
Excel函數大全(Excel Function List)-Part 1


Category Subtype Function Usage
Excel Text Functions Functions to Remove Extra Characters CLEAN Removes all non-printable characters from a supplied text string
Excel Text Functions Functions to Remove Extra Characters TRIM Removes duplicate spaces, and spaces at the start and end of a text string
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Between Upper & Lower Case LOWER Converts all characters in a supplied text string to lower case
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Between Upper & Lower Case PROPER Converts all characters in a supplied text string to proper case (i.e. letters that do not follow another letter are upper case and all other characters are lower case)
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Between Upper & Lower Case UPPER Converts all characters in a supplied text string to upper case
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types BAHTTEXT Converts a number, plus the suffix "Baht" into Thai text
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types DOLLAR Converts a supplied number into text, using a currency format
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types FIXED Rounds a supplied number to a specified number of decimal places, and then converts this into text
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types TEXT Converts a supplied value into text, using a user-specified format
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types VALUE Converts a text string into a numeric value
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types NUMBERVALUE Converts text to a number, in a locale-independent way (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Text Functions Converting Between Characters & Numeric Codes CHAR Returns the character that corresponds to a supplied numeric value
Excel Text Functions Converting Between Characters & Numeric Codes CODE Returns the numeric code for the first character of a supplied string
Excel Text Functions Converting Between Characters & Numeric Codes UNICHAR Returns the Unicode character that is referenced by the given numeric value (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Text Functions Converting Between Characters & Numeric Codes UNICODE Returns the number (code point) corresponding to the first character of a supplied text string (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types CONCAT Joins together two or more text strings (New in Excel 2016 (not Excel 2016 for Mac) - replaces the Concatenate function)
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types CONCATENATE Joins together two or more text strings (Replaced by Concat function in Excel 2016)
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types LEFT Returns a specified number of characters from the start of a supplied text string
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types MID Returns a specified number of characters from the middle of a supplied text string
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types RIGHT Returns a specified number of characters from the end of a supplied text string
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types REPT Returns a string consisting of a supplied text string, repeated a specified number of times
Excel Text Functions Functions to Convert Excel Data Types TEXTJOIN Joins together two or more text strings, separated by a delimiter (New in Excel 2016 - not available in Excel 2016 for Mac)
Excel Text Functions Information Functions LEN Returns the length of a supplied text string
Excel Text Functions Information Functions FIND Returns the position of a supplied character or text string from within a supplied text string (case-sensitive)
Excel Text Functions Information Functions SEARCH Returns the position of a supplied character or text string from within a supplied text string (non-case-sensitive)
Excel Text Functions Information Functions EXACT Tests if two supplied text strings are exactly the same and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE. (case-sensitive)
Excel Text Functions Information Functions T Tests whether a supplied value is text and if so, returns the supplied text; If not, returns an empty text string.
Excel Text Functions Replacing / Substituting Parts of a Text String REPLACE Replaces all or part of a text string with another string (from a user supplied position)
Excel Text Functions Replacing / Substituting Parts of a Text String SUBSTITUTE Substitutes all occurrences of a search text string, within an original text string, with the supplied replacement text
Excel Logical Functions Boolean Operator Functions AND Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returnsTRUE ifALL of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, orFALSE otherwise
Excel Logical Functions Boolean Operator Functions OR Tests a number of user-defined conditions and returnsTRUE ifANY of the conditions evaluate to TRUE, orFALSE otherwise
Excel Logical Functions Boolean Operator Functions XOR Returns a logical Exclusive Or of all arguments (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Logical Functions Boolean Operator Functions NOT Returns a logical value that is the opposite of a user supplied logical value or expression (i.e. returns FALSE is the supplied argument is TRUE and returns TRUE if the supplied argument is FALSE)
Excel Logical Functions Functions Returning Constant Values TRUE Returns the logical valueTRUE
Excel Logical Functions Functions Returning Constant Values FALSE Returns the logical valueFALSE
Excel Logical Functions Conditional Functions IF Tests a user-defined condition and returns one result if the condition is TRUE, and another result if the condition is FALSE
Excel Logical Functions Conditional Functions IFERROR Tests if an initial supplied value (or expression) returns an error, and if so, returns a supplied value; Otherwise the function returns the initial value. (New in Excel 2007)
Excel Logical Functions Conditional Functions IFNA Tests if an expression returns the #N/A error and if so, returns an alternative specified value; Otherwise the function returns the value of the supplied expression. (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Logical Functions Conditional Functions IFS Tests a number of supplied conditions and returns a result corresponding to the first condition that evaluates to TRUE. (New in Excel 2016 - not available in Excel 2016 for Mac)
Excel Logical Functions Conditional Functions SWITCH Compares a number of supplied values to a supplied test expression and returns a result corresponding to the first value that matches the test expression. (New in Excel 2016 - not available in Excel 2016 for Mac)
Excel Information Functions Error Information Functions ISERROR Tests if an initial supplied value (or expression) returns an error and if so, returnsTRUE; Otherwise returns FALSE
Excel Information Functions Error Information Functions ISERR Tests if an initial supplied value (or expression) returns an error (EXCEPT for the #N/A error) and if so, returnsTRUE; Otherwise returns FALSE
Excel Information Functions Error Information Functions ISNA Tests if an initial supplied value (or expression) returns the Excel #N/A error and if so, returnsTRUE; Otherwise returns FALSE
Excel Information Functions Error Information Functions ERROR.TYPE Tests a supplied value and returns an integer relating to the supplied value's error type
Excel Information Functions Numerical Information Functions ISNUMBER Tests if a supplied value is a number, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Excel Information Functions Numerical Information Functions ISEVEN Tests if a supplied number (or expression) is an even number, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Excel Information Functions Numerical Information Functions ISODD Tests if a supplied number (or expression) is an odd number, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE.
Excel Information Functions Numerical Information Functions N Converts a non-number value to a number, a date to a serial number, the logical valueTRUE to 1 and all other values to 0
Excel Information Functions Function Returning a Constant Value NA Returns the Excel #N/A error
Excel Information Functions Other Data Type Functions ISBLANK Tests if a supplied cell is blank (empty), and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE
Excel Information Functions Other Data Type Functions ISLOGICAL Tests if a supplied value is a logical value, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE
Excel Information Functions Other Data Type Functions ISTEXT Tests if a supplied value is text, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE
Excel Information Functions Other Data Type Functions ISNONTEXT Tests if a supplied value is text, and if it isNOT, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE
Excel Information Functions Other Data Type Functions ISREF Tests if a supplied value is a reference, and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE
Excel Information Functions Other Data Type Functions ISFORMULA Tests if a supplied cell contains a formula and if so, returns TRUE; Otherwise, returns FALSE (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Information Functions Other Data Type Functions TYPE Returns information about the data type of a supplied value
Excel Information Functions General Information Functions CELL Returns information about the contents, formatting or location of a given cell
Excel Information Functions General Information Functions SHEET Returns the sheet number relating to a supplied reference (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Information Functions General Information Functions SHEETS Returns the number of sheets in a reference (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Information Functions General Information Functions INFO Returns information about the current operating environment
Excel Information Functions Performing Calculations with Dates EDATE Returns a date that is the specified number of months before or after an initial supplied start date
Excel Information Functions Performing Calculations with Dates EOMONTH Returns a date that is the last day of the month which is a specified number of months before or after an initial supplied start date
Excel Information Functions Performing Calculations with Dates WORKDAY Returns a date that is a supplied number of working days (excluding weekends & holidays) ahead of a given start date
Excel Information Functions Performing Calculations with Dates WORKDAY.INTL Returns a date that is a supplied number of working days (excluding weekends & holidays) ahead of a given start date, using supplied parameters to specify weekend days (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Information Functions Performing Calculations with Dates DAYS Calculates the number of days between 2 dates (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Information Functions Performing Calculations with Dates DAYS360 Calculates the number of days between 2 dates, based on a 360-day year (12 x 30 months)
Excel Information Functions Performing Calculations with Dates NETWORKDAYS Returns the number of whole networkdays (excluding weekends & holidays), between two supplied dates
Excel Information Functions Performing Calculations with Dates NETWORKDAYS.INTL Returns the number of whole networkdays (excluding weekends & holidays), between two supplied dates, using parameters to specify weekend days (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Information Functions Performing Calculations with Dates YEARFRAC Calculates the fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates
Excel Date and Time Functions Creating Dates & Times DATE Returns a date, from a user-supplied year, month and day
Excel Date and Time Functions Creating Dates & Times TIME Returns a time, from a user-supplied hour, minute and second
Excel Date and Time Functions Creating Dates & Times DATEVALUE Converts a text string showing a date, to an integer that represents the date in Excel's date-time code
Excel Date and Time Functions Creating Dates & Times TIMEVALUE Converts a text string showing a time, to a decimal that represents the time in Excel
Excel Date and Time Functions Current Date & Time NOW Returns the current date & time
Excel Date and Time Functions Current Date & Time TODAY Returns today's date
Excel Date and Time Functions Extracting The Components of a Time HOUR Returns the hour part of a user-supplied time
Excel Date and Time Functions Extracting The Components of a Time MINUTE Returns the minute part of a user-supplied time
Excel Date and Time Functions Extracting The Components of a Time SECOND Returns the seconds part of a user-supplied time
Excel Date and Time Functions Extracting The Components of a Date DAY Returns the day (of the month) from a user-supplied date
Excel Date and Time Functions Extracting The Components of a Date MONTH Returns the month from a user-supplied date
Excel Date and Time Functions Extracting The Components of a Date YEAR Returns the year from a user-supplied date
Excel Date and Time Functions Extracting The Components of a Date WEEKNUM Returns an integer representing the week number (from 1 to 53) of the year from a user-supplied date
Excel Date and Time Functions Extracting The Components of a Date ISOWEEKNUM Returns the ISO week number of the year for a given date (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Date and Time Functions Extracting The Components of a Date WEEKDAY Returns an integer representing the day of the week for a supplied date
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Data Lookup Functions HLOOKUP Looks up a supplied value in the first row of a table, and returns the corresponding value from another row
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Data Lookup Functions VLOOKUP Looks up a supplied value in the first column of a table, and returns the corresponding value from another column
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Data Lookup Functions LOOKUP Searches for a specific value in one data vector, and returns a value from the corresponding position of a second data vector
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Data Lookup Functions GETPIVOTDATA Extracts data stored in a Pivot Table
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Data Lookup Functions CHOOSE Returns one of a list of values, depending on the value of a supplied index number
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Data Lookup Functions MATCH Finds the relative position of a value in a supplied array
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Row / Column / Area Information ROW Returns the row number of a supplied range, or of the current cell
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Row / Column / Area Information COLUMN Returns the column number of a supplied range, or of the current cell
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Row / Column / Area Information ROWS Returns the number of rows in a supplied range
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Row / Column / Area Information COLUMNS Returns the number of columns in a supplied range
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Row / Column / Area Information AREAS Returns the number of areas in a supplied range
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Functions To Return References to Cell Ranges ADDRESS Returns a reference, in text format, for a supplied row and column number
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Functions To Return References to Cell Ranges INDEX Returns a reference to a cell (or range of cells) for requested rows and columns within a supplied range
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Functions To Return References to Cell Ranges INDIRECT Returns a cell or range reference that is represented by a supplied text string
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Functions To Return References to Cell Ranges OFFSET Returns a reference to a range of cells that is a specified number of rows and columns from an initial supplied range
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Other HYPERLINK Creates a hyperlink to a document in a supplied location.
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Other TRANSPOSE Performs a transpose transformation on a range of cells (i.e. transforms a horizontal range of cells into a vertical range and vice versa)
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Other RTD Retrieves real-time data from a program that supports COM automation
Excel Lookup and Reference Functions Other FORMULATEXT Returns a formula as a string (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Numeric Information ABS Returns the absolute value (i.e. the modulus) of a supplied number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Numeric Information SIGN Returns the sign (+1, -1 or 0) of a supplied number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Numeric Information GCD Returns the Greatest Common Divisor of two or more supplied numbers
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Numeric Information LCM Returns the Least Common Multiple of two or more supplied numbers
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Mathematical Operations SUM Returns the sum of a supplied list of numbers
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Mathematical Operations PRODUCT Returns the product of a supplied list of numbers
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Mathematical Operations POWER Returns the result of a given number raised to a supplied power
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Mathematical Operations SQRT Returns the positive square root of a given number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Mathematical Operations QUOTIENT Returns the integer portion of a division between two supplied numbers
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Mathematical Operations MOD Returns the remainder from a division between two supplied numbers
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Mathematical Operations AGGREGATE Performs a specified calculation (e.g. the sum, product, average, etc.) for a list or database, with the option to ignore hidden rows and error values (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Basic Mathematical Operations SUBTOTAL Performs a specified calculation (e.g. the sum, product, average, etc.) for a supplied set of values
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions CEILING Rounds a numberaway from zero (i.e. rounds a positive number up and a negative number down), to a multiple of significance
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions CEILING.PRECISE Rounds a numberup, regardless of the sign of the number, to a multiple of significance (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions ISO.CEILING Rounds a numberup, regardless of the sign of the number, to a multiple of significance. (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions CEILING.MATH Rounds a number up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions EVEN Rounds a numberaway from zero (i.e. rounds a positive number up and a negative number down), to the next even number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions FLOOR Rounds a numbertowards zero, (i.e. rounds a positive number down and a negative number up), to a multiple of significance
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions FLOOR.PRECISE Rounds a numberdown, regardless of the sign of the number, to a multiple of significance (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions FLOOR.MATH Rounds a number down, to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions INT Rounds a numberdown to the next integer
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions MROUND Rounds a numberup or down, to the nearest multiple of significance
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions ODD Rounds a numberaway from zero (i.e. rounds a positive number up and a negative number down), to the next odd number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions ROUND Rounds a numberup or down, to a given number of digits
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions ROUNDDOWN Rounds a numbertowards zero, (i.e. rounds a positive number down and a negative number up), to a given number of digits
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions ROUNDUP Rounds a numberaway from zero (i.e. rounds a positive number up and a negative number down), to a given number of digits
Excel Math and Trig Functions Rounding Functions TRUNC Truncates a numbertowards zero (i.e. rounds a positive number down and a negative number up), to the next integer.
Excel Math and Trig Functions Conditional Sums SUMIF Adds the cells in a supplied range, that satisfy a given criteria
Excel Math and Trig Functions Conditional Sums SUMIFS Adds the cells in a supplied range, that satisfy multiple criteria (New in Excel 2007)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Advanced Mathematical Operations SUMPRODUCT Returns the sum of the products of corresponding values in two or more supplied arrays
Excel Math and Trig Functions Advanced Mathematical Operations SUMSQ Returns the sum of the squares of a supplied list of numbers
Excel Math and Trig Functions Advanced Mathematical Operations SUMX2MY2 Returns the sum of the difference of squares of corresponding values in two supplied arrays
Excel Math and Trig Functions Advanced Mathematical Operations SUMX2PY2 Returns the sum of the sum of squares of corresponding values in two supplied arrays
Excel Math and Trig Functions Advanced Mathematical Operations SUMXMY2 Returns the sum of squares of differences of corresponding values in two supplied arrays
Excel Math and Trig Functions Advanced Mathematical Operations SERIESSUM Returns the sum of a power series
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions PI Returns the constant value of pi
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions SQRTPI Returns the square root of a supplied number multiplied by pi
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions DEGREES Converts Radians to Degrees
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions RADIANS Converts Degrees to Radians
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions COS Returns the Cosine of a given angle
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions ACOS Returns the Arccosine of a number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions COSH Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions ACOSH Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions SEC Returns the secant of an angle (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions SECH Returns the hyperbolic secant of an angle (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions SIN Returns the Sine of a given angle
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions ASIN Returns the Arcsine of a number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions SINH Returns the Hyperbolic Sine of a number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions ASINH Returns the Inverse Hyperbolic Sine of a number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions CSC Returns the cosecant of an angle (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions CSCH Returns the hyperbolic cosecant of an angle (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions TAN Returns the Tangent of a given angle
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions ATAN Returns the Arctangent of a given number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions ATAN2 Returns the Arctangent of a given pair of x and y coordinates
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions TANH Returns the Hyperbolic Tangent of a given number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions ATANH Returns the Inverse Hyperbolic Tangent of a given number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions COT Returns the cotangent of an angle (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions COTH Returns the hyperbolic cotangent of an angle (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions ACOT Returns the arccotangent of a number (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Trigonometry Functions ACOTH Returns the hyperbolic arccotangent of a number (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Exponents & Logarithms EXP Returnse raised to a given power
Excel Math and Trig Functions Exponents & Logarithms LN Returns the natural logarithm of a given number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Exponents & Logarithms LOG Returns the logarithm of a given number, to a specified base
Excel Math and Trig Functions Exponents & Logarithms LOG10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of a given number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Matrix Functions MDETERM Returns the matrix determinant of a supplied array
Excel Math and Trig Functions Matrix Functions MINVERSE Returns the matrix inverse of a supplied array
Excel Math and Trig Functions Matrix Functions MMULT Returns the matrix product of two supplied arrays
Excel Math and Trig Functions Matrix Functions MUNIT Returns the unit matrix for a specified dimension (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Random Numbers RAND Returns a random number between 0 and 1
Excel Math and Trig Functions Random Numbers RANDBETWEEN Returns a random number between two given integers
Excel Math and Trig Functions Factorials FACT Returns the Factorial of a given number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Factorials FACTDOUBLE Returns the Double Factorial of a given number
Excel Math and Trig Functions Factorials MULTINOMIAL Returns the Multinomial of a given set of numbers
Excel Math and Trig Functions Miscellaneous BASE Converts a number into a text representation, with the supplied base (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Miscellaneous DECIMAL Converts a text representation of a number in a specified base into a decimal number (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Miscellaneous COMBIN Returns the number of combinations (without repititions) for a given number of objects
Excel Math and Trig Functions Miscellaneous COMBINA Returns the number of combinations (with repetitions) for a given number of items (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Miscellaneous ARABIC Converts a Roman numeral to an Arabic numeral (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Math and Trig Functions Miscellaneous ROMAN Returns a text string depicting the roman numeral for a given number
Excel Statistical Functions Count & Frequency COUNT Returns the number of numerical values in a supplied set of cells or values
Excel Statistical Functions Count & Frequency COUNTA Returns the number of non-blanks in a supplied set of cells or values
Excel Statistical Functions Count & Frequency COUNTBLANK Returns the number of blank cells in a supplied range
Excel Statistical Functions Count & Frequency COUNTIF Returns the number of cells (of a supplied range), that satisfy a given criteria
Excel Statistical Functions Count & Frequency COUNTIFS Returns the number of cells (of a supplied range), that satisfy a set of given criteria (New in Excel 2007)
Excel Statistical Functions Count & Frequency FREQUENCY Returns an array showing the number of values from a supplied array, which fall into specified ranges
Excel Statistical Functions Permutations PERMUT Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects
Excel Statistical Functions Permutations PERMUTATIONA Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects (with repetitions) that can be selected from the total objects (New in Excel 2013)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank PERCENTILE Returns the K'th percentile of values in a supplied range, where K is in the range 0 - 1 (inclusive) (Replaced by Percentile.Inc function in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank PERCENTILE.INC Returns the K'th percentile of values in a supplied range, where K is in the range 0 - 1 (inclusive) (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Percentile function)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank PERCENTILE.EXC Returns the K'th percentile of values in a supplied range, where K is in the range 0 - 1 (exclusive) (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank QUARTILE Returns the specified quartile of a set of supplied numbers, based on percentile value 0 - 1 (inclusive) (Replaced by Quartile.Inc function in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank QUARTILE.INC Returns the specified quartile of a set of supplied numbers, based on percentile value 0 - 1 (inclusive) (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Quartile function)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank QUARTILE.EXC Returns the specified quartile of a set of supplied numbers, based on percentile value 0 - 1 (exclusive) (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank RANK Returns the statistical rank of a given value, within a supplied array of values (Replaced by Rank.Eq function in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank RANK.EQ Returns the Mode (the most frequently occurring value) of a list of supplied numbers (if more than one value has same rank, the top rank of that set is returned) (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Rank function)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank RANK.AVG Returns the statistical rank of a given value, within a supplied array of values (if more than one value has same rank, the average rank is returned) (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank PERCENTRANK Returns the rank of a value in a data set, as a percentage (0 - 1 inclusive) (Replaced by Percentrank.Inc function in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank PERCENTRANK.INC Returns the rank of a value in a data set, as a percentage (0 - 1 inclusive) (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Percentrank function)
Excel Statistical Functions Percentiles, Quartiles & Rank PERCENTRANK.EXC Returns the rank of a value in a data set, as a percentage (0 - 1 exclusive) (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Averages AVERAGE Returns the Average of a list of supplied numbers
Excel Statistical Functions Averages AVERAGEA Returns the Average of a list of supplied numbers, counting text and the logical value FALSE as the value 0 and counting the logical value TRUE as the value 1
Excel Statistical Functions Averages AVERAGEIF Calculates the Average of the cells in a supplied range, that satisfy a given criteria (New in Excel 2007)
Excel Statistical Functions Averages AVERAGEIFS Calculates the Average of the cells in a supplied range, that satisfy multiple criteria (New in Excel 2007)
Excel Statistical Functions Averages MEDIAN Returns the Median (the middle value) of a list of supplied numbers
Excel Statistical Functions Averages MODE Returns the Mode (the most frequently occurring value) of a list of supplied numbers (Replaced by Mode.Sngl function in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Averages MODE.SNGL Returns the Mode (the most frequently occurring value) of a list of supplied numbers (New in Excel 2010 - replaces the Mode function)
Excel Statistical Functions Averages MODE.MULT Returns a vertical array of the most frequently occurring values in an array or range of data (New in Excel 2010)
Excel Statistical Functions Averages GEOMEAN Returns the geometric mean of a set of supplied numbers
Excel Statistical Functions Averages HARMEAN Returns the harmonic mean of a set of supplied numbers
Excel Statistical Functions Averages TRIMMEAN Returns the mean of the interior of a supplied set of values
Excel Statistical Functions Deviation & Variance AVEDEV Returns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean
