
擷取Linux/Unix檔案系統資訊 設計一套SAP監控系統



顯示系統df(linux )/ bdf (hpunix)的資訊

擷取Linux/Unix檔案系統資訊 設計一套SAP監控系統


bdf /usr


DiskInfo diskInfo = new DiskInfo();


long used = diskInfo.getUsed();

long free = diskInfo.getAvailable();

long kbyte = diskInfo.getKbyte();


import java.io.IOException;

import java.io.InputStream;

import java.sql.Connection;

import java.sql.PreparedStatement;

import java.sql.SQLException;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

public class DiskInfo {

     static final String NL = System.getProperty( "line.separator" );

   private static long getLong( String value ) throws NumberFormatException {

       try {

           return Long.parseLong( value );


       catch( NumberFormatException nfe ) {

           throw new NumberFormatException( "On value "+value+": "+nfe.getMessage() );



   private String fileSystem ;

   private String mounted ;

private  long used = 0L;

private long kbyte = 0L;

private long available = 0L;

   public   void info(String directory  ) throws IOException {

      InputStream stream = null;

     // Connection connection = null; // Database Connection Object

         // to handle standard outputs

         final byte[] buf = new byte[1024];

         String[] strings;

         int i;

         int size;

         // note OS name

         final String osName = System.getProperty( "os.name" );

        // System.out.println( "system is  " + osName);

         if( "Linux".equals( osName ) ) {

            final Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "df " + directory );

            stream = p.getInputStream();

            final int count = stream.read( buf, 0, buf.length );

            String delim = NL;

            final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( new String( buf, 0, count ), delim,

true );

            int lineNum = 1;

            int field = 0;

            while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {

                final String token = st.nextToken(delim);

                //System.out.println( "token is  " + token);

                if( lineNum < 2 ) {

                    if( NL.equals( token ) ) {


                        if( lineNum == 2 ) {

                            delim = " " + NL;



                }// else

                if( !" ".equals( token ) ) {


                    if( field == 0 ) {

                        setFileSystem (   token  );

                    } else

                    if( field == 2 ) {

                        setUsed ( getLong( token ));

                    } else

                    if( field == 3 ) {

                        setAvailable( getLong( token ));






         if( "HP-UX".equals( osName ) ) {

            final Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( "bdf " + directory );

            stream = p.getInputStream();

            final int count = stream.read( buf, 0, buf.length );

            String delim = NL;

            final StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( new String( buf, 0, count ), delim,

true );

            int lineNum = 1;

            int field = 0;

            while( st.hasMoreTokens() ) {

                final String token = st.nextToken(delim);

                if( lineNum < 2 ) {

                    if( NL.equals( token ) ) {


                        if( lineNum == 2 ) {

                            delim = " " + NL;



                } else

                if( !" ".equals( token ) ) {


                    if( field == 0 ) {

                        setFileSystem (   token  );

                    } else

                    if( field == 3 ) {

                        setUsed ( getLong( token ));

                    } else

                    if( field == 4 ) {

                        setAvailable( getLong( token ));




         } else {

            throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown OS name: " + osName + " to implement..." );


         setKbyte ( getUsed() + getAvailable());

         setMounted(directory );


   private void setUsed(long used) {

    this.used = used;


public long getUsed() {

    return used;


private void setKbyte(long kbyte) {

    this.kbyte = kbyte;


public long getKbyte() {

    return kbyte;


private void setAvailable(long available) {

    this.available = available;


public long getAvailable() {

    return available;


private void setFileSystem(String fileSystem) {

    this.fileSystem = fileSystem;


public String getFileSystem() {

    return fileSystem;


private void setMounted(String mounted) {

    this.mounted = mounted;


public String getMounted() {

    return mounted;



擷取Linux/Unix檔案系統資訊 設計一套SAP監控系統
