


擁抱生活,熱愛生活,因為它也會同樣熱愛你。今天有機會與大家交談。我很榮幸,to have the Putt to speak with you today.這對您和您的整個家庭,This is a very special moment.來說都是一個非常特别的時刻,for you and your entire family.我仍然清楚地記得,I still vividly remember setting in your seat 16 years ago.坐在您的座位上的情景。

今天我想花點時間,分享我在新加坡這個小島國的,learned on my own journey.成長曆程中學到的一些東西。

我知道,Growing up in Singapore,我想盡可能多地看看這個世界。I knew that I wanted to see as much of the world as possible.在倫敦大學學院生活,Being at UCL and living in London.給了我多化的國際經驗,gave me a diverse and international experience.和你們中的許多人一樣。

Like many of you,我結交了一些來自,Imade some amazing tfeiong friends from around the world.世界各地的了不起的終生朋友。during my time at UCL.


it is a very special moment.我努力工作把自己沉浸在工作中。

I worked hard with what I had i put myself out there and i took chances when they came.我抓了機會and you go first job out of college.我抓了機會and was to join goldman sachs.投資銀行高盛an investment bank in London.在那裡我被介紹給dst.一家剛剛的投資公司,一家剛剛起步的年輕投資公司,我真的沒有任何投資經驗,但我一直在努力學習,并推動自己離開舒适區。

段旅程中我遇到了許多網際網路創始人,I met many internet foundersduring this journey,including the founding teamof ByteDance and TikTok,bike dance和tick tock的創始,多年後發現自己在TikTok的角色定位。

在這個過程中,Somewhere in the middle of this journe,我選擇了去美國的商學院,IChose to go to business school in the US,我記得曾為這個決定而苦苦掙紮,remember struggling with this decision。想知道這個決定是會保是enhance or delay my career.

我很高興盡管我自己不确定,但我确實選擇了去,despite my own Best,因為我在那裡遇到了我的妻子,我無法證明如果我選擇了另一條路,我的職業生涯是否會更好。if my career would have been better,if I had taken another path,但我可以自信地說我的生活更充實。

but I can confidently say that my lifeis fuller and more meaningful,as a result of my decision.

更有意義我想表達的觀點,你要勇敢擁抱你将要踏上的人生旅程,The point I'mtrying to make is to encourage you to embrace the journ去享受你将進行的旅程,you are going to embark on.生活會帶給你許多機會,Life will take you in many directions.

工作,充分利用你所擁有的抓住,most of what you have,但不要想太多你會感到不确定,take chances that will come your way.這對我來說是不舒服的。有時你不得不離開自己的舒适區,你會感到不确定不自在,放輕松。無論你遇到什麼,總會有新的情況,無論你遇到什麼,用智慧和自信去面對。用智慧和自信去面對,你将會通過難難和挑戰。你知道您的教授會為你加油,你的朋友和家人會一路支援你。
