
python3.5安裝tensorflow_如何在Windows 7 32位系統上安裝tensorflow?我在系統中安裝了python 3.5(32位),還安裝了蟒蛇3.4.4(32位)...

python3.5安裝tensorflow_如何在Windows 7 32位系統上安裝tensorflow?我在系統中安裝了python 3.5(32位),還安裝了蟒蛇3.4.4(32位)...

i have only 32bit system so i installed python 3.5 (64 bit ) error occurs .so i installed python 32bit successfully after that i followed by that document(http://tensorflow.org/install/…) i tried this into command prompt

C:\Users\mydoc>pip3 install --upgrade tensorflow

but error occurs like this.

C:\Users\mydoc>pip install tensorflow

Collecting tensorflow

Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement tensorflow (from versions: )

No matching distribution found for tensorflow


please help me how to install tensorflow for my windows (32-bit)system.

解決方案We have only tested the TensorFlow distribution on 64-bit Linux and

Mac OS X, and distribute binary packages for those platforms only. Try

following the source installation instructions to build a version

for your platform.

EDIT: One user has published instructions for running TensorFlow on a 32-bit ARM processor , which is promising for other 32-bit

architectures. These instructions may have useful pointers for getting

TensorFlow and Bazel to work in a 32-bit environment.