
【原子樣式實踐】第8篇 更新微信小程式原子樣式工具的實時生成能力-20ms響應


1 工作原理

1.1 全量生成和部分生成



(1)fullBuild 為全量生成函數,僅在初始化完成後執行。

(2)partiallyUpdate 為部分生成函數,在監測檔案變化後執行,複用了全量函數生成的頁面樣式緩存結果。



import "https://deno.land/x/[email protected]/mod.ts";
import "https://deno.land/[email protected]/fs/mod.ts";
import {printError, log, timing} from "./util.ts"
import {OptionalRunningConfig, WxRunningConfig} from "./data.config.ts";
import * as wx from "./mod.wx.ts";

const fullBuild = (config: WxRunningConfig): Promise<number> => {
    log("[task] start auto generation after started");
    const time = timing()
    return Promise.all([
        wx.parseMiniProgramPages(config).then(wx.batchPromise(wx.parsePageClassNames, config)),
        wx.parseComponentPages(config).then(wx.batchPromise(wx.parseComponentClassNames, config)),
        .then(wx.finishAndPrintCostTime(config, time))
        .then(() => log("service ready, Press Ctrl-C to exit"))

const partiallyUpdate = (config: WxRunningConfig, fileEvents: string[]): Promise<number> => {
    const time = timing()
    return wx.generateClassNamesFromFileEvents(config, fileEvents)
        .then(wx.finishAndPrintCostTime(config, time))

(function () {
    log("   wxmp-atomic-css: wechat mini program atomic css kit");
    log("starting wxmp-atomic-css");

    const sigIntHandler = () => {
        log("wxmp-atomic-css service closed");
    Deno.addSignalListener("SIGINT", sigIntHandler);

    wx.readRunningConfig("data/config.json", {
        // debugOption: {showPageClassNames: true, showPageTaskBegin: true, showPageTaskResult: true}
    } as OptionalRunningConfig)
        .then((config: WxRunningConfig) => fullBuild(config)
            .then(() => wx.watchMiniProgramPageChange(config, partiallyUpdate)))
        .catch((e: unknown) => log(e))


fullBuild 全量生成函數的流程為:(1)讀取全局樣式,讀取元件頁面樣式,讀取并計算主包、分包頁面需要生成的樣式,(2)合并計算需要生成的樣式;(3)生成樣式内容;(4)儲存内容到檔案;(5)緩存結果,列印耗時。

partiallyUpdate 部分生成函數的流程為:(1)根據事件更新的頁面需要生成的樣式,合并緩存獲得全部需要生成的樣式;(2)生成樣式内容;(3)儲存内容到檔案;(4)緩存結果,列印耗時。

1.2 主要參數定義

1.2.1 運作參數定義
export interface WxRunningConfig {

     * working dir, default value is ".", should detect if contains correct contents
    workDir: string

     * temp data, which store global rules and themes
    tempData: TempData

     * mini program file structure
    fileStructure: FileStructure

     * mini program file extension
    fileExtension: FileExtension

     * css options
    cssOption: CssOption

     * debug options, each default value is false
    debugOption: DebugOption

     * data file or uri
    dataOption: DataOption

     * watch options
    watchOption: WatchOption

     * process options, e.g. promise
    processOption: ProcessOption

 * debug option
export interface DebugOption {
     * print configuration
    printConfigInfo: boolean
     * print rules
    printRule: boolean
     * print themes
    printThemes: boolean
     * show page files' class names
    showPageClassNames: boolean
     * show page class attributes
    showPageClassAttribute: boolean
     * show css files' style names
    showCssStyleNames: boolean
     * show the beginning of page task
    showPageTaskBegin: boolean
     * show the result of page task
    showPageTaskResult: boolean
     * show style task result
    showStyleTaskResult: boolean
     * show batch task step
    showTaskStep: boolean
     * show the generated content
    showFileContent: boolean

 * watch option
export interface WatchOption {
     * refresh duration after the file changes
    delay: number;
     * extensions of files which could update global css file
    fileTypes: string[];
     * refresh order count
    refreshCount: number;

 * process option
export interface ProcessOption {
     * promise concurrent limit
    promiseLimit: number;
1.2.2 樣式規則定義
 * atomic style rule
export interface AtomicStyleRule {
     * package name to manage rules
    package: string
     * describe the rule, if syntax is not normal
    desc?: string
     * class name syntax, could use vars, [U]-unit, [C]-color, [N]-number,
     * [A]-alpha number, with decimal point as prefix is the true value
    syntax: string
     * classes name which in global css file and compose to the new style
    compose?: string[]
     * style declaration for class names, required if compose is undefined or empty
    expr?: string,
     * dependencies of style names
    dependencies?: string[],
     * units includes by expr, effected on running
    units?: string[],
     * colors includes by expr, effected on running
    colors?: string[],
     * regEx for dynamic expr, which includes [, effected on running
    syntaxRegex?: RegExp

1.3 并發處理


(1)使用 Promise.all 發起了全局樣式檔案、元件檔案、頁面檔案解析任務。


可以将處理時間從 1秒減少到200ms左右(個人計算機實測)。

1.4 複用處理 


緩存儲存在 WxRunningSetting 的 tempData 屬性中,結構如下。

 * temp data
interface TempData {
     * effected rule setting cache
    ruleSetting?: StyleRuleSetting;
     * effected theme map cache
    themeMap?: ThemeMap;
     * page class names dictionary
    pageClassNameMap: { [index: string]: string[] };
     * global style names
    globalClassNames: string[]
     * global style names
    tempGlobalClassNames: string[]


2 運作結果


❯ deno run --allow-read --allow-write --watch worker.ts D:\xxx\yyy\miniprogram\
Watcher Process started.
2022-10-23 11:02:10.529 ==========================================================
2022-10-23 11:02:10.531    wxmp-atomic-css: wechat mini program atomic css kit
2022-10-23 11:02:10.531 ==========================================================
2022-10-23 11:02:10.531 starting wxmp-atomic-css
2022-10-23 11:02:10.534 [task] working directory found for app.wxss at D:\repo\ryl-wxmp\miniprogram\
2022-10-23 11:02:10.542 [task] read 15 themes
2022-10-23 11:02:10.545 [task] read 144 rules
2022-10-23 11:02:10.545 [task] start auto generation after started
2022-10-23 11:02:10.576 [task] parse global styles names, found [1] in [font.wxss]
2022-10-23 11:02:10.578 [task] parse global styles names, found [6] in [app.wxss]
2022-10-23 11:02:10.580 [task] read wechat mini program pages from config file, found [34] pages
2022-10-23 11:02:10.580 [task] [parsePageClassNames] begin 34 tasks
2022-10-23 11:02:10.680 [task] [parsePageClassNames] finish 34 tasks
2022-10-23 11:02:10.688 [task] [parseComponentClassNames] begin 11 tasks
2022-10-23 11:02:10.709 [task] [parseComponentClassNames] finish 11 tasks
2022-10-23 11:02:10.710 [data] total found [7] global style names
2022-10-23 11:02:10.710 [data] total found [166] class names from pages
2022-10-23 11:02:10.710 [data] total found [100] class names from components
2022-10-23 11:02:10.712 [data] [4] class names to remove, [tip-blue,tip-green,tip-red,tip-yellow]
2022-10-23 11:02:10.712 [data] new task for generate [190] class names = [-a,active-bg,active-text-day,active-text-week,ai-center,ai-end,ai-start,bg-black,bg-black-a50,bg-blue-1,bg-blue-6,bg-gray-1,bg-gray-2,bg-gray-3,bg-gray-4,bg-gray-5,bg-gray-7,bg-green-7,bg-orange-3-a10,bg-orange-6,bg-orange-6-a30,b
2022-10-23 11:02:10.713 [data] new task to create [190] class names
2022-10-23 11:02:10.730 [warnings] 21 class names not matched, -a,active-bg,active-text-day,active-text-week,currency,day,disable-text,g-,normal-bg,normal-text,number,pos-tr,round-10m,theme,themes,type,userinfo,userinfo-avatar,userinfo-nickname,wrap,z-
2022-10-23 11:02:10.731 [data] new task to create [29] unit vars, [0,1,10,12,120,144,150,2,20,200,24,256,28,3,30,32,36,37,4,48,6,64,72,8,80,90,96,d5,p100]
2022-10-23 11:02:10.731 [data] new task to create [26] color vars, [black-1,black-1-50,blue-1,blue-6,gray-1,gray-10,gray-2,gray-3,gray-4,gray-5,gray-5-a05,gray-6,gray-7,gray-9,green-6,green-7,orange-3-10,orange-6,orange-6-30,primary-1,primary-1-10,red-3-10,red-6,red-7,red-7-10,white-1]
2022-10-23 11:02:10.731 [task] begin to write output file
2022-10-23 11:02:10.734 [task] save 1756 chars to var.wxss
2022-10-23 11:02:10.736 [task] save 10754 chars to mini.wxss
2022-10-23 11:02:10.736 [data] job done, cost 191 ms, result = 0
2022-10-23 11:02:10.736 service ready, Press Ctrl-C to exit

2022-10-23 11:02:17.339 [file changed] *D:\xxx\yyy\miniprogram\pages\index\course.wxml
2022-10-23 11:02:17.341 [task] page [D:\xxx\yyy\miniprogram\pages\index\course.wxml] - [wh-screen,z-1,flex-col,py-20,c1,mh-200,text-32,text-black,px-32,px-37,flex-row,ai-center,jc-center,h-96,wh-64,text-30,text-orange-6,mx-20,my-20,shadow,round-20,gap-32,duration-1000,delay-1000,ease-in,my-10,text
2022-10-23 11:02:17.342 [data] new task to create [193] class names
2022-10-23 11:02:17.346 [warnings] 23 class names not matched, -a,active-bg,active-text-day,active-text-week,currency,day,disable-text,ff-n,g-,normal-bg,normal-text,number,pop-full,pos-tr,round-10m,theme,themes,type,userinfo,userinfo-avatar,userinfo-nickname,wrap,z-
2022-10-23 11:02:17.347 [data] new task to create [29] unit vars, [0,1,10,12,120,144,150,2,20,200,24,256,28,3,30,32,36,37,4,48,6,64,72,8,80,90,96,d5,p100]
2022-10-23 11:02:17.347 [data] new task to create [26] color vars, [black-1,black-1-50,blue-1,blue-6,gray-1,gray-10,gray-2,gray-3,gray-4,gray-5,gray-5-a05,gray-6,gray-7,gray-9,green-6,green-7,orange-3-10,orange-6,orange-6-30,primary-1,primary-1-10,red-3-10,red-6,red-7,red-7-10,white-1]
2022-10-23 11:02:17.347 [task] begin to write output file
2022-10-23 11:02:17.349 [task] save 1756 chars to var.wxss
2022-10-23 11:02:17.350 [task] save 10819 chars to mini.wxss
2022-10-23 11:02:17.350 [data] job done, cost 11 ms, result = 0
2022-10-23 11:02:17.351 [task] wxmp-atomic-css refresh 1x

2022-10-23 11:02:24.870 [file changed] *D:\xxx\yyy\miniprogram\pages\index\course.wxml
2022-10-23 11:02:24.873 [task] page [D:\xxx\yyy\miniprogram\pages\index\course.wxml] - [wh-screen,z-1,flex-col,py-20,c1,mh-200,text-32,text-black,px-32,px-37,flex-row,ai-center,jc-center,h-96,wh-64,text-30,text-orange-6,text-36,mx-20,my-20,shadow,round-20,gap-32,duration-1000,delay-1000,ease-in,my
2022-10-23 11:02:24.874 [data] job terminated, cost 3 ms { code: 1, msg: "page class names already generated" }
2022-10-23 11:02:24.876 [task] wxmp-atomic-css refresh 2x

2022-10-23 11:02:41.979 [file changed] *D:\xxx\yyy\miniprogram\pages\index\course.wxml
2022-10-23 11:02:41.985 [task] page [D:\xxx\yyy\miniprogram\pages\index\course.wxml] - [wh-screen,z-1,flex-col,py-20,c1,mh-200,text-32,text-black,px-32,px-37,flex-row,ai-center,jc-center,h-96,wh-64,text-30,text-orange-6,text-36,text-red-5,mx-20,my-20,shadow,round-20,gap-32,duration-1000,delay-1000
2022-10-23 11:02:41.986 [data] new task to create [194] class names
2022-10-23 11:02:41.990 [warnings] 23 class names not matched, -a,active-bg,active-text-day,active-text-week,currency,day,disable-text,ff-n,g-,normal-bg,normal-text,number,pop-full,pos-tr,round-10m,theme,themes,type,userinfo,userinfo-avatar,userinfo-nickname,wrap,z-
2022-10-23 11:02:41.991 [data] new task to create [29] unit vars, [0,1,10,12,120,144,150,2,20,200,24,256,28,3,30,32,36,37,4,48,6,64,72,8,80,90,96,d5,p100]
2022-10-23 11:02:41.991 [data] new task to create [27] color vars, [black-1,black-1-50,blue-1,blue-6,gray-1,gray-10,gray-2,gray-3,gray-4,gray-5,gray-5-a05,gray-6,gray-7,gray-9,green-6,green-7,orange-3-10,orange-6,orange-6-30,primary-1,primary-1-10,red-3-10,red-5,red-6,red-7,red-7-10,white-1]
2022-10-23 11:02:41.991 [task] begin to write output file
2022-10-23 11:02:41.994 [task] save 1791 chars to var.wxss
2022-10-23 11:02:41.996 [task] save 10865 chars to mini.wxss
2022-10-23 11:02:41.996 [data] job done, cost 17 ms, result = 0
2022-10-23 11:02:41.996 [task] wxmp-atomic-css refresh 3x      


(1)啟動後的全量生成,編譯耗時 191 ms。

(2)增加了幾個樣式,編譯耗時 11 ms。

(3)編寫了一些代碼,不涉及到樣式,編譯耗時 3 ms。

(4)編寫了一些複雜代碼,新增了一個樣式,編譯耗時 17 ms。

3 源碼

​​foxgst/wxmp-atomic-css: atomic css for wechat mini program (github.com)​​

4 小結
