
python 生成pdf頁面大小_在Python中從PDF提取頁面大小

python 生成pdf頁面大小_在Python中從PDF提取頁面大小

I want to read a PDF and get some list of it's pages and each page's size. I don't need to manipulate it in any way, just read it.

Currently trying out pyPdf and it does everything I need except a way to get page sizes. Understanding that I will probably have to iterate through, as page sizes can vary in a pdf document. Is there another libray/method I can use?

I tried using PIL, some online recipes even have d=Image(imagefilename) usage, but it NEVER reads any of my PDFs - it reads everything else I throw at it - even some things I didn't know PIL could do.

Any guidance appreciated - I'm on windows 7 64, python25 (because I also do GAE stuff), but I'm happy to do it in Linux or more modern pythiis.


This can be done with PyPDF2:

>>> from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader

>>> input1 = PdfFileReader(open('example.pdf', 'rb'))

>>> input1.getPage(0).mediaBox

RectangleObject([0, 0, 612, 792])

(Formerly known as pyPdf and still refers to its documentation.)