
為什麼要避免使用JavaScript中的遞增(“++”)和遞減(“ - ”)運算符?

本文翻譯自:Why avoid increment (“++”) and decrement (“--”) operators in JavaScript?

One of the tips for jslint tool is:

++ and -- ++和 - The ++ (increment) and -- (decrement) operators have been known to contribute to bad code by encouraging excessive trickiness. 已知++(遞增)和 - (遞減)運算符通過鼓勵過多的詭計來導緻錯誤的代碼。 They are second only to faulty architecture in enabling to viruses and other security menaces. 它們僅次于故障架構,可以實作病毒和其他安全威脅。 There is a plusplus option that prohibits the use of these operators. 有一個加号選項禁止使用這些運算符。

I know that PHP constructs like


has may easily result with off-by-one errors, but I couldn't figure out a better way to control the loop than a

while( a < 10 ) do { a++; }




while( a < 10 ) do { a++; }

while( a < 10 ) do { a++; }


for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { }


while( a < 10 ) do { a++; }

for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { }

Is the jslint highlighting them because there are some similar languages that lack the "


" and "


" syntax or handle it differently, or are there other rationales for avoiding "


" and "


" that I might be missing?













I don't know if this was part of his reasoning, but if you use a poorly-written minification program, it could turn

x++ + y





x++ + y



But then again, a poorly written tool can wreak all kinds of havoc.



In a loop it's harmless, but in an assignment statement it can lead to unexpected results:

var x = 5;
var y = x++; // y is now 5 and x is 6
var z = ++x; // z is now 7 and x is 7

Whitespace between the variable and the operator can lead to unexpected results as well:

a = b = c = 1; a ++ ; b -- ; c; console.log('a:', a, 'b:', b, 'c:', c)

In a closure, unexpected results can be an issue as well:

var foobar = function(i){var count = count || i; return function(){return count++;}}

baz = foobar(1);
baz(); //1
baz(); //2

var alphabeta = function(i){var count = count || i; return function(){return ++count;}}

omega = alphabeta(1);
omega(); //2
omega(); //3

And it triggers automatic semicolon insertion after a newline:

var foo = 1, bar = 2, baz = 3, alpha = 4, beta = 5, delta = alpha
++beta; //delta is 4, alpha is 4, beta is 6
preincrement/postincrement confusion can produce off-by-one errors that are extremely difficult to diagnose. preincrement / postincrement confusion可以産生非常難以診斷的錯誤。 Fortunately, they are also complete unnecessary. 幸運的是,他們也完全沒必要。 There are better ways to add 1 to a variable. 有更好的方法可以将1添加到變量中。


  • JSLint Help: Increment and Decrement Operators JSLint幫助:遞增和遞減運算符


Another example, more simple than some others with simple return of incremented value:

function testIncrement1(x) {
    return x++;

function testIncrement2(x) {
    return ++x;

function testIncrement3(x) {
    return x += 1;

console.log(testIncrement1(0)); // 0
console.log(testIncrement2(0)); // 1
console.log(testIncrement3(0)); // 1

As you can see, no post-increment/decrement should be used at return statement, if you want this operator to influence the result.


But return doesn't "catch" post-increment/decrement operators:

function closureIncrementTest() {
    var x = 0;

    function postIncrementX() {
        return x++;

    var y = postIncrementX();

    console.log(x); // 1


In my experience, ++i or i++ has never caused confusion other than when first learning about how the operator works.

根據我的經驗,除了第一次了解運算符的工作原理之外,++ i或i ++從未引起混淆。

It is essential for the most basic for loops and while loops that are taught by any highschool or college course taught in languages where you can use the operator.


I personally find doing something like what is below to look and read better than something with a++ being on a separate line.


In the end it is a style preference and not anything more, what is more important is that when you do this in your code you stay consistent so that others working on the same code can follow and not have to process the same functionality in different ways.


Also, Crockford seems to use i-=1, which I find to be harder to read than --i or i--

另外,Crockford似乎使用i- = 1,我發現它比--i或i--更難閱讀


I've been watching Douglas Crockford's video on this and his explanation for not using increment and decrement is that

  1. It has been used in the past in other languages to break the bounds of arrays and cause all manners of badness and 過去在其他語言中使用它來打破數組的界限并導緻所有的不良行為
  2. That it is more confusing and inexperienced JS developers don't know exactly what it does. 更令人困惑和缺乏經驗的JS開發人員并不确切知道它的作用。

Firstly arrays in JavaScript are dynamically sized and so, forgive me if I'm wrong, it is not possible to break the bounds of an array and access data that shouldn't be accessed using this method in JavaScript.


Secondly, should we avoid things that are complicated, surely the problem is not that we have this facility but the problem is that there are developers out there that claim to do JavaScript but don't know how these operators work??


It is simple enough.


value++, give me the current value and after the expression add one to it, ++value, increment the value before giving me it.

value ++,給我目前值,并在表達式後面添加一個值,++ value,在給它之前遞增值。

Expressions like a ++ + ++ b, are simple to work out if you just remember the above.

如果你隻記得上面的内容,像++ ++ ++ b這樣的表達式很容易解決。
var a = 1, b = 1, c;
c = a ++ + ++ b;
// c = 1 + 2 = 3; 
// a = 2 (equals two after the expression is finished);
// b = 2;

I suppose you've just got to remember who has to read through the code, if you have a team that knows JS inside out then you don't need to worry.


If not then comment it, write it differently, etc. Do what you got to do.


I don't think increment and decrement is inherently bad or bug generating, or vulnerability creating, maybe just less readable depending on your audience.


Btw, I think Douglas Crockford is a legend anyway, but I think he's caused a lot of scare over an operator that didn't deserve it.


I live to be proven wrong though...

