
iOS 建立私有庫時 [!] Unable to add a source with url `` named `-1`

iOS 建立私有庫時 pod repo push podSpec podSpec.spec 時 報:

Validating spec
Cloning spec repo `-1` from ``
[!] Unable to add a source with url `` named `-1`.
You can try adding it manually in `~/.cocoapods/repos` or via `pod repo add`.

需要使用 --sources 指定具體路徑 例如

pod repo push --sources=https://github.com/podSpec  NetworkToolsSpec NetworkTools.podspec --allow-warnings

如果私有庫中依賴的其他庫–sources參數中加入相應索引庫連接配接即可 如:

pod repo push --sources=https://gitee.com/JRCompany/NetworkToolsSpec,https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs NetworkToolsSpec NetworkTools.podspec --allow-warnings

參考:連結: link.