







  1 OUTLINE OF THE NORMATIVE PART Section 2 introduces the algorithm and describes the notation used in the subsequent sections. Section 3 specifies the confidentiality algorithm 128 ‐ EEA3. Section 4 specifies the integrity algorithm 128 ‐ EIA3. 2 INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION 2.1 Introduction Within the security architecture of the LTE system there are standardized algorithms for confidentiality and integrity. Two sets of algorithms 128‐EEA1/128‐EIA1 and 128‐EEA2/128‐EIA2 have already been specified [1‐2]. In this document the third set of these algorithms ( 128 ‐ EEA3 / 128 ‐ EIA3 ) based on ZUC [3] are proposed. The confidentiality algorithm 128 ‐ EEA3 is a stream cipher that is used to encrypt/decrypt blocks of data using a confidentiality key CK . The block of data may be between 1 and 65504 bits long. The algorithm uses ZUC as a keystream generator. The integrity algorithm 128 ‐ EIA3 computes a 32‐bit MAC (Message Authentication Code) of a given input message using an integrity key IK . The core algorithms adopted by the MAC are a universal hash and ZUC. 2.2 Notations 2.2.1 Radix In this document, integers are represented as decimal numbers unless specified otherwise. We use the prefix “0x” to indicate hexadecimal numbers and the subscript “2” to indicate a number in binary representation. Example 1. Integer a can be written in different representations: a = 1234567890     // decimal representation    = 0x499602D2    // hexadecimal representation    = 1001001100101100000001011010010 2 //binary representation 2.2.2 Bit/Byte ordering All data variables in this document are presented with the most significant bit/byte on the left and the least significant bit/byte on the right. When a variable is broken down into a number of substrings, the leftmost substring is numbered by 0, the next most significant substring is numbered by 1 and so on throughout to the least significant substring. Example 2. Let a =1001001100101100000001011010010 2 . Then the leftmost bit 1 of integer a represents its most significant bit, and the rightmost bit 0 represents its least significant bit.    Example 3. Let a =10010010100101100000001011010010 2 . If a is subdivided into 4 of 8‐bit substrings a [0], a [1], a [2] and a [3], then we have a [0] = 10010010 2 , a [1] = 10010110 2 , a [2] = 00000010 2 , a [3] = 11010010 2 . 2.2.3 Operation notations In this document, operation notations are defined as follows: a ║ b   Concatenation of substrings a and b   ⎡ x ⎤    The smallest integer no less than x   ⊕    Exclusive‐OR   a << t   Left shift of integer a by t bits Example 4. For two substrings a = 0x1234 and b = 0x5678, then their concatenation will be        c = a ║ b =0x12345678.   2.2.4 List of Variables COUNT            The 32‐bit counter. BEARER          The 5‐bit bearer identity. DIRECTION     The 1‐bit input indicating the direction of transmission. CK                    The 128‐bit confidentiality key. IK                      The 128‐bit integrity key. LENGTH           The number of bits to be encrypted/decrypted. M                       The input message. C                       The output message. KEY                  The 128‐bit initial key to ZUC. IV                      The 128‐bit initial vector to ZUC. L                       The number of key words generated by ZUC. z[i]                    The i‐th key bit of keystream generated by ZUC.

3 CONFIDENTIALITY ALGORITHM 128-EEA3 3.1 Introduction The confidentiality algorithm 128 ‐ EEA3 is a stream cipher that is used to encrypt/decrypt blocks of data under a confidentiality key. The block of data can be between 1 and 65504 bits in length. 3.2 Inputs and Outputs The inputs to the algorithm are given in Table 1, the output in Table 2.   Table 1 The inputs to 128 ‐ EEA3 Parameter            Size(bits)                        Remark COUNT                32                                   The counter BEARER              5                                     The bearer identity DIRECTION        1                                      The direction of transmission CK                       128                                  Confidentiality key LENGTH              32                                   The length of the input message M                          LENGTH                        The input bit stream   Table 2 The output of 128 ‐ EEA3 Parameter            Size(bits)                        Remark C                          LENGTH                        The output bit stream   3.3 Initialisation In this section we define how ZUC’s parameters, the initial key KEY and the initial vector IV, are initialized with the confidentiality key CK and initialization variables before the generation of keystream. Let CK=CK[0] ║ CK[1] ║ CK[2] ║ … ║ CK[15] be the 128‐bit confidentiality key, where CK[i] (0 ≤ i ≤ 15) are bytes. We set the 128‐bit initial key KEY to ZUC as KEY = KEY[0] ║ KEY[1] ║ KEY[2] ║ … ║ KEY[15], where KEY[i] (0 ≤ i ≤ 15) are bytes. Then KEY[i]=CK[i], i=0,1,2,…,15. Let COUNT=COUNT[0] ║ COUNT[1] ║ COUNT[2] ║ COUNT[3] be the 32‐bit counter, where COUNT[i] ( 0 ≤ i ≤ 3) are bytes. We set the 128‐bit initial vector to ZUC as IV = IV[0] ║ IV[1] ║ IV[2] ║ … ║ IV[15], where IV[i] ( 0 ≤ i ≤ 15) are bytes. Then IV[0] = COUNT[0], IV[1] = COUNT[1], IV[2] = COUNT[2], IV[3] = COUNT[3], IV[4] = BEARER ║ DIRECTION ║ 00 2 , IV[5] = IV[6] = IV[7] = 00000000 2 , IV[8] = IV[0], IV[9] = IV[1], IV[10] = IV[2], IV[11] = IV[3], IV[12] = IV[4], IV[13] = IV[5], IV[14] = IV[6], IV[15] = IV[7].   3.4 Keystream Generation Let ZUC generate keystream of L words. When each of the word is expanded into a 32‐bit string, then we get a binary string z[0], z[1], …, z[32 × L‐1], where z[0] is the most significant bit of the first output word of ZUC and z[31] is the least significant bit. To encrypt a message of LENGTH bits, it is required that L= ⎡ LENGTH/32 ⎤ . 3.5 Encryption/Decryption Encryption/decryption operations are identical operations and are performed by the exclusive‐OR of the input message M with the generated keystream z. Let M = M[0] ║ M[1] ║ M[2] ║ … ║ M[LENGTH‐1] be the input bit stream of length LENGTH and C = C[0] ║ C[1] ║ C[2] ║ … ║ C[LENGTH‐1] be the corresponding output bit stream of length LENGTH, where M[i] and C[i] are bits, i=0,1,2,…,LENGTH‐1. Then C[i] = M[i] ⊕ z[i],i=0,1,2,…,LENGTH‐1     4 INTEGRITY ALGORITHM 128-EIA3 4.1 Introduction The integrity algorithm 128 ‐ EIA3 is a message authentication code (MAC) function that is used to compute the MAC of an input message using an integrity key IK. The message can be between 1 and 65504 bits in length. 4.2 Inputs and Outputs The inputs to the algorithm are given in Table 3, and the output is in Table 4.   Table 3 The inputs to 128 ‐ EIA3 Parameter                                   Size (bits)                          Remark COUNT                                       32                                      The counter BEARER                                     5                                        The bearer identity DIRECTION                                1                                        The direction of transmission IK                                                128                                    The integrity key LENGTH                                     32                                      The bits of the input message M                                                LENGTH                            The input message   Table 4 The output of 128 ‐ EIA3 Parameter                                   Size(bits)                           Remark MAC                                            32                                     The MAC   4.3 Initialisation In this section we define how ZUC’s parameters, the initial key KEY and the initial vector IV, are initialized with the integrity key IK and initialization variables before the generation of keystream. Let IK = IK[0] ║ IK[1] ║ IK[2] ║ … ║ IK[15] be the 128‐bit integrity key, where IK[i]( 0 ≤ i ≤ 15) are bytes. We set the 128‐bit initial key KEY to ZUC as KEY = KEY[0] ║ KEY[1] ║ KEY[2] ║ … ║ KEY[15] where KEY[i](0 ≤ i ≤ 15) are bytes. Then KEY[i] = IK[i], i=0,1,2,…,15. Let the 32‐bit counter COUNT be    COUNT=COUNT[0] ║ COUNT[1] ║ COUNT[2] ║ COUNT[3] where COUNT[i] are bytes, i=0,1,2,3. We set the 128‐bit initial vector IV to ZUC as IV = IV[0] ║ IV[1] ║ IV[2] ║ … ║ IV[15], where IV[i]( 0 ≤ i ≤ 15) are bytes. Then IV[0] = COUNT[0], IV[1] = COUNT[1], IV[2] = COUNT[2], IV[3] = COUNT[3], IV[4] = BEARER ║ 000 2 , IV[5] =00000000 2 , IV[6] = 00000000 2 , IV[7] = 00000000 2 , IV[8] = IV[0] ⊕ (DIRECTION << 7), IV[9] = IV[1], IV[10] = IV[2], IV[11] = IV[3], IV[12] = IV[4], IV[13] = IV[5], IV[14] = IV[6] ⊕ (DIRECTION << 7), IV[15] = IV[7]. 4.4 Generating the keystream Let ZUC generate a keystream of L= ⎡ LENGTH/32 ⎤ +2 words. Denote the generated bit string by z[0], z[1], …, z[32 × L‐1], where z[0] is the most significant bit of the first output word of ZUC and z[31] is the least significant bit.    For each i=0,1,2,…,32 × (L‐1), let z i = z[i] ║ z[i+1] ║ … ║ z[i+31]. Then each z i is a 32‐bit word. 4.5 Compute the MAC Let T be a 32‐bit word. Set T = 0. For each i=0,1,2,…,LENGTH‐1, if M[i] = 1, then T=T z i ⊕ . Set T=T ⊕ z LENGTH . Finally we take T z ⊕ 32 × (L‐1) as the output MAC, i.e. MAC= T ⊕ z 32 × (L‐1)           A C implementation of 128-EEA3 typedef unsigned char u8; typedef unsigned int u32;   void ZUC(u8* k, u8* iv, u32* ks, int len) { Initialization(k, iv); GenerateKeystream(ks, len); }   void EEA3(u8* CK,u32 COUNT,u32 BEARER,u32 DIRECTION,u32 LENGTH,u32* M,u32* C) { u32 *z, L, i; u8 IV[16]; L = (LENGTH+31)/32; z = (u32 *) malloc(L*sizeof(u32));   IV[0] = (COUNT>>24) & 0xFF; IV[1] = (COUNT>>16) & 0xFF; IV[2] = (COUNT>>8) & 0xFF; IV[3] = COUNT & 0xFF; IV[4] = ((BEARER << 3) | ((DIRECTION&1)<<2)) & 0xFC; IV[5] = 0; IV[6] = 0; IV[7] = 0; IV[8] = IV[0]; IV[9] = IV[1]; IV[10] = IV[2]; IV[11] = IV[3]; IV[12] = IV[4]; IV[13] = IV[5]; IV[14] = IV[6]; IV[15] = IV[7]; ZUC(CK,IV,z,L); for (i=0; i<L; i++) { C[i] = M[i] ^ z[i]; } free(z); }

ANNEX 2 A C implementation of 128-EIA3 typedef unsigned char u8; typedef unsigned int u32;   void ZUC(u8* k, u8* iv, u32* keystream, int length); u32 GET_WORD(u32 * DATA, u32 i) { u32 WORD, ti; ti = i % 32; if (ti == 0) { WORD = DATA[i/32]; } else { WORD = (DATA[i/32]<<ti) | (DATA[i/32+1]>>(32-ti)); } return WORD; }   u8 GET_BIT(u32 * DATA, u32 i) { return (DATA[i/32] & (1<<(31-(i%32)))) ? 1 : 0; }   void EIA3(u8* IK,u32 COUNT,u32 DIRECTION,u32 BEARER,u32 LENGTH,u32* M,u32* MAC) { u32 *z, N, L, T, i; u8 IV[16]; IV[0] = (COUNT>>24) & 0xFF; IV[1] = (COUNT>>16) & 0xFF; IV[2] = (COUNT>>8) & 0xFF; IV[3] = COUNT & 0xFF; IV[4] = (BEARER << 3) & 0xF8; IV[5] = IV[6] = IV[7] = 0; IV[8] = ((COUNT>>24) & 0xFF) ^ ((DIRECTION&1)<<7); IV[9] = (COUNT>>16) & 0xFF; IV[10] = (COUNT>>8) & 0xFF; IV[11] = COUNT & 0xFF; IV[12] = IV[4]; IV[13] = IV[5]; IV[14] = IV[6] ^ ((DIRECTION&1)<<7); IV[15] = IV[7]; N = LENGTH + 64; L = (N + 31) / 32; z = (u32 *) malloc(L*sizeof(u32)); ZUC(IK, IV, z, L); T = 0; for (i=0; i<LENGTH; i++) { if (GET_BIT(M,i)) { T ^= GET_WORD(z,i); } } T ^= GET_WORD(z,LENGTH); *MAC = T ^ z[L-1]; free(z); }
