




A sign announcing monkeypox vaccination is setup in Tropical Park by Miami-Dade County and Nomi Health on August 15, 2022 in Miami, Florida. [Photo/Agencies]

The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday it was ending a 10-month-long global health emergency for mpox, a viral disease that led to confirmed cases in more than a hundred countries.世界衛生組織(WHO)11日表示,将宣布猴痘疫情不再構成“國際關注的突發公共衛生事件”,過去10個月全球100多個國家發現猴痘确診病例。

The organization declared mpox a public health emergency of international concern in July 2022 and backed its stand in November and February.WHO于2022年7月宣布猴痘為國際關注的突發公共衛生事件,并于2022年11月和2023年2月重申其立場。

The WHO's director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, declared the end of the emergency status for the disease based on the recommendation of the organization's emergency committee, which met on Wednesday.WHO總幹事譚德塞根據10日召開的世衛組織緊急委員會會議的建議,宣布猴痘疫情不再構成“國際關注的實發公共衛生事件”。

The move signals that the crisis due to mpox, which spreads through direct contact with body fluids and causes flu-like symptoms and pus-filled skin lesions, has come under control.此舉表明,猴痘病毒引發的危機已得到控制。猴痘通過與體液直接接觸傳播,症狀包括流感樣症狀和膿包皮疹樣皮膚病變。

Nicola Low, vice chair of WHO's emergency committee on mpox, said there was a need to move to a strategy for managing the long-term public health risks of mpox than to rely on emergency measures.WHO猴痘應急委員會副主席尼古拉·洛表示,需要制定一項戰略來管理猴痘的長期公共衛生風險,而不是依賴應急措施。

The transition would mean including mpox response and preparedness under national disease surveillance programs such as those for HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, Low said.洛表示,這一轉變意味着猴痘的預防和應對措施應像艾滋病和其他性傳播傳染病一樣,被納入國家疾病監測計劃。

Almost 90% fewer mpox cases were reported in the past three months, compared with cases in the same duration before that, the WHO chief said.世衛組織負責人說,過去三個月報告的猴痘病例較之前三個月減少了近90%。

More than 87,000 mpox cases have been confirmed globally from the beginning of 2022 through May 8 this year, according to the WHO's latest report.根據世界衛生組織的最新報告,從2022年初到今年5月8日,全球已報告了超過8.7萬例猴痘病例。

