
檢視 ErrElemExcessDistortion 的 Elements檢視 ErrElemExcessDistortion 的 Elements



檢視 ErrElemExcessDistortion 的 Elements

Abaqus 可能會提示有些 Elements 出現了過度變形,并提示可以通過 element set ErrElemExcessDistortion 檢視。即使該模拟中途因錯結束,也可以在輸出中檢視到這些單元。


The elements contained in element set ErrElemExcessDistortion-Step1 have distorted excessively.
There are a total of  excessively distorted elements


  1. 右鍵單擊該 Aborted 的 job 并單擊 Results,或者在 Job Manager 中點選 Results 打開輸出結果檢視頁面。
  2. 在 Results 清單中展開該 job 對應的 odb。
  3. 繼續展開 Element Sets,或者 Node Sets,或者 Surface Sets。
  4. 單擊要檢視的 Set 的名字,如 ErrElemExcessDistortion。- 号後面是 Step 名稱。


elements are distorted. Either the isoparametric angles are out of the suggested limits or the triangular or tetrahedral quality measure is bad. The elements have been identified in element set WarnElemDistorted.

就可以通過上面的方式打開 Set 集,單擊 WarnElemDistorted 來檢視。


Excessive incremental rotation of the elements
Excessive incremental rotation of the elements in element set ErrElemExcessIncrementalRotation-Step1.
Error in job -hsh-exce-remesh: There are a total of  elements with excessive rotations
The ratio of deformation speed to wave speed in the elements in element set WarnElemDeformRateExceedsRatio-Step1 exceed the warning ratio

如 Node Set 的,

Some nodes involved in general contact have penetrated their
tracked faces by more than  percent of the typical element
dimension in the general contact domain, . Please check
the node set "InfoNodeDeepPenetFirst". Please make sure that these
nodes and their contacting faces have sufficient mass to allow the
code to calculate realistic contact penalties for enforcing the
contact constraint.

