



"your price is too high","你的價格太高了"。how do you respond to such questions,你是如何回複?as the junior says some of them may answer like this no my price is not expensive",I can do nothing on this price。


it seems like you are,因為如果你這樣回答,這似乎就是你的挑戰。

le challenging yourclient's judgment,客戶對你的判斷。

And you don't have to 你沒有。

decision power todecide this price,決策權來決定。

actually it s very common,實際上這個價格非常常見。

that a client is saying that your price is too high,當一個客戶說你價格太高。

because it s kind like their habit,因為有點像他們的習慣。

or their instant reaction,或是他們的即時反應。

so don t take it too seriously,是以不要太當真。

instead you need to think over,相反你需要思考。

why do they say that and他們為什麼這麼說?

how should I follow up,我應該如何很近?

you have to judge whether this client,你必須判斷這個客戶really needs this product or not,是否是真的需要。

so you can ask him,why do you think like that,是以你可以問她。

if you think the price is too high,如果你認為價格太高,那你的目标價是多少?

so by getting his answer you will get to know,是以通過這種方式你就可以知道。

because some client may answer you that,因為一些客戶可能回複你。

okay I don't need this product,我不需要這個産品。

then you don't need to follow up with him,but if this client really needs this product。and still he thinks the price is high it,一直覺得這個價格太高了。

then you have to change your thought change from the sort of price to the sort of value 把價格的變化變成價值的變化。so why is your product higher than others it values can you provide to him rebecca has prepared a documentation of price 我為大家準備了一份檔案。

說起價格談判的檔案,so just give me the comment 下方評論區留言,you will get this documentation keep following with me 持續關注我。

