


If you’re like most people, the idea of public speaking terrifies you (it terrifies me too). So how do you get over those jitters, get up on stage, and give an amazing talk? First, a disclaimer: this article is purely about your stage presence, not about crafting the content of your talk.

如果您像大多數人一樣,公開演講的想法會讓您感到恐懼(也令我感到恐懼)。 那麼,您如何克服這些煩惱,登上舞台并進行精彩的演講? 首先,免責聲明:本文純粹是關于您的舞台形象,而不是關于演講内容的精心設計。

提示1:練習,練習,練習。 (Tip 1: Practice, practice, practice.)

Don’t just read through your notes, talk out loud. Talk to yourself, talk to your friends, talk to the mirror. It doesn’t matter where you practice as long as you do it out loud.

不要隻是通讀筆記,大聲說出來。 與自己交談,與朋友交談,對着鏡子交談。 隻要您大聲練習,在哪裡練習都沒關系。

Get used to the sound of your own voice. It might sound strange at first, particularly if you haven’t done it before. But it will help you identify phrasing that sounds strange or points that don’t connect much more quickly than reading your notes in your head.

習慣自己的聲音。 一開始聽起來可能很奇怪,特别是如果您以前沒有做過的話。 但這可以幫助您識别聽起來很奇怪的短語或點不比閱讀您的筆記快得多的點。

Often, when someone tells you that you sound ‘rehearsed,’ it actually means you haven’t practiced enough to make the speech sound conversational. If you’re feeling very brave, record yourself and watch your performance. Notice your movements. Do your hands distract from the points you’re trying to make? Do you sway back and forth nervously? Are you making eye contact?

通常,當有人告訴您您聽起來“被彩排”時,實際上意味着您沒有足夠的練習來使語音聽起來很會話。 如果您感覺非常勇敢,請記錄自己并觀看表演。 注意你的動作。 您的手會分散您要表達的觀點嗎? 你緊張地來回搖擺嗎? 你在眼神交流嗎?

提示2:傾聽他人的聲音。 (Tip 2: Listen to others.)

Watch others give talks. How do they speak, gesture, relate to the audience? Go to talks similar to the ones you want to give and pay attention - not just to the speaker’s content, but to their delivery. Do they seem excited about their talk? Are they making eye contact with the audience? What do they do with their hands? How quickly are the speaking? Now, pay attention to the audience. Are they engaged, or are they on their phones? Are you interested? Now think about why.

觀看其他人進行演講。 他們如何說話,打手勢和與聽衆建立聯系? 進行與您要講的話題類似的話題,并注意-不僅是演講者的内容,還包括演講内容。 他們似乎對他們的談話感到興奮嗎? 他們在與觀衆進行眼神交流嗎? 他們用手做什麼? 說話多快? 現在,注意觀衆。 他們訂婚了嗎,還是在手機上? 你感興趣嗎? 現在考慮為什麼。

If you need inspiration, check out these TED talks. All three speakers have very different talks and very different styles, but they have several things in common. They talk relatively slowly, pause often, and make deliberate hand gestures.

如果您需要靈感,請檢視這些 TED 演講 。 這三位演講者的演講和風格都大相徑庭,但有一些共同點。 他們說話相對較慢,經常停頓,并刻意做手勢。

The best advice I ever got before giving a speech (as I tend to talk very quickly) was to speak so slowly it felt painful. Particularly as most people tend to talk faster when nervous, it’s pretty great advice.

發表演講(我傾向于很快交談)之前曾經得到的最好建議我說話,是以慢慢地感覺痛苦。 特别是由于大多數人在緊張時往往說話速度更快,是以這是一個很好的建議。

Figure out where there is a natural break in your speech, and pause there. Take a deep breath. Hold it. Does it feel uncomfortable yet? You’re doing it right. Okay, keep going. At first, your speech cadence and pauses will feel far too slow. That’s okay. Keep doing it. On stage, when you’re nervous, you’ll naturally speed up, and your speech will feel normal.

找出語音中自然中斷的地方,然後在此處暫停。 深吸一口氣。 拿着它。 感覺還不舒服嗎? 您做對了。 好吧,繼續前進。 首先,您的語音節奏和停頓會感覺太慢。 沒關系。 繼續做。 在舞台上,當您緊張時,您自然會加快速度,并且講話會感覺正常。

提示3:避免閱讀。 (Tip 3: Avoid Reading.)

Notes, or a script, are definitely easier, but they put up a barrier between you and your audience. Try your best to avoid staring down at a screen so that you’re not distracted by looking down. Spend your time focusing on the audience instead, in order to connect with them.

注釋或腳本肯定更容易,但是它們在您和您的聽衆之間設定了障礙。 盡最大努力避免向下凝視螢幕,以免您向下看而分心。 花時間專注于觀衆,以便與他們建立聯系。

提示4:開頭和結尾。 (Tip 4: Beginnings and Endings.)

People tend to remember the beginnings and endings of things, while the middle tends to fall away. Open with something which gets your audience engaged (try asking a question, playing a game, or telling a fun anecdote). When you end, summarize your talk, and give one (or a short list) of key takeaways.

人們傾向于記住事物的開始和結束,而中間事物往往會消失。 打開一些可以吸引觀衆的東西(嘗試問問題,玩遊戲或講述有趣的轶事)。 結束時,總結您的演講,并給出一個(或一小段)主要要點。

In order to develop this, think about your audience leaving your talk. When someone asks them ‘What was that talk about?’, what do you want them to say? That’s your takeaway.

為了發展這一點,請考慮一下您的聽衆離開您的演講。 當有人問他們“那是什麼?”時,您想讓他們說什麼? 那就是你的外賣。

提示5:保持相關性。 (Tip 5: Keep it Relevant.)

Try your best to keep the talk specific to this audience (even if you’ve given the same talk 100s of times). Can you incorporate a reference to a previous speaker? What about the place where you are, or the type of event? People will pay more attention, and appreciate the talk more, when they think it is directed at them.

盡力保持針對特定閱聽人的演講(即使您進行了100次相同的演講)。 您可以引用以前的演講者的參考文獻嗎? 那你在哪裡,或者活動的類型呢? 當人們認為談話針對他們時,他們會給予更多的關注,并更多地欣賞談話。

Think about your audience and put yourself in their shoes. If you can, talk to the speakers before and after you. Can you connect your presentation to theirs?

考慮一下您的觀衆,讓自己陷入困境。 如果可以,請與您前後的演講者交談。 您可以将示範文稿與他們的示範文稿聯系起來嗎?

提示5:幻燈片。 (Tip 5: Slides.)

Ensure that any slides you use are necessary and avoid words as much as possible. Any time you have words on your slides, you audience will stop to read them, and you’ll lose their attention. Keep words to a minimum, and keep the slides simple and relevant.

確定您使用的任何幻燈片都是必要的,并盡量避免說話。 每當幻燈片上有文字時,聽衆就會停止閱讀它們,而您會失去注意力。 盡量減少用語,并保持幻燈片的簡潔性和相關性。

If you're showing code snippets, make sure they're big enough that people in the back can read (my favorite suggestion I've received for how large a font you should use is to take the age of the oldest person in the room and halve it. Someone's 40? Great, make your text size 20. It's lighthearted, but it helps ensure your audience isn't squinting at the screen to read).


提示6:前一天。 (Tip 6: One Day Before.)

Great, you’ve practiced, you’re ready, and you’re at the conference. Figure out where and when you’ll be speaking. Think about your audience at that time. Are they sleepy after lunch (how can you get them moving and engaged)? Is it first thing in the morning (great, they’re probably still really focused!)? Is it right before lunch (definitely end on time!)? If you can, check out the room ahead of time.

太好了,您已經練習了,已經準備好了,并且正在參加會議。 找出說話的地點和時間。 想一下當時的觀衆。 他們在午餐後是否困倦(如何使他們動起來并變得活躍)? 是早上的第一件事(太好了,他們可能仍然很專注!)? 是在午餐前就來(一定會準時結束!)嗎? 如果可以,請提前退房。

  • How big is the area where you’ll have to stand?


  • Where will your slides be broadcast?


  • How big is the room?


  • Is there a timer available?


  • Can you test your presentation?


  • Where should you stand before your presentation?


  • Is someone announcing you?


  • What should you do if there’s a tech issue?


  • Do you have a microphone? What kind (does it clip onto you, or is it on a podium)?

    你有麥克風嗎? 哪種類型(它會夾在您身上,還是在講台上)?

  • Does the audience have a mic for questions?


提示7:做好一切準備。 (Tip 7: Prepare for EVERYTHING.)

Assume that anything which can go wrong, will, and pack accordingly. With that in mind, what should you bring to your talk?

假設所有可能出錯的東西都會相應包裝。 考慮到這一點,您應該帶些什麼?

  • Your (fully charged) laptop


  • An adapter to connect your laptop to ANYTHING


  • Charging Cable, adapter (if necessary)


  • Water

  • Slides clicker (if you have slides)


  • Your slides on your laptop


  • Your slides on a USB


  • Your slides printed and ready to go


  • If you have a live demo, make sure you also have a video pre-recorded in case something goes wrong


提示8:保重身體。 (Tip 8: Take Care of Yourself.)

Get a good night’s sleep the night before. Don’t be afraid to call it an early night to review your presentation one more time. You don’t want to be hungover, tired, or sick tomorrow. If you’re jet-lagged, keep that in mind and make sure you’re well rested.

前一天晚上睡個好覺。 不要害怕稱它為深夜,以再次檢視您的示範文稿。 您不想明天感到宿醉,疲倦或生病。 如果您時機落後,請記住這一點,并確定您休息良好。

秘訣9:放松 (Tip 9: Relax)

Take a deep breath and give your speech. You’re going to be great! Personally, right before I get up on stage, I like to imagine the audience applauding at the end of a great talk. At that point, there’s no preparation left to do, and it helps calm my nerves to imagine the most positive outcome. Remember, everyone gets nervous. Public speaking is all about dealing with the nerves, and pushing through it.

深吸一口氣并發表講話。 您将很棒! 就個人而言,就在我上台之前,我想像觀衆在精彩演講的結尾鼓掌。 那時,沒有任何準備可做,這可以幫助我安心想象最積極的結果。 記住,每個人都會緊張。 公開演講就是與神經緊張并通過它進行鬥争。

秘訣10:慶祝! (Tip 10: Celebrate!)

Don’t forget to relax and celebrate your accomplishment afterward. Giving a talk can be really, really hard and just finishing it is an accomplishment.

不要忘了放松,然後慶祝自己的成就。 進行演講可能非常非常困難,僅完成演講是一項成就。

翻譯自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/fear-of-public-speaking/

