
We found that your app is an in-house application


- Who is the targeted user? Your company employees, employees of another company, or general public? 

- Is this app intended for internal employees of one company only?

- What is the relationship between the developer and the company using this app?



“We found that your app is an in-house application, intended for employees or members of your organization. As such, it is not appropriate for the App Store.

For information on distributing proprietary, in-house applications, please refer to the iOS Developer Enterprise Program.”



Thank you for your message.

There are some misunderstandings between us.

Our company is only for the teacher to provide a platform to facilitate the management of students, to facilitate the exchange of teachers and parents. For registered users, we will review the server to decide whether to open all the features of this user, not limited to the company's internal use. So Enterprise Program is not for us.