
第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活




中英合計:122.0萬字 英文49.8萬字,中文72.2萬字

第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活


第2002天(5.4年) 2023年6月7日(三)

Day 2002, Jun 7, 2023 (Wed)

第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活
第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活
第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活


Seldom does Yunduo'er come to the door to greet me at the end of the day. But today, the lock turned with a low clack when I was on the other side of the door. What then emerged from behind the door being slowly opened was her petite figure standing there and gazing up at me as if this were our first meeting. Maybe only-God-knows-who had given Yunduo'er a hunch that she were in for a delightful surprise. "Yunduo'er, look at what I've brought you: a wonderful gift to you from my colleagues," I called. Then, of course, Yunduo'er took the cardboard box from my hands quickly and expectantly.

我每天下班雲朵兒很少過來迎接我。可今天,我還在門外時,那鎖就轉動了一下,隻聽見一聲低沉的咔嗒聲。門徐徐打開,雲朵兒小小的樣子出現了,站在那兒仰望着我, 那樣子似乎我們之前從未見過似的。也許冥冥之中雲朵兒就感覺到會得到一個驚喜。“雲朵兒,看我給你帶了什麼,我的同僚們送給你的禮物,”我大聲說。接下來,當然是雲朵兒從我手中急切地接過那紙盒。

Yunduo'er put the box on the floor and knelt down beside it, all set to explore the unknown. The moment the outer casing was completely lifted, its grip on the box's four sides suddenly loosened off - the four sides instantly clicked into gear. Lo and behold: four groups of well-conceived cardboard cutouts arranged in a way of depth and in formation stretched for parades. Apparently the box was for sticky rice in bamboo shoots, but it was a contraption with a sideline job: to spring a surprise. The cutouts depicted the legendary animals and characters as well as the time-honored folksy activities associated with Chinese traditional Dragon Boat Festival. Yunduo'er roamed around the box on all fours, studying the thingamabob.


Yunduo'er's thanks go to the ayis and one shushu for the wonderful Dragon Boat Festival gift.



- set 準備好了

- (grip) loosen off (抓着的手)松開

- click into gear 開始行動

- Lo and behold (請别人主意)看呐

- cutout 剪下的畫兒

- in formation 形成隊列

- parade 檢閱

- sticky rice in bamboo shoots 粽子

- shoot 嫩芽

- contraption 複雜的裝置

- sideline 副業的

- spring a surprise 讓人沒想到,讓人驚奇

- time-honored 古老的

- roam 漫遊

- on all fours 趴着

- study 仔細端詳

- thingamabob (口語表達)不知道名字或想不起名字的東西

第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活
第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活
第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活
第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活
第2002天 英語超級寫作奶爸,5.4年雙語日記記錄女兒生活
