
STM32F7xx —— FatFS(W25QXX)                          STM32F7xx —— FatFS(W25QXX)

                          STM32F7xx —— FatFS(W25QXX)

看本章之前請務必先食用:動态記憶體管理    W25QXX讀寫


/* Low level disk I/O module skeleton for FatFs     (C)ChaN, 2016        */
/* If a working storage control module is available, it should be        */
/* attached to the FatFs via a glue function rather than modifying it.   */
/* This is an example of glue functions to attach various exsisting      */
/* storage control modules to the FatFs module with a defined API.       */
#include "diskio.h"     /* FatFs lower layer API */
#include "global.h"

// 前24M位元組給fatfs用   剩餘部分,給自己用
#define FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE   512
#define FLASH_SECTOR_COUNT  1024*25*2 // W25Q256,前25M位元組給FATFS占用  
#define FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE    8         // 每個BLOCK有8個扇區    

// 獲得磁盤狀态
DSTATUS disk_status(
  BYTE pdrv   /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
  return RES_OK;

DSTATUS disk_initialize(
  BYTE pdrv       /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */

  return 0;

// 讀扇區
// pdrv:磁盤編号0~9
DRESULT disk_read(
  BYTE pdrv,    /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
  BYTE *buff,   /* Data buffer to store read data */
  DWORD sector, /* Sector address in LBA */
  UINT count    /* Number of sectors to read */
	return RES_PARERR;

  for(; count > 0; count--)
    buff += FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE;

  return RES_OK;

// 寫扇區
// pdrv:磁盤編号0~9
// *buff:發送資料首位址
// sector:扇區位址
// count:需要寫入的扇區數
DRESULT disk_write(
  BYTE pdrv,      /* Physical drive nmuber to identify the drive */
  const BYTE *buff, /* Data to be written */
  DWORD sector,   /* Sector address in LBA */
  UINT count      /* Number of sectors to write */
    return RES_PARERR;  // count不能等于0,否則傳回參數錯誤

  for(; count > 0; count--)
    W25QXXWrite(sector * FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE, (uint8_t *)buff, FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE);
    buff += FLASH_SECTOR_SIZE;
  return RES_OK;

// 其他表參數的獲得
// pdrv:磁盤編号0~9
// ctrl:控制代碼
// *buff:發送/接收緩沖區指針
DRESULT disk_ioctl(
  BYTE pdrv,    /* Physical drive nmuber (0..) */
  BYTE cmd,   /* Control code */
  void *buff    /* Buffer to send/receive control data */
  DRESULT res;

  case CTRL_SYNC:
    res = RES_OK;

    res = RES_OK;

    *(WORD*)buff = FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE;
    res = RES_OK;

    res = RES_OK;

    res = RES_PARERR;

  return res;

// 獲得時間
// User defined function to give a current time to fatfs module      */
// 31-25: Year(0-127 org.1980), 24-21: Month(1-12), 20-16: Day(1-31) */
// 15-11: Hour(0-23), 10-5: Minute(0-59), 4-0: Second(0-29 *2) */
DWORD get_fattime(void)
  return 0;

// 動态配置設定記憶體
void *ff_memalloc(UINT size)
  return (void *)MemAlloc(SRAM_TYPE_IN, size);

// 釋放記憶體
void ff_memfree(void *mf)
  MemFree(SRAM_TYPE_IN, mf);
/  FatFs - FAT file system module configuration file  R0.12  (C)ChaN, 2016

#define _FFCONF 88100	/* Revision ID */

/ Function Configurations

#define _FS_READONLY	0
/* This option switches read-only configuration. (0:Read/Write or 1:Read-only)
/  Read-only configuration removes writing API functions, f_write(), f_sync(),
/  f_unlink(), f_mkdir(), f_chmod(), f_rename(), f_truncate(), f_getfree()
/  and optional writing functions as well. */

#define _FS_MINIMIZE	0
/* This option defines minimization level to remove some basic API functions.
/   0: All basic functions are enabled.
/   1: f_stat(), f_getfree(), f_unlink(), f_mkdir(), f_truncate() and f_rename()
/      are removed.
/   2: f_opendir(), f_readdir() and f_closedir() are removed in addition to 1.
/   3: f_lseek() function is removed in addition to 2. */

#define	_USE_STRFUNC	1
/* This option switches string functions, f_gets(), f_putc(), f_puts() and
/  f_printf().
/  0: Disable string functions.
/  1: Enable without LF-CRLF conversion.
/  2: Enable with LF-CRLF conversion. */

#define _USE_FIND		0
/* This option switches filtered directory read functions, f_findfirst() and
/  f_findnext(). (0:Disable, 1:Enable 2:Enable with matching altname[] too) */

#define	_USE_MKFS		1
/* This option switches f_mkfs() function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */

#define	_USE_FASTSEEK	1
/* This option switches fast seek function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */

#define	_USE_EXPAND		0
/* This option switches f_expand function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */

#define _USE_CHMOD		0
/* This option switches attribute manipulation functions, f_chmod() and f_utime().
/  (0:Disable or 1:Enable) Also _FS_READONLY needs to be 0 to enable this option. */

#define _USE_LABEL		1
/* This option switches volume label functions, f_getlabel() and f_setlabel().
/  (0:Disable or 1:Enable) */

#define	_USE_FORWARD	0
/* This option switches f_forward() function. (0:Disable or 1:Enable)
/  To enable it, also _FS_TINY need to be 1. */

/ Locale and Namespace Configurations

#define _CODE_PAGE	936		//采用中文GBK編碼
/* This option specifies the OEM code page to be used on the target system.
/  Incorrect setting of the code page can cause a file open failure.
/   1   - ASCII (No extended character. Non-LFN cfg. only)
/   437 - U.S.
/   720 - Arabic
/   737 - Greek
/   771 - KBL
/   775 - Baltic
/   850 - Latin 1
/   852 - Latin 2
/   855 - Cyrillic
/   857 - Turkish
/   860 - Portuguese
/   861 - Icelandic
/   862 - Hebrew
/   863 - Canadian French
/   864 - Arabic
/   865 - Nordic
/   866 - Russian
/   869 - Greek 2
/   932 - Japanese (DBCS)
/   936 - Simplified Chinese (DBCS)
/   949 - Korean (DBCS)
/   950 - Traditional Chinese (DBCS)

#define	_USE_LFN	3
#define	_MAX_LFN	255
/* The _USE_LFN switches the support of long file name (LFN).
/   0: Disable support of LFN. _MAX_LFN has no effect.
/   1: Enable LFN with static working buffer on the BSS. Always NOT thread-safe.
/   2: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the STACK.
/   3: Enable LFN with dynamic working buffer on the HEAP.
/  To enable the LFN, Unicode handling functions (option/unicode.c) must be added
/  to the project. The working buffer occupies (_MAX_LFN + 1) * 2 bytes and
/  additional 608 bytes at exFAT enabled. _MAX_LFN can be in range from 12 to 255.
/  It should be set 255 to support full featured LFN operations.
/  When use stack for the working buffer, take care on stack overflow. When use heap
/  memory for the working buffer, memory management functions, ff_memalloc() and
/  ff_memfree(), must be added to the project. */

#define	_LFN_UNICODE	0
/* This option switches character encoding on the API. (0:ANSI/OEM or 1:Unicode)
/  To use Unicode string for the path name, enable LFN and set _LFN_UNICODE = 1.
/  This option also affects behavior of string I/O functions. */

#define _STRF_ENCODE	0
/* When _LFN_UNICODE == 1, this option selects the character encoding on the file to
/  be read/written via string I/O functions, f_gets(), f_putc(), f_puts and f_printf().
/  0: ANSI/OEM
/  1: UTF-16LE
/  2: UTF-16BE
/  3: UTF-8
/  This option has no effect when _LFN_UNICODE == 0. */

#define _FS_RPATH	0
/* This option configures support of relative path.
/   0: Disable relative path and remove related functions.
/   1: Enable relative path. f_chdir() and f_chdrive() are available.
/   2: f_getcwd() function is available in addition to 1.

/ Drive/Volume Configurations

#define _VOLUMES	3	//支援3個磁盤
/* Number of volumes (logical drives) to be used. */

#define _STR_VOLUME_ID	0
#define _VOLUME_STRS	"RAM","NAND","CF","SD1","SD2","USB1","USB2","USB3"
/* _STR_VOLUME_ID switches string support of volume ID.
/  When _STR_VOLUME_ID is set to 1, also pre-defined strings can be used as drive
/  number in the path name. _VOLUME_STRS defines the drive ID strings for each
/  logical drives. Number of items must be equal to _VOLUMES. Valid characters for
/  the drive ID strings are: A-Z and 0-9. */

/* This option switches support of multi-partition on a physical drive.
/  By default (0), each logical drive number is bound to the same physical drive
/  number and only an FAT volume found on the physical drive will be mounted.
/  When multi-partition is enabled (1), each logical drive number can be bound to
/  arbitrary physical drive and partition listed in the VolToPart[]. Also f_fdisk()
/  funciton will be available. */

#define	_MIN_SS		512
#define	_MAX_SS		512
/* These options configure the range of sector size to be supported. (512, 1024,
/  2048 or 4096) Always set both 512 for most systems, all type of memory cards and
/  harddisk. But a larger value may be required for on-board flash memory and some
/  type of optical media. When _MAX_SS is larger than _MIN_SS, FatFs is configured
/  to variable sector size and GET_SECTOR_SIZE command must be implemented to the
/  disk_ioctl() function. */

#define	_USE_TRIM	0
/* This option switches support of ATA-TRIM. (0:Disable or 1:Enable)
/  To enable Trim function, also CTRL_TRIM command should be implemented to the
/  disk_ioctl() function. */

#define _FS_NOFSINFO	0
/* If you need to know correct free space on the FAT32 volume, set bit 0 of this
/  option, and f_getfree() function at first time after volume mount will force
/  a full FAT scan. Bit 1 controls the use of last allocated cluster number.
/  bit0=0: Use free cluster count in the FSINFO if available.
/  bit0=1: Do not trust free cluster count in the FSINFO.
/  bit1=0: Use last allocated cluster number in the FSINFO if available.
/  bit1=1: Do not trust last allocated cluster number in the FSINFO.

/ System Configurations

#define	_FS_TINY	0
/* This option switches tiny buffer configuration. (0:Normal or 1:Tiny)
/  At the tiny configuration, size of the file object (FIL) is reduced _MAX_SS bytes.
/  Instead of private sector buffer eliminated from the file object, common sector
/  buffer in the file system object (FATFS) is used for the file data transfer. */

#define _FS_EXFAT	1
/* This option switches support of exFAT file system in addition to the traditional
/  FAT file system. (0:Disable or 1:Enable) To enable exFAT, also LFN must be enabled.
/  Note that enabling exFAT discards C89 compatibility. */

#define _FS_NORTC	0
#define _NORTC_MON	3
#define _NORTC_MDAY	1
#define _NORTC_YEAR	2016
/* The option _FS_NORTC switches timestamp functiton. If the system does not have
/  any RTC function or valid timestamp is not needed, set _FS_NORTC = 1 to disable
/  the timestamp function. All objects modified by FatFs will have a fixed timestamp
/  defined by _NORTC_MON, _NORTC_MDAY and _NORTC_YEAR in local time.
/  To enable timestamp function (_FS_NORTC = 0), get_fattime() function need to be
/  added to the project to get current time form real-time clock. _NORTC_MON,
/  _NORTC_MDAY and _NORTC_YEAR have no effect. 
/  These options have no effect at read-only configuration (_FS_READONLY = 1). */

#define	_FS_LOCK	0
/* The option _FS_LOCK switches file lock function to control duplicated file open
/  and illegal operation to open objects. This option must be 0 when _FS_READONLY
/  is 1.
/  0:  Disable file lock function. To avoid volume corruption, application program
/      should avoid illegal open, remove and rename to the open objects.
/  >0: Enable file lock function. The value defines how many files/sub-directories
/      can be opened simultaneously under file lock control. Note that the file
/      lock control is independent of re-entrancy. */

#define _FS_REENTRANT	0
#define _FS_TIMEOUT		1000
#define	_SYNC_t			HANDLE
/* The option _FS_REENTRANT switches the re-entrancy (thread safe) of the FatFs
/  module itself. Note that regardless of this option, file access to different
/  volume is always re-entrant and volume control functions, f_mount(), f_mkfs()
/  and f_fdisk() function, are always not re-entrant. Only file/directory access
/  to the same volume is under control of this function.
/   0: Disable re-entrancy. _FS_TIMEOUT and _SYNC_t have no effect.
/   1: Enable re-entrancy. Also user provided synchronization handlers,
/      ff_req_grant(), ff_rel_grant(), ff_del_syncobj() and ff_cre_syncobj()
/      function, must be added to the project. Samples are available in
/      option/syscall.c.
/  The _FS_TIMEOUT defines timeout period in unit of time tick.
/  The _SYNC_t defines O/S dependent sync object type. e.g. HANDLE, ID, OS_EVENT*,
/  SemaphoreHandle_t and etc.. A header file for O/S definitions needs to be
/  included somewhere in the scope of ff.c. */

/*--- End of configuration options ---*/
static uint8_t vbuffer[100] = {0};
static void fatfs_test(void)
  uint8_t res;
  FATFS *fat = (FATFS *)MemAlloc(SRAM_TYPE_IN, sizeof(FATFS));
  FIL *fs = (FIL *)MemAlloc(SRAM_TYPE_IN, sizeof(FIL));
  UINT rw;
  uint8_t *buffer = (uint8_t *)MemAlloc(SRAM_TYPE_IN, 512), i;


  res = f_mount(fat, "1:", 1);
  if(res == 0x0D)
    printf("Fmount 0x0D....\r\n");
    res = f_mkfs("1:", 1, 4096);
    if(res != 0)
      printf("f_mkfs fail....\r\n");

  res = f_open(fs, "1:MMMM.txt", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE | FA_READ);
  if(res != FR_OK)
    printf("mf_open fail...\r\n");
  f_write(fs, "bbbbbbAAAAbbb", strlen("bbbbbbAAAAbbb"));


  res = f_open(fs, "1:MMMM.txt", FA_READ);
  if(res != FR_OK)
    printf("mf_open fail...\r\n");

  f_read(fs, buffer, strlen("bbbbbbAAAAbbb"));

  memcpy(vbuffer, buffer, strlen("bbbbbbAAAAbbb"));

  printf("vffer: %s\r\n", vbuffer);



下一篇: AFK
