
ASP 根據模闆生成HTML靜态檔案類

ASP 根據模闆生成HTML靜态檔案類



'    dim tpl

'    set tpl = New template

'    tpl.setTplPath = "../template/footer.tpl"

'    tpl.setTags = array("<!--{标簽名稱}-->")

'    tpl.setNotes = array("替換内容")

'    tpl.setStoreF = "../html/"            '使用自動生成檔案名時請在未尾加"/"

'    tpl.exeTpl

'    Set tpl = Nothing


Class template

    Private objFso

    Private strFileCode            ' 讀取模闆檔案的内容

    Private intRnd                ' 生成随機數,組合成新檔案名

    Private tplpath                ' 模闆名稱

    Private StorePath            ' 生成檔案存放目錄

    Private StoreFname            ' 生成檔案名稱

    Private arrTags                ' 标簽數組

    Private arrNotes            ' 内容

    ' 在使用 Set 建立對象時自動執行

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()

        set objFso = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject")

    End Sub

    ' 模闆檔案位置+名稱   隻寫

    Public Property Let setTplPath(ByVal tName)

        tplpath = Server.MapPath(Replace(tName,"//","/"))

    End Property

    ' 存儲檔案位置+名稱   隻寫

    Public Property Let setStoreF(ByVal tName)

        tName = Replace(tName,"//","/")

        ' 取檔案名

        dim arrY

        arrY = split(tName,"/")

        StoreFname = Ubound(arrY)

        StoreFname = arrY(StoreFname)

        ' 取目錄名

        StorePath = Replace(tName,StoreFname,"")

        StorePath = Server.MapPath(StorePath)

    End Property

    ' 标簽   隻寫

    Public Property Let setTags(ByVal strString)

        arrTags = strString

    End Property

    ' 内容   隻寫

    Public Property Let setNotes(ByVal strString)

        arrNotes = strString

    End Property

    ' 生成在Min 與 Max之間取随機數

    Private Sub rnd_Integer(Min,Max)


        intRnd = CInt((Max-Min+1)*Rnd()+Min)

    End Sub

    ' 生成檔案名:時間+随機數

    Private Sub makeFilename

        dim fname

        fname = now()

        fname = replace(fname,"-","")

        fname = replace(fname," ","")

        fname = replace(fname,":","")

        fname = replace(fname,"PM","")

        fname = replace(fname,"AM","")

        fname = replace(fname,"上午","")

        fname = replace(fname,"下午","")

        call rnd_Integer(0,9999)

        StoreFname = fname&intRnd&".html"

        fname = null

    End Sub

    ' 讀取模闆檔案内容

    Private Sub LoadTemplate

        If objFso.FileExists(tplpath) Then

            Set FileObj = objFso.GetFile(tplpath)

            Set FileStreamObj = FileObj.OpenAsTextStream(1)

            If Not FileStreamObj.AtEndOfStream Then

                strFileCode = FileStreamObj.ReadAll


                Message 1002

            End If


            Message 1001

        End If

        Set FileObj = Nothing:Set FileStreamObj = Nothing

    End Sub

    ' 更新頁面内容

    Private Sub updateNotes

        if IsArray(arrNotes) and IsArray(arrTags) then

            if Ubound(arrNotes) = Ubound(arrTags) then


                For intI = Lbound(arrNotes) to Ubound(arrNotes)

                    strFileCode = Replace(strFileCode,arrTags(intI),arrNotes(intI))



                Message 1004

            end if


            Message 1004

        end if

    End Sub

    ' 建立檔案夾

    Private Sub makeFold(ByVal strFoladName)

        on error resume next

        '判斷檔案夾是否存在,(about files:objFso.FileExists)

        If false = objFso.FolderExists(strFoladName) Then


            if err>0 then


                Message 1003

            end if

        End If

    End Sub

    ' 建立檔案

    Private Sub makeFile

        dim arrX,intI,strW

        strW = ""

        arrX = split(StorePath,"/")

        ' 判斷目錄是否存在,決定是否建立目錄

        For intI = Lbound(arrX) to Ubound(arrX)

            makeFold strW&arrX(intI)

            strW = strW&arrX(intI)


        ' 未設定檔案名則使用日期加随機數作為檔案名

        if StoreFname = "" then


        end if

        ' 更新内容


        ' 生成檔案 object.CreateTextFile(filename[, overwrite[, unicode]])

        Set objFout = objFso.CreateTextFile(StorePath&"/"&StoreFname,true)

        ' 輸入内容

        objFout.WriteLine strFileCode


        set objFso = Nothing

        ' 提示操作成功

        Message 1000

    End Sub

    ' 執行

    public Sub exeTpl


    End Sub

    ' 傳回

    Private Sub Message(ByVal s)

        Select Case s

        Case 1000

            Response.Write "操作成功!"&StoreFname

        Case 1001

            Response.Write "模闆不存在,請先綁定!"

        Case 1002

            Response.Write "模闆内容為空!"

        Case 1003

            Response.Write "檔案目錄建立失敗!"

        Case Else

        End Select

    End Sub

    '在使用 Set 釋放對象時自動執行

    Private Sub Class_Terminate

        Set objFso = Nothing

    End Sub 

End Class

