
substance painter學習2——建立項目

substance painter學習2——建立項目


substance painter學習2——建立項目


substance painter學習2——建立項目
substance painter學習2——建立項目


what are UDIMs?

UDIM was invented by richard addison-wood and came from wetal digial (circa 2002). the term UDIM comes from U-Dimension and design UV ranges. the uv range 0-1 being 1001, the range 1-2 being 1002, and so on. we designate 指定 by UDIM tile a specific range, the tile 1001 being the range 0-1 of a given mesh. the goal of having multiple uv ranges it to increase the texture resolution of a given mesh. instead of working with very big textures (16k, or even 32k) which are hard to optimize it is instead better to split a mesh into sub-parts. because of the UDIM convention, parsing files is easy as the ID of a tile is embedded into the filename, which make them convenient to use in external rendering software such as Vray or Arnold.

more reading:https://www.fxguide.com/fxfeatured/udim-uv-mapping/

substance painter學習2——建立項目


substance painter學習2——建立項目


maya->opengl, max-》dx


substance painter學習2——建立項目