
pascal産生的hpp檔案報:E2040 Declaration terminated incorrectly


__property bool Eof = {read=GetEof, nodefault};


[bcc32 Error] DBGridEh.hpp(3110): E2040 Declaration terminated incorrectly


    would be that there exists somewhere a precompiler macro named EOF()

 that is interfering with the compile. If you can change the Pascal

 code, try changing "EOF" to "Eof" (and "BOF" to "Bof"). In C++, you

 should not have identifiers that are all-caps anyway, as that is

 commonly reserved for macros and constants.

      Pascal->C++ translation is a literal translation. Case is preserved.

 Not everything that works in Pascal will work as-is in C++. It is the

 Pascal code's responsibility to do things that can also work in C++

 when translated, and this is one of those times when it is not. There

 is nothing the compiler can do about that, because it is valid Pascal

 code and the .hpp is valid C++ code. It is just not the correct code

 from C++'s perspective because it was not set up on the Pascal side to

 be so.http://www.delphigroups.info/3/12/119591.html
