
Regarding modified drag force formulation for application in dense flows


If you have a look into the classes defined in the folder "src/lagrangian/intermediate/submodels/Kinematic/ParticleForces", there is an interesting pattern:

  • The sub-folder "ParticleForce" has the base class for all possible forces. It has 3 important methods:


  • //- Calculate the coupled force
                virtual forceSuSp calcCoupled
                    const typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
                    const scalar dt,
                    const scalar mass,
                    const scalar Re,
                    const scalar muc
                ) const;
                //- Calculate the non-coupled force
                virtual forceSuSp calcNonCoupled
                    const typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
                    const scalar dt,
                    const scalar mass,
                    const scalar Re,
                    const scalar muc
                ) const;
                //- Return the added mass
                virtual scalar massAdd
                    const typename CloudType::parcelType& p,
                    const scalar mass
                ) const;      
    • All rely in the class "forceSuSp", located in the sub-folder of the same name, which has the following description:


      Helper container for force Su and Sp terms.
              F = Sp(U - Up) + Su
          Explicit contribution, Su specified as a force
          Implicit coefficient, Sp specified as force/velocity      
    • For example, the sub-folder "Lift/LiftForce" has the base class structure for lift, which relies in the method "calcCoupled" and defines only the "Su" part and "Sp" is set to "0.0".
    • The sub-folder "Drag" has the classes for drag, from which you've pointed out "SphereDrag". These classes also rely in the method "calcCoupled" and defines only the "Sp" part.
    • The sub-folder "Gravity" has a single class that relies in the method "calcNonCoupled" and affects only "Su".
    • The class in the sub-folder "PressureGradient" also relies in the method "calcCoupled" and also affects "Su" only.

    OK, so this gets us the individual accountabilities of each force component. The remaining question is: how are all of them added up?

    It's in the class "KinematicParcel", method "calcVelocity", located in the folder "src/lagrangian/intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/". It relies on the class "TrackData::cloudType::forceType", where "TrackData" is a template name... OK, I got lost here, because this section is deeply based in templates, which is a considerable pain to figure out who-is-what-and-where-and-how 

    Regarding modified drag force formulation for application in dense flows

    But the point is that this line:


    const forceSuSp Fcp = forces.calcCoupled(p, dt, mass, Re, mu);      
    is probably the addition of all forces that is listed inside "forces".
  • Hi ansu, Bruno,

    I am also investigating this solver. I still have many remaining questions, but maybe the follwing gives you a starting point:

    A. For information on template for class Trackdata look into /intermediate/parcels/Templates/KinematicParcel/KinematicParcel.C.

    B. If you want to include a new force to the solver, you may try the following (which I haven't tried yet):

    • Copy the intermediate library, recompile it to something like "mylib" in your user folder and link the new user library to your own copy of the solver (myIco... )
    • in submodels/Kinematic/ParticleForces/.. copy a drag model and rename it (do not forget to rename the classes inside the file)
    • In intermediate/parcels/include/makeParcelForces.H include the file "myNewForce.H" and add the force to the definition (register it to the library):


      #include "myNewForce.H"
      // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
      #define makeParcelForces(CloudType)                                           \
          makeParticleForceModel(CloudType);                                        \
          makeParticleForceModelType(myNewForce, CloudType);                   \
    • In the case file /constant/kinematicCloudProperties add


    I might find some time at the weekend to implement a new force and check if the works. I will keep you updated.
