
Build HSS and Config Phpmyadmin

Build HSS and Config Phpmyadmin

The following is the Openair4G's instructions.

Building HSS:

cmake_targets$ tools/build_hss -c --connect-to-mme ubuntu.openair4G.eur -t -T --realm openair4G.eur

Configuring the HSS:

In oai_db (easier for newbies to access HSS database through

    In table mmeidentity, enter the record corresponding to your MME:

           (idmmeidentity, mmehost, mmerealm)

    In table pdn, enter the record allowing an IMSI to connect to an APN

    In table users, enter the record corresponding to your USIM card.     

Running the HSS:

/cmake_targets$ sudo tools/run_hss -g

however you will have some errors, when you type, 404!!!!!

then you should run sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/html/ ,when you login the phpmyadmin,

Build HSS and Config Phpmyadmin

then you can config your own MME,

Build HSS and Config Phpmyadmin

and add your IMEI & SIM card

Build HSS and Config Phpmyadmin