
java 枚舉嵌套枚舉,在Java中嵌套枚舉

java 枚舉嵌套枚舉,在Java中嵌套枚舉

I want to nest some enums. The object i'm representing are Flags, with a type, and a value. There are a discrete number of types, and each type has a distinct set of possible values.

So if Type A can have values 1, 2 or 3, and Type B can have values 4,5,6, I'd like to be able to do things like:

Flag f = Flag.A.1;

f.getType() - returns "A"

f.getValue() - returns "1"

Flag f2 = Flag.A.4; -- Syntax error.

I'm driving myself crazy trying to nest enums within enums - is what i'm trying possible - do I need to ditch enums altogether and handcraft a static class with static members?

My best effort so far is:

public class Flag {

enum A extends Flag {




private A(String value) {

Flag.type = "A";

Flag.value = value;



private static String type;

private static String value;


But if I do:

Flag f = Flag.A.ONE;

The types are incompatible.


You cannot have a number as an enum. It has to be an identifier.

You can do this

interface Flag {

String getType();

int getValue();

enum A implements Flag{

one, two, three;

String getType() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); }

int getvalue() { return ordinal()+1; }


enum B implements Flag{

four, five, six;

String getType() { return getClass().getSimpleName(); }

int getvalue() { return ordinal()+4; }



Flag f = Flag.A.one;

However a simpler option may be

enum Flag {

A1, A2, A3, B4, B5, B6;

public String getType() { return name().substring(0,1); }

public int getValue() { return name().charAt(1) - '0'; }


Flag f = Flag.A1;