員工資訊,1.記住員工的名字、2.從别的地方,比如其它頁面找到後複制粘貼過來,3.使用自動完成功能,很顯然,第三種是最省事的,優于其它方式,是以說3 SAVE FROM 1/2.)

Implementing autocomplete in a search field is something that can be performed using AJAX. To do it, you need to provide code on the client and on the server.


On the Client


First, the user specifies the URL of a page that is loaded by the browser. For this example let's assume the page is an HTML page that is generated by a JSF component, servlet, or JSP page. The page contains a form text field that has an attribute onkeyup with the name of a JavaScript function doCompletion(). This function is called each time a key is pressed in the form text field.


<input type="text"






Let's assume that a user types in an "M" character in the form text field. In response, the doCompletion() function is called which, in turn, initializes an XMLHttpRequest object:


function initRequest(url) {

if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {

return new XMLHttpRequest();

} else if (window.ActiveXObject) {

isIE = true;

return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");



function doCompletion() {

if (completeField.value == "") {


} else {

var url = "autocomplete?action=complete&id=" +


var req = initRequest(url);

req.onreadystatechange = function() {

if (req.readyState == 4) {

if (req.status == 200) {


} else if (req.status == 204){





req.open("GET", url, true);




The XMLHttpRequest object is not currently part of standard JavaScript (efforts are underway to standardize it), but is a de facto standard and is the heart of AJAX. This object is responsible for interacting over HTTP with a server-side component (in this case, a servlet).


Three parameters are specified when you create an XMLHttpRequest object: a URL, the HTTP method (GET or POST), and whether or not the interaction is asynchronous. In the XMLHttpRequest example, the parameters are:

當建立XMLHttpRequest對象時需指定三個參數:一個URL,HTTP方式(GET或POST), 互動是否異步。在這個XMLHttpRequest 例子中,這些參數如下:

* The URL autocomplete, and the text from the complete-field (an M character):


var url = "autocomplete?action=complete&id=" +


* GET, signifying the HTTP interactions uses the GET method, and true, signifying that the interaction is asynchronous:


req.open("GET", url, true);

A callback function needs to be set when you use asynchronous calls. This callback function is called asynchronously at specific points during HTTP interaction when the readyState property on the XMLHttpRequest changes. In the example the callback function is processRequest(). It's set as the XMLHttpRequest.onreadystatechange property to a function. Notice the call to the parseMessages function when the readState is "4". The XMLHttpRequest.readyState of "4" signifies the successful completion of the HTTP interaction.


The HTTP interaction begins when XMLHttpRequest.send() is called. If the interaction is asynchronous, the browser continues to process events in the page.


On the Server


The XMLHttpRequest makes an HTTP GET request to the URL autocomplete, which is mapped to a servlet called AutoComplete. The doGet() method of the AutoComplete servlet is called. Here is what the doGet() method looks like:

XMLHttpRequest為自動完成的URL産生了一個HTTP GET請求,這個URL被映射到一個名為AutoComplete的Servlet上。AutoComplete servlet的doGet() 方法被調用。這裡的doGet()方法如下:

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,

HttpServletResponse response)

throws IOException, ServletException {


String targetId = request.getParameter("id");

Iterator it = employees.keySet().iterator();

while (it.hasNext()) {

EmployeeBean e = (EmployeeBean)employees.get(


if ((e.getFirstName().toLowerCase().startsWith(targetId) ||


&& !targetId.equals("")) {


sb.append("<id>" + e.getId() + "</id>");

sb.append("<firstName>" + e.getFirstName() +


sb.append("<lastName>" + e.getLastName() +



namesAdded = true;



if (namesAdded) {


response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");

response.getWriter().write("<employees>" +

sb.toString() + "</employees>");

} else {




As you can see in this servlet, there is nothing really new you need to learn to write server-side code for AJAX processing. The response content type needs to be set to text/xml for cases where you want to exchange XML documents. With AJAX, you can also exchange plain text or even snippets of JavaScript which may be evaluated or executed by the callback function on the client. Note too that some browsers might cache the results, and so it might be necessary to set the Cache-Control HTTP header to no-cache. In this example, the servlet generates an XML document that contains all employees with a first or last name beginning with the character M. Here is an example of an XML document that is returned to the XMLHttpRequest object that made the call:

如你在SERVLET中所看到,不需要為寫伺服器端AJAX處理代碼而學習新知識。當你想要發送XML文檔,隻需将響應内容類型設定為text/xml。使用AJAX,你甚至可以發送普通文本或者小段JS代碼,這些代碼可能在用戶端被回調函數計算或執行。注意:一些浏覽器可能将結果緩存,是以有必要設定Cache-Control HTTP header為no-cache。此例中,SERVLET産生一個XML文檔,它包含所有姓或名以M開頭的雇員的姓名。下面是一個傳回給XMLHttpRequest對象的XML文檔例子:



























Returning to the Client


When the XMLHttpRequest object that made the initial call receives the response, it calls the parseMessages() function (see the initialization of the XMLHttpRequest earlier in this example for more details). Here is what the parseMessages() function looks like:

當最初發送請求的XMLHttpRequest對象收到回應,它調用parseMessages() 函數(參見此例前面XMLHttpRequest的初始化)。這個函數如下:

function parseMessages(responseXML) {


var employees = responseXML.getElementsByTagName(


if (employees.childNodes.length > 0) {

completeTable.setAttribute("bordercolor", "black");

completeTable.setAttribute("border", "1");

} else {



for (loop = 0; loop < employees.childNodes.length; loop++) {

var employee = employees.childNodes[loop];

var firstName = employee.getElementsByTagName(


var lastName = employee.getElementsByTagName(


var employeeId = employee.getElementsByTagName(








The parseMessages() function receives as a parameter an object representation of the XML document returned by the AutoComplete servlet. The function programmatically traverses the XML document, and then uses the results to update the contents of the HTML page. This is done by injecting into a <div> element whose id is "menu-popup" the HTML source for the names in the XML document:

parseMessages() 函數接收AutoComplete servlet傳回的XML文檔對象做為參數。該函數自動轉化XML文檔并更新網頁内容,通過在HTML源檔案中為XML文檔中的姓名插入一個 id 為 "menu-popup"的DIV元素:

<div style="position: absolute;

top:170px;left:140px" id="menu-popup">

As the user enters more characters, the list shortens. The user can then click on one of the names.


Hopefully by now you realize that AJAX is simply exchanging information over HTTP in the background of a page, and updating that page dynamically based on the results. For more information about AJAX and Java technology, see the technical article Asynchronous JavaScript Technology and XML (AJAX) With Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition. (http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2EE/AJAX/index.html)Also see the AJAX BluePrints page, (http://java.sun.com/blueprints/ajax.html)and the AJAX FAQ for the Java Developer in Greg Murray's blog. (http://weblogs.java.net/blog/gmurray71/)

希望現在你已經了解到AJAX如何在背景簡單地交換資訊以及在此基礎上動态地更新頁面。欲了解更多關于AJAX和JAVA技術,可以看這篇技術文章《Asynchronous JavaScript Technology and XML (AJAX) With Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition》(http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/J2EE/AJAX/index.html)。或者看AJAX藍圖http://java.sun.com/blueprints/ajax.html,或Greg Murray的部落格中為JAVA開發者寫的AJAX FAQ。http://weblogs.java.net/blog/gmurray71/
