
Could not retrieve configuration information from the camera

調試Flycapture2的SDK時候出現了這個錯誤Could not retrieve configuration information from the camera. Error: 0x15



Undefined Undefined.
Ok Function returned with no errors.
Failed General failure.
NotImplemented Function has not been implemented.
FailedBusMasterConnection Could not connect to Bus Master.
NotConnected Camera has not been connected.
InitFailed Initialization failed.
NotInitialized Camera has not been initialized.
InvalidParameter Invalid parameter passed to function.
InvalidSettings Setting set to camera is invalid.
InvalidBuManager Invalid Bus Manager object.
MemoryAllocationFailed Could not allocate memory.
LowLevelFailure Low level error.
NotFound Device not found.
FailedGuid GUID failure.
InvalidPacketSize Packet size set to camera is invalid.
InvalidMode Invalid mode has been passed to function.
NotInFormat7 Error due to not being in Format7.
NotSupported This feature is unsupported.
Timeout Timeout error.
BusMasterFailed Bus Master Failure.
InvalidGeneration Generation Count Mismatch.
LutFailed Look Up Table failure.
IidcFailed IIDC failure.
StrobeFailed Strobe failure.
TriggerFailed Trigger failure.
PropertyFailed Property failure.
PropertyNotPresent Property is not present.
RegisterFailed Register access failed.
ReadRegisterFailed Register read failed.
WriteRegisterFailed Register write failed.
IsochFailed Isochronous failure.
IsochAlreadyStarted Isochronous transfer has already been started.
IsochNotStarted Isochronous transfer has not been started.
IsochStartFailed Isochronous start failed.
IsochRetrieveBufferFailed Isochronous retrieve buffer failed.
IsochStopFailed Isochronous stop failed.
IsochSyncFailed Isochronous image synchronization failed.
IsochBandwidthExceeded Isochronous bandwidth exceeded.
ImageConversionFailed Image conversion failed.
ImageLibraryFailure Image library failure.
BufferTooSmall Buffer is too small.
ImageConsistencyError There is an image consistency error.


原來是函數用錯了。記住使用 GetCameraFromIndex而不是GetDeviceFromIndex就能夠正常運作了。


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