
android apk size,Android - Application (apk) Maximum size

I am going to install first application in my android phone, but having some doubts

related to Android Memory (Maximum size of APK).

So please help me know and solve the problems:

What is maximum size of the apk that can be supported by the android ?

When we install any apk file in real phone, where does application installed (in SD-card or other memory) ??

I came Across the search on the web that many people are facing the same issue What is the maximum size of Application supported by Android. I think this question also help to the people who are connected with Android application programming and development.


This time i am having 58Mb application from that 52.5MB Images and it runs on the my HTC Hero mobile but On Emulator, it shows an error:

Failed to upload my_application.apk on device 'emulator-5554'

java.io.IOException: Unable to upload file: No space left on device

Launch canceled!

Now please suggest me the way to store images inside the Drawable folder? is there any way to zip the images or such method?