
Systemback 1.9.3 支援 Debian 9 Ubuntu 17.10 18.04

Systemback 是一款用于建立定點系統備份,使使用者能夠完全恢複作業系統的應用程式。提供了任何先進備份軟體的功能,包括:系統備份、系統恢複、系統複制、系統安裝、Live 系統建立、系統修複和系統更新。


從 Systemback 1.0版開始,Systemback 已經被移植到 QT5。可用的最新版本是 Systemback 1.6.201,釋出已經有一段時間了,有以下變化:

Import new French and Russian translations

Exclude the not fstab-mounted filesystems in the /var/lib directory

Fix partitions unmounts when unmount a device

Fix systemback and systemback-cli manuals

Some optimizations

Lock the user input when deleting a Live image

Set ‘Back’ button focus after deleting a Live image

Add full screen installer mode for the Live systems

Add possibility to include user data files and directories into the restore points

Add possibility to exclude the directory content instead of the directory

Add support to GDM config file in Ubuntu

Move the configuration files into the ‘/etc/systemback’ directory

Remove all childrens when add a new item to the excluded list

Close the window if ‘OK’ button is clicked when the system copy is completed on the Live

Fix and shut up some error messages

Optimize CPU usage in some cases when executing external processes

Improve screen boundary check when moving or resizing the window

Do not start system upgrade in CLI without root permissions

Print error message when the systemback-cli is started on a Live system

Do not accept the scheduled restore point starting if the parent process is not the sbscheduler

Ignore the global font changes after the window is started

Fix segmentation faults in some keyPressEvents

Fix excluded items reading from file when the line start or end with space

Import new Hungarian and German translations

Remove Ubuntu 14.10 support

Add Ubuntu 15.10 packages to the Install Pack




Systemback 1.9.3 支援 Debian 9 Ubuntu 17-10 18-04

