
How to Do Everything with Web 2.0 Mashups

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Want to supercharge your website with the latest searching, mapping, shopping, and imaging tools? Now you can build amazing mashups with help from this step-by-step guide. How to Do Everything with Web 2.0 Mashups shows you how to remix the best of Google, Amazon, Flickr, and eBay to create customized applications. You'll learn to use essential Web 2.0 technologies--including XML, JavaScript, XHTML, and REST--and seamlessly integrate them into your own innovative mashups.

*Build dynamic mashups using XML and JavaScript

*Use MySQL with PHP to retrieve data from databases

*Receive data via RSS and Atom

*Learn to use XMLHttpRequest, XML-RPC, REST, and JSON

*Structure your mashup pages using XHTML

*Incorporate Google searching and mapping technologies

*Integrate Amazon Web Services

*Include Flickr photos in your mashups

*Tap into eBay tools and map the locations of eBay sellers

*Successfully manage multiple technologies in your mashups


