
Beginning SharePoint Administration: Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Portal Server

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This practical guide covers the many uses of SharePoint 2003 as well as the differences between SharePoint Portal Server (SPS) and Windows(r) SharePoint Services (WSS). In addition, the book will help you decide if you need only WSS or if you should also implement SPS.

While the main focus is on planning, installation, configuration, and administration, you'll also learn how to customize SharePoint by creating templates, building your own Site Definition, and using FrontPage(r) to enhance the look and feel of SharePoint sites. In addition, you will learn the business-critical methods of backing up and restoring your system.

Microsoft MVP and author Goran Husman shares numerous tips for smart add-ons and utilities that will enhance the functionality of SharePoint by providing better navigation, the ability to integrate with other systems, and effective workflow solutions. His practical and easy-to-follow instructions will help you get your SharePoint environment up and running in no time. He even shows you how to make your eventual upgrade to SharePoint 2007 seamless.

What you will learn from this book

*How to install Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) and SharePoint Portal Server (SPS)

*Tips on what to focus on when customizing SharePoint

*How to productively use SharePoint with Microsoft Office and Microsoft Outlook(r)

*Various ways to handle backup and restore procedures

*The many free utilities and commercial third-party products that are available

*How to create and work with intranet pages

