
Servlet基礎總結1. 引言2. Servlet接口3. GenericServlet4. HttpServlet


  • 1. 引言
  • 2. Servlet接口
    • 2.1 一個簡單的Servlet應用程式
    • 2.2 ServletRequest
    • 2.3 ServletResponse
    • 2.4 ServletConfig
    • 2.5 ServletContext
  • 3. GenericServlet
  • 4. HttpServlet
    • 4.1 HttpServletRequest
    • 4.2 HttpServletResponse

1. 引言

Servlet技術的核心是Servlet,Servlet API有以下4個Java包:

  • javax.servlet
  • javax.servlet.http
  • javax.servlet.annotation
  • javax.servlet.descriptor


Servlet基礎總結1. 引言2. Servlet接口3. GenericServlet4. HttpServlet


2. Servlet接口

package javax.servlet;

import java.io.IOException;

public interface Servlet {

  public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException;

  public ServletConfig getServletConfig();

  public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
	throws ServletException, IOException;

  public String getServletInfo();

  public void destroy();


  • init: 當Servlet第一次被請求時,Servlet會調用這個方法,執行初始化動作,Servlet容器會傳入一個ServletConfig,一般來說會将Servlet指派給一個類級别變量
  • service:每當請求Servlet時,Servlet容器會調用這個方法
  • destroy:當要銷毀Servlet時,Servlet會調用這個方法,用于回收資源并且在必要情況下同步記憶體的狀态到持久層中
  • getServletInfo: 傳回Servlet資訊,例如作者、版本等,注意此方法應該傳回的是純文字,而不是任何标記語言。
  • getServletConfig: 傳回init方法中傳入的ServletConfig,ServletConfig應該被儲存在servlet實作類中的類級變量中。

2.1 一個簡單的Servlet應用程式

package servlet;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.PrintWriter;
import java.util.Enumeration;

 * Servlet溫故而知新
 * @author littlemotor
 * @date 18.11.13
@WebServlet(name = "MyServlet", urlPatterns = {"/my"})
public class MyServlet implements Servlet {

    ServletConfig servletConfig;

     * Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the
     * servlet is being placed into service.
     * <p>The servlet container calls the <code>init</code>
     * method exactly once after instantiating the servlet.
     * The <code>init</code> method must complete successfully
     * before the servlet can receive any requests.
     * <p>The servlet container cannot place the servlet into service
     * if the <code>init</code> method
     * <ol>
     * <li>Throws a <code>ServletException</code>
     * <li>Does not return within a time period defined by the Web server
     * </ol>
     * @param config a <code>ServletConfig</code> object
     *               containing the servlet's
     *               configuration and initialization parameters
     * @throws ServletException if an exception has occurred that
     *                          interferes with the servlet's normal
     *                          operation
     * @see UnavailableException
     * @see #getServletConfig
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {

        this.servletConfig = config;

     * Returns a {@link ServletConfig} object, which contains
     * initialization and startup parameters for this servlet.
     * The <code>ServletConfig</code> object returned is the one
     * passed to the <code>init</code> method.
     * <p>Implementations of this interface are responsible for storing the
     * <code>ServletConfig</code> object so that this
     * method can return it. The {@link GenericServlet}
     * class, which implements this interface, already does this.
     * @return the <code>ServletConfig</code> object
     * that initializes this servlet
     * @see #init
    public ServletConfig getServletConfig() {
        return servletConfig;

     * Called by the servlet container to allow the servlet to respond to
     * a request.
     * <p>This method is only called after the servlet's <code>init()</code>
     * method has completed successfully.
     * <p>  The status code of the response always should be set for a servlet
     * that throws or sends an error.
     * <p>Servlets typically run inside multithreaded servlet containers
     * that can handle multiple requests concurrently. Developers must
     * be aware to synchronize access to any shared resources such as files,
     * network connections, and as well as the servlet's class and instance
     * variables.
     * More information on multithreaded programming in Java is available in
     * <a href="http://java.sun.com/Series/Tutorial/java/threads/multithreaded.html" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow" >
     * the Java tutorial on multi-threaded programming</a>.
     * @param request the <code>ServletRequest</code> object that contains
     *            the client's request
     * @param response the <code>ServletResponse</code> object that contains
     *            the servlet's response
     * @throws ServletException if an exception occurs that interferes
     *                          with the servlet's normal operation
     * @throws IOException      if an input or output exception occurs
    public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
        PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
        writer.println("<html>" +
                "<head></head>" +

     * Returns information about the servlet, such
     * as author, version, and copyright.
     * <p>The string that this method returns should
     * be plain text and not markup of any kind (such as HTML, XML,
     * etc.).
     * @return a <code>String</code> containing servlet information
    public String getServletInfo() {
        return null;

     * Called by the servlet container to indicate to a servlet that the
     * servlet is being taken out of service.  This method is
     * only called once all threads within the servlet's
     * <code>service</code> method have exited or after a timeout
     * period has passed. After the servlet container calls this
     * method, it will not call the <code>service</code> method again
     * on this servlet.
     * <p>This method gives the servlet an opportunity
     * to clean up any resources that are being held (for example, memory,
     * file handles, threads) and make sure that any persistent state is
     * synchronized with the servlet's current state in memory.
    public void destroy() {



2.2 ServletRequest


public String getParameter(String name);  //傳回指定參數名的值
public int getContentLength()             //請求主體的位元組數
public String getContentType()            //傳回主體的MIME類型
public String getProtocol()               //傳回HTTP請求的協定名稱和版本

2.3 ServletResponse



2.4 ServletConfig


String getInitParameter(String name)  //擷取初始參數值
Enumeration<String> getInitParameterNames()  //傳回所有參數名稱枚舉類型

2.5 ServletContext


3. GenericServlet


     * <p>This implementation stores the {@link ServletConfig}
     * object it receives from the servlet container for later use.
     * When overriding this form of the method, call 
     * <code>super.init(config)</code>.
      public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
	this.config = config;

     * A convenience method which can be overridden so that there's no need
     * to call <code>super.init(config)</code>.
     * <p>Instead of overriding {@link #init(ServletConfig)}, simply override
     * this method and it will be called by
     * <code>GenericServlet.init(ServletConfig config)</code>.
     * The <code>ServletConfig</code> object can still be retrieved via {@link
     * #getServletConfig}. 
    public void init() throws ServletException {

4. HttpServlet


     * Dispatches client requests to the protected
     * <code>service</code> method. There's no need to
     * override this method.
    public void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
        throws ServletException, IOException
        HttpServletRequest  request;
        HttpServletResponse response;
        if (!(req instanceof HttpServletRequest &&
                res instanceof HttpServletResponse)) {
            throw new ServletException("non-HTTP request or response");

        request = (HttpServletRequest) req;
        response = (HttpServletResponse) res;

        service(request, response);


  • doGet
  • doPost
  • doHead
  • doPut
  • doTrace
  • doOptions
  • doDelete
     * Receives standard HTTP requests from the public
     * <code>service</code> method and dispatches
     * them to the <code>do</code><i>XXX</i> methods defined in 
     * this class. This method is an HTTP-specific version of the 
     * {@link javax.servlet.Servlet#service} method. There's no
     * need to override this method.
    protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp)
        throws ServletException, IOException
        String method = req.getMethod();

        if (method.equals(METHOD_GET)) {
            long lastModified = getLastModified(req);
            if (lastModified == -1) {
                // servlet doesn't support if-modified-since, no reason
                // to go through further expensive logic
                doGet(req, resp);
            } else {
                long ifModifiedSince = req.getDateHeader(HEADER_IFMODSINCE);
                if (ifModifiedSince < lastModified) {
                    // If the servlet mod time is later, call doGet()
                    // Round down to the nearest second for a proper compare
                    // A ifModifiedSince of -1 will always be less
                    maybeSetLastModified(resp, lastModified);
                    doGet(req, resp);
                } else {

        } else if (method.equals(METHOD_HEAD)) {
            long lastModified = getLastModified(req);
            maybeSetLastModified(resp, lastModified);
            doHead(req, resp);

        } else if (method.equals(METHOD_POST)) {
            doPost(req, resp);
        } else if (method.equals(METHOD_PUT)) {
            doPut(req, resp);
        } else if (method.equals(METHOD_DELETE)) {
            doDelete(req, resp);
        } else if (method.equals(METHOD_OPTIONS)) {
        } else if (method.equals(METHOD_TRACE)) {
        } else {
            // Note that this means NO servlet supports whatever
            // method was requested, anywhere on this server.

            String errMsg = lStrings.getString("http.method_not_implemented");
            Object[] errArgs = new Object[1];
            errArgs[0] = method;
            errMsg = MessageFormat.format(errMsg, errArgs);
            resp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, errMsg);


4.1 HttpServletRequest


Cookie[]  getCookies()  //傳回Cookie對象數組
String getHeader(String name)  //傳回頭檔案對應key name的value
HttpSession getSession()  //傳回與這個請求相關的會話對象,如果沒有就建立一個新的
String getMethod()  //傳回HTTP Method名稱
String getQueryString()  //傳回URL中查詢字元串

4.2 HttpServletResponse


void addCookie(Cookie cookie)  //給響應對象添加一個cookie
void addHeader(String name,String value)  //給響應對象添加一個header
void sendRedirect(String location)  //給浏覽器發送一個重定向位址
