
slf4j(Simple Logging Facade for Java)入門


slf4j(Simple Logging Facade for Java)入門



log4j-over-slf4j-xxx.jar    此包重新實作了log4j.jar包的一些接口,作為橋接器

slf4j-api-xxx.jar               此包是slf4j的api

slf4j-jdk14-xxx.jar           此包是最終選擇的日志輸出架構


static {
    try {
      String part1 = "Detected both log4j-over-slf4j.jar AND slf4j-log4j12.jar on the class path, preempting StackOverflowError. ";
      String part2 = "See also " + LOG4J_DELEGATION_LOOP_URL
          + " for more details.";

            throw new IllegalStateException(part1 + part2);
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
      // this is the good case


private static Set findPossibleStaticLoggerBinderPathSet() {
    // use Set instead of list in order to deal with  bug #138
    // LinkedHashSet appropriate here because it preserves insertion order during iteration
    Set staticLoggerBinderPathSet = new LinkedHashSet();
    try {
      ClassLoader loggerFactoryClassLoader = LoggerFactory.class
      Enumeration paths;
      if (loggerFactoryClassLoader == null) {
        paths = ClassLoader.getSystemResources(STATIC_LOGGER_BINDER_PATH);
      } else {
        paths = loggerFactoryClassLoader
      while (paths.hasMoreElements()) {
        URL path = (URL) paths.nextElement();
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      Util.report("Error getting resources from path", ioe);
    return staticLoggerBinderPathSet;


private static void reportMultipleBindingAmbiguity(Set staticLoggerBinderPathSet) {
    if (isAmbiguousStaticLoggerBinderPathSet(staticLoggerBinderPathSet)) {
      Util.report("Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.");
      Iterator iterator = staticLoggerBinderPathSet.iterator();
      while (iterator.hasNext()) {
        URL path = (URL) iterator.next();
        Util.report("Found binding in [" + path + "]");
      Util.report("See " + MULTIPLE_BINDINGS_URL + " for an explanation.");

private static void reportActualBinding(Set staticLoggerBinderPathSet) {
    if (isAmbiguousStaticLoggerBinderPathSet(staticLoggerBinderPathSet)) {
      Util.report("Actual binding is of type ["+StaticLoggerBinder.getSingleton().getLoggerFactoryClassStr()+"]");


private final static void versionSanityCheck() {
    try {
      String requested = StaticLoggerBinder.REQUESTED_API_VERSION;

      boolean match = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < API_COMPATIBILITY_LIST.length; i++) {
        if (requested.startsWith(API_COMPATIBILITY_LIST[i])) {
          match = true;
      if (!match) {
        Util.report("The requested version " + requested
                + " by your slf4j binding is not compatible with "
                + Arrays.asList(API_COMPATIBILITY_LIST).toString());
        Util.report("See " + VERSION_MISMATCH + " for further details.");
    } catch (java.lang.NoSuchFieldError nsfe) {
      // given our large user base and SLF4J's commitment to backward
      // compatibility, we cannot cry here. Only for implementations
      // which willingly declare a REQUESTED_API_VERSION field do we
      // emit compatibility warnings.
    } catch (Throwable e) {
      // we should never reach here
      Util.report("Unexpected problem occured during version sanity check", e);
