
c11 generic singleton



// default constructible type
Tp& Instance() { static Tp s_instance;   return s_instance;}   
// non-default constructible type
template<class... Args>                                                        
Tp& Instance(Args&& args...) { 
       std::call_once( s_init_once_flag, [&](){ 
                               s_pInstance = std::unique_ptr<Tp>(new Tp(std::forward<Args>(args)...)); }  );  
       return *s_pInstance;

對象通路。對于default constructible type,自然通過Instance()通路;而對于non-default constructible type既可以通過初始化的Instance(args...)也可以通過Instance()來通路。

對象銷毀。對于default constructible type,系統exit的時候會自動銷毀靜态本地變量;對于non-default constructible type則由unique_ptr來保證銷毀。

    class Singleton : public Noncopyable
            static Tp& Instance()
                // 1>c11 guarantees that a local static variable is only run once
                // this ensures thread-safety in initializing singletion class
                // in concurrecy context
                // 2>it won't init unless it's first accessed
                // 3>if g_instance works as a static member variable
                // it will be inited before main, which means
                // its initialization can't take advantage of
                // info known only once the program is up and running
                // ### it's unnecessary to be zero-argument default constructed
                // ### it should support various constructor
                static Tp s_instance;

                return s_instance;

            // noncopyable
//          Singleton
     & operator=( const Singleton
      & ) = delete;
//          Singleton( const Singleton
       &) = delete;

            // if a class supports singleton, it has to inherit class Singleton
            virtual ~Singleton(){};

         class Singleton
          : public Noncopyable { public: template
           static Tp& Instance(Args&&... args) { std::call_once( s_inited_once_flag, [&](){ s_pInstance = std::unique_ptr
           ( new Tp(std::forward
            (args)... ) ); // std::atexit(destroy); }); return *s_pInstance; } static Tp& Instance() { if( nullptr == s_pInstance ) { throw std::logic_error(std::string() + typeid(Tp).name() + " is not inited!\n"); } return *s_pInstance; } // noncopyable // Singleton
             & operator=( const Singleton
              & ) = delete; // Singleton( const Singleton
               &) = delete; protected: // if a class supports singleton, it has to inherit class Singleton Singleton(){}; virtual ~Singleton(){}; private: static std::unique_ptr
                 s_pInstance; static std::once_flag s_inited_once_flag; /* static void destroy() { if( nullptr != s_pInstance ) { delete s_pInstance; s_pInstance = nullptr; std::cout << typeid(Tp).name() << " get deleted in " << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << '\n'; } } */ }; template
                   ::s_pInstance; template
                     std::once_flag Singleton