


public float addition(float numa, float numb) {

// will return float

return numa + numb;


public int addition(int numa, float numb) {

// explicitly cast to int

return numa + (int) numb;


public int addition(float numa, int numb) {

// explicitly cast to int

return (int) numa + numb;


public int addition(int numa, int numb) {

// will return int

return numa + numb;



public void examineInput(String input1, String input2) {

// For both are float

if (input1.indexOf(".") != -1 && input2.indexOf(".") != -1) {

float numa = Float.parseFloat(input1);

float numb = Float.parseFloat(input2);

float ans = addition(numa, numb);

Log.i(TAG, String.format("%f + %f = %f", numa, numb, ans));


// for first to be int and second to be float

else if (input1.indexOf(".") == -1 && input2.indexOf(".") != -1) {

int numa = Integer.parseInt(input1);

float numb = Float.parseFloat(input2);

int ans = addition(numa, numb);

Log.i(TAG, String.format("%d + %f = %d", numa, numb, ans));


// for first to be float and second to be int

else if (input1.indexOf(".") != -1 && input2.indexOf(".") == -1) {

float numa = Float.parseFloat(input1);

int numb = Integer.parseInt(input2);

int ans = addition(numa, numb);

Log.i(TAG, String.format("%f + %d = %d", numa, numb, ans));


// for both to be int

else if (input1.indexOf(".") == -1 && input2.indexOf(".") == -1) {

int numa = Integer.parseInt(input1);

int numb = Integer.parseInt(input2);

int ans = addition(numa, numb);

Log.i(TAG, String.format("%d + %d = %d", numa, numb, ans));




examineInput("5.2", "6.2"); // 5.200000 + 6.200000 = 11.400000

examineInput("5", "3.6"); // 5 + 3.600000 = 8

examineInput("1.6", "5"); // 1.600000 + 5 = 6

examineInput("5", "5"); // 5 + 5 = 10


希望這有助于提高OOP概念以及.. :)