
金融應用的3種顔色 藍色🟦 (Blue 🟦) 綠🟩 (Green 🟩) 紅🟥 (Red 🟥)

“Colors are the mother tongue of the subconscious.”


Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is quoted to have said this. Jung is most prominently associated with the pioneering stages of color psychology, which has since been used for marketing, design and more. I want to share with you what I believe to the three most important colors and three important lessons to bear in mind while designing financial applications for users.

引用瑞士精神病學家和心理分析學家卡爾·榮格(Carl Jung)的話是這樣說的。 榮格(Jung)與色彩心理學的開拓階段有着最顯着的聯系,自那以後,色彩心理學就已經用于營銷,設計等領域。 我想與大家分享我為使用者設計财務應用程式時要記住的三個最重要的顔色和三個重要的教訓。

藍色🟦 (Blue 🟦)

Imagine that you have $10,000 to deposit. You have a choice between two banks, the Blue Bank and the Brown Bank as shown here.

假設您有$ 10,000的存款。 您可以在兩個銀行(藍色銀行和棕色銀行)之間進行選擇,如下所示。

金融應用的3種顔色 藍色🟦 (Blue 🟦) 綠🟩 (Green 🟩) 紅🟥 (Red 🟥)

Which one will you bank with? 您可以向哪一家銀行存款?

Assume that there is no difference at all between the two banks, save for their logos. Use a card or just your palm to hide one logo and look at the other, one by one. Now close your eyes and decide. Which one will you bank with?

假設兩家銀行之間完全沒有差別,除了它們的徽标。 使用卡片或您的手掌來隐藏一個徽标,一個一個地看另一個徽标。 現在閉上你的眼睛,然後決定。 您可以向哪一家銀行存款?

If you are like most people, you might be, ever so slightly, more inclined towards the Blue Bank. Why?

如果您像大多數人一樣,那麼您可能會稍微偏向于藍岸銀行。 為什麼?

YouGov, a British international Internet-based market research and data analytics firm, conducted a survey in 10 countries across four continents in 2015. They asked one question, “Which one of the colors listed below do you like the most?” and listed 11 options, pink, red, green, blue, orange, purple, black, yellow, white, brown and none of these. Guess, which was the most popular choice? You are right. It was blue. This was true across all countries, including the red communist China. Do you wonder which was the least popular color? It was brown across most countries. However, not across all. For instance, in Indonesia, brown was the third most popular color after blue and red. So, what does it have to do with you (perhaps) choosing Blue Bank over Brown Bank?

2015年,英國國際網際網路市場研究和資料分析公司YouGov在四大洲的10個國家進行了一項調查。他們提出了一個問題:“您最喜歡以下哪種顔色? ”,列出了11個選項,分别是粉紅色,紅色,綠色,藍色,橙色,紫色,黑色,黃色,白色,棕色,這些都不是。 猜猜,哪個是最受歡迎的選擇? 你是對的。 它是藍色的。 在包括紅色共産主義中國在内的所有國家中都是如此。 您想知道哪種顔色最受歡迎嗎? 在大多數國家,它都是棕色的。 但是,并非全部。 例如,在印度尼西亞,棕色是僅次于藍色和紅色的第三流行顔色。 那麼,與您(也許)選擇Blue Bank而不是Brown Bank有什麼關系?

(Please check out https://today.yougov.com/topics/international/articles-reports/2015/05/12/why-blue-worlds-favorite-color for details on this survey.)

(有關此調查的詳細資訊,請檢視https://today.yougov.com/topics/international/articles-reports/2015/05/12/why-blue-worlds-favorite-color 。)

Since blue is favored by so most people, it is often viewed as a non-threatening color that can seem conservative and traditional. In other words, it evokes trust. Trust is one of the most important qualities that a bank, an insurance company or a financial services firm can hope to establish with their customers. Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., an American physician, poet, and polymath, has said —

由于藍色是以受到大多數人的青睐,是以通常被視為一種不具威脅性的顔色,看起來較為保守和傳統。 換句話說,它喚起了信任。 信任是銀行,保險公司或金融服務公司希望與客戶建立的最重要的素質之一。 美國醫師,詩人和博學專家奧利弗·溫德爾·霍爾姆斯(Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.)說:

Put not your trust in money, but put your money in trust.


The point is not the color blue. The point is the feeling of trust. Keep this lesson in mind while designing and building financial applications.

重點不是藍色。 關鍵是信任感。 在設計和建構财務應用程式時,請牢記這一課。

Lesson 1 — Build for trust. Not just in form, but also in content.

第1課-建立信任。 不僅在形式上,而且在内容上。

Design your application for security and reliability to earn and keep the user’s trust.


綠🟩 (Green 🟩)

What is common to the following three books?


  1. “Think and Grow Rich” by O. Napolean Hill,

    O. Napolean Hill的“思考與成長緻富” ,

  2. “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert T. Kiyosaki, and

    羅伯特·T·清崎(Robert T. Kiyosaki)的《富爸爸,窮爸爸》,和

  3. “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason.

    喬治·克拉森(George S. Clason)的“巴比倫首富” 。

There are a few things common among them. One of them is that they are some of the best selling non-fiction books of all time, each having sold millions of copies. Two is that they provide financial advice and lessons on living a rich life. Here is a quote from each book.

其中有一些共同點。 其中之一是,它們是有史以來最暢銷的非小說類書籍,每本都售出了數百萬本。 二是他們提供财務建議和豐富生活的經驗教訓。 這是每本書的引用。

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” — Napolean Hill

“無論頭腦能想到和相信什麼,它都能實作。” —拿破侖山

“When you are young, work to learn, not to earn.” — Robert Kiyosaki

“年輕時,努力學習,而不是賺錢。” —羅伯特·清崎

“The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow.” — George Clason

“您節省的第一筆銅是您的财富樹将成長的種子。” —喬治·克拉森

Do see a pattern? It may not be obvious at first, but it is there. Not only in these three books, but in fact in almost all good books on getting richer and living a richer life. They talk about one thing. Of course, they talk about money. More importantly, they speak of growth.

看到圖案了嗎? 乍一看可能并不明顯,但是确實存在。 不僅在這三本書中,而且實際上在幾乎所有關于緻富和過上富裕生活的好書中。 他們談論一件事。 當然,他們談論金錢。 更重要的是,他們談到增長。

When people think about money, they want security, but they also want growth. In fact, many times the concern for growth overtakes the concern for security. So much so that, lots of people were ready to invest huge sums in tulips in 17th century Netherlands, in emus in 1990's America and are still ready to invest in bitcoins today all over the world. They want to see their money growing like an acorn planted and tended well grows into a mighty oak tree. Green stands for growth.

當人們想到錢時,他們想要安全,但他們也想要增長。 實際上,對增長的關注常常超過對安全的關注。 如此之多,以至于很多人已經準備好在17世紀的荷蘭,1990年的美國Emus上投資大量郁金香,并且今天仍然準備在世界各地投資比特币。 他們希望看到自己的錢像種植的橡子一樣增長,并且往往長成一棵強大的橡樹。 綠色代表增長。

金融應用的3種顔色 藍色🟦 (Blue 🟦) 綠🟩 (Green 🟩) 紅🟥 (Red 🟥)

Growth in nature and in money 自然和金錢的增長

The point is again to not only think about the color green, but to go beyond it towards the feeling of growth.


Lesson 2— Assist in growth. Both in quantity, as well as in quality.

第2課-協助成長。 無論是數量還是品質。

Design your application to offer the user choices, which nudge them towards growth.


紅🟥 (Red 🟥)

Why do you earn money? Why do you save some of it? Why do you invest some of it?

你為什麼賺錢? 為什麼要儲存其中一些? 您為什麼要投資其中的一部分?

We can find clues to the answer by simply looking up the definition of money.


金錢的定義 (Definition of money)

1: something generally accepted as a medium of exchange, a measure of value, or a means of payment.


So, money is simply a medium of exchange. In other words, only a means towards an end. So, the next question is, “What are the ends?” We can find this out by asking people, “What do you need to buy with money? What do you want to buy with money?” Both needs and wants are desires that people have. Each of us each is riding a streetcar named desire. Red stands for desires.

是以,金錢僅僅是交換的一種媒介。 換句話說,隻有達到目的的手段。 是以,下一個問題是: “目的何在?” 我們可以通過問人們“您需要用錢購買什麼? 您想用錢買什麼?” 需求和欲望都是人們的願望。 我們每個人都乘坐名為欲望的有軌電車。 紅色代表欲望。

What are your desires? Is it to buy a house? Is it to get your children quality education? Is it to travel the world? Is it to save and invest for a comfortable retirement life? Your desires could be others. Many, more.

你有什麼願望買房子嗎? 是為了對孩子進行素質教育嗎? 是環遊世界嗎? 儲蓄和投資以享有舒适的退休生活嗎? 您的欲望可能是别人。 還有很多。

金融應用的3種顔色 藍色🟦 (Blue 🟦) 綠🟩 (Green 🟩) 紅🟥 (Red 🟥)

What are your desires? 你有什麼願望

The point is to think about your users’ desires. What are the features and functionality that you are going to build to understand their desires and cater to them?

關鍵是要考慮使用者的需求。 您将要建構什麼特征和功能來了解他們的需求并滿足他們的需求?

Lesson 3— Cater to desires, including both the needs and the wants.


Design your application to meet the user’s desires, which are the ends which they wish to attain through the means.


Do you know what can we get by mixing different combinations of blue, green and red? A world of infinite possibilities!

您知道通過混合藍色,綠色和紅色的不同組合可以得到什麼嗎? 無限可能性的世界!

金融應用的3種顔色 藍色🟦 (Blue 🟦) 綠🟩 (Green 🟩) 紅🟥 (Red 🟥)

Bay Area Black Designers: a professional development community for Black people who are digital designers and researchers in the San Francisco Bay Area. By joining together in community, members share inspiration, connection, peer mentorship, professional development, resources, feedback, support, and resilience. Silence against systemic racism is not an option. Build the design community you believe in. 海灣地區黑人設計師:一個專業的黑人開發社群,他們是舊金山灣區的數字設計師和研究人員。 通過在社群中團結起來,成員可以共享靈感,聯系,同伴指導,專業發展,資源,回報,支援和韌性。 對系統性種族主義保持沉默是不可行的。 建立您相信的設計社群。

翻譯自: https://uxdesign.cc/3-colors-for-financial-applications-ec75c806e454