

  • [.NET開發; Java] .NET和J2EE該互相學習什麼



  • [Firefox; Greasemonkey] 也談“入口”的革命——玩玩Firefox


    GreaseMonkey可以說突破了原始浏覽器的架構,提供了一種前所未有的操作方式,而Firefox本身靈活的結構也更是值得我們學習的。不過用GreaseMonkey來作為“入口”還是缺少了一些東西,他本身并沒有實作網絡同本地之間的橋梁作用,不過,“随着這個設計思路的延深,将浏覽器與Web Service本身結合一體的模式也破殼而出。”

  • [程式人生] Why Good Programmers Are Lazy and Dumb


    It’s like the story of the centipede. The centipede was very good at walking with its hundred legs. It never spent a thought on just how it could walk. Until one day, when a big black bug asked the centipede “How can you manage to walk with all those feet? Don’t you find it hard to coordinate their rhythm?” The black bug already left, when the centipede was still sitting down, pondering how it could walk, wondering, and (for the first time in his life) even worrying a little bit. From that day on, the centipede couldn’t walk anymore.So you better not think too much if you want to achieve something. And of course this is only half the truth, too...

  • [資料庫技術] Database Programming and Design


    In this article, I'll summarize 25 of the most useful SQL tuning tips for making SQL statements run faster. Although some of these techniques have been previously described in Oracle manuals and various journals, many others have never been published and are appearing here for the first time.

  • [RSS; bloglines; ajax] Tiny Tiny RSS


    一個用ajax做的微型rss feed線上閱讀器,仿bloglines界面

    Server-side RSS feed aggregator written in PHP and heavily based on XmlHttpRequest and related technologies for user interface and operation.

  • [.NET開發] A low-level Look at the ASP.NET Architecture


    ASP.NET is a powerful platform for building Web applications, that provides a tremendous amount of flexibility and power for building just about any kind of Web application. Most people are familiar only with the high level frameworks like WebForms and WebServices which sit at the very top level of the ASP.NET hierarchy. In this article I’ll describe the lower level aspects of ASP.NET and explain how requests move from Web Server to the ASP.NET runtime and then through the ASP.NET Http Pipeline to process requests.

  • [blog; CSDN] I have 3 out of 10.


    昨天找點時間上了一下CSDN, 沒想到當我的老花眼仔細一看CSDN的首頁, 發現我的Blog內容在CSDN的『專家Blogs』10篇Blogs中佔了3篇, 心中真是高興,看來我找時間辛辛苦苦寫Blog是得到了一些人的肯定, 我要繼續加油。 不過最好我的老闆不要看到我的Blog, 否則來興師問罪問我怎麼還有時間寫Blog? 是不是不夠忙? 那就慘了, 愉點零碎的時間寫寫小東西似乎成了我現在在Borland唯一能做的嗜好了.

  • [.NET開發; Java] 也做個比較(2)


    至于C/C ,根據Joshua Bloch/Neal Gafter:'...... In C and C , the order of expression evaluation is not specified. When compiling the expression x ^= expr, many C and C compilers sample the value of x after evaluating expr, which makes the idiom work. Although it may work, it runs afoul of the C/C rule that you must not modify a variable repeatedly between successive sequence points [ISO-C]. Therefore, the behavior of this idiom is undefined even in C and C .....'而Java/C#則明确規定了表達式中operand的evaluation次序,是以結果不同,起碼目前版本是如此

  • [.NET開發; Java] 也做個比較


    Joshua Bloch 是Java語言組的設計師,去年離開Sun加盟Google,他的《Effective Java》一書在Java界影響很大。最近與Google的同僚Neal Gafter (也是前Sun雇員) 合寫了《Java Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls, and Corner Cases》。該書的幾個條目以及全部Source Code可以在www.javapuzzlers.com下載下傳到下面是第二章裡的幾個例子的比較,是在.NET 2.0.50215 和Java 1.5.0下做的,至于結果為什麼不一樣,建議參考2門語言的Specifications。

  • [.NET開發] Undocumented Keywords in C#


    研究Int32&的時候,無意中發現C#裡面還有4個Undocument Keyword, 分别是__makeref, __reftype, __refvalue 以及__arglist。

  • [.NET開發; sql_server] C# SQLSERVER資料庫備份程式



  • [sql_server] SQLServer 工具箱v1.3(SQL腳本排序,日志清除,資料導入導出)附完整源代碼



  • [.NET開發; Google; API] Google Desktop Winamp Plugin - C#


    Yesterday I submitted my first Plugin for GD - .NET/C# of course. It has basic the controls: play/pause/stop/next/prev and displays the title of the track currently playing. I think the hardest part was to get the installer working right. Now that I look back it was quite simple I was just looking at all the wrong places.

  • [Google; api] Google Desktop Search 2 kicks butt!


    Google just released a new version of their Google Desktop Search software. It has tons of configuration options and a new 'sidebar' to help you keep information ready at your fingertips. As a developer, I also like the extensibility which now includes many 3rd-party file parsers and sidebar add-ins. If you are interested in writing your own plugins, there are even a couple .NET Wrappers available.

  • [系統架構] Enterprise architecture frameworks map


    We start new workspace in the Enterprise architecture wiki (http://www.theeagroup.net/ea/Default.aspx?tabid=28) that tries to map EA frameworks. you all invite to participate ...

  • [.NET開發] Java (J2SE 5.0) and C# Comparison


    This is a quick reference guide to highlight some key syntactical differences between Java and C#. This is by no means a complete overview of either language. Hope you find this useful!

  • [.NET開發] VB.NET and C# Comparison


    This is a quick reference guide to highlight some key syntactical differences between VB.NETand C#. Hope you find this useful!

  • [javascript] JavaScript and Namespaces (howto)


    On one of my last blogs I wrote about the way using namespaces in JavaScript. Some developers asked me how to create namespaces in JavaScript. Following short example will have a registerNS method which will create the necessary objects (our namespaces).

  • [網摘; web2.0; 新思維] “入口”的革命 - 從“個人門戶”到“個性服務”


    今天想提一下Flock,一款基于Firefox核心開發的Web Browser,不同之處在于Flock将浏覽器與Web Service結合起來,并且挂了塊蠻吸引人的招牌:Social Browsing。我現在在使用的0.2版本,實作的一種社會性浏覽功能是通過浏覽器進行網摘,然後這些網摘的紀錄在Flock的服務端儲存和分享,從Web Service的角度來說,可以将它想像成一個帶有浏覽功能的網摘用戶端軟體,而對于使用者來說,它是內建的許多社會性功能的增強浏覽器。實際上重要的不是Flock目前實作的這一點功能,習慣了網摘插件的使用者也不會太在意是點選浏覽器上的一個按鈕來添加網摘還是通過右鍵來添加。但重要的是Flcok實作的一種基于開放API,将網絡服務內建一體的桌面浏覽器。而這種內建多種網絡服務的浏覽器将引爆新一倫的網際網路的新穎應用。


