
Shaders: vertex and fragment programs - Unity Shader Reference 番外2

Shaders: vertex and fragment programs






This tutorial will teach you the basics of how to write vertex and fragment programs in Unity shaders. For a basic introduction to ShaderLab see the Getting Started tutorial. If you want to write shaders that interact with lighting, read about Surface Shaders instead.


Lets start with a small recap of the general structure of a shader:

Shader "MyShaderName"
        // material properties here
    SubShader // subshader for graphics hardware A
            // pass commands ...
        // more passes if needed
    // more subshaders if needed
    FallBack "VertexLit" // optional fallback

Here at the end we introduce a new command: FallBack “VertexLit”. The Fallback command can be used at the end of the shader; it tells which shader should be used if no SubShaders from the current shader can run on user’s graphics hardware. The effect is the same as including all SubShaders from the fallback shader at the end. For example, if you were to write a fancy normal-mapped shader, then instead of writing a very basic non-normal-mapped subshader for old graphics cards you can just fallback to built-in VertexLit shader.

在這裡,我們引入了一個新的指令:回退(FallBack) “VertexLit”。回退指令可以在着色器的末端使用;它告訴我們,如果目前着色器中沒有子材質可以在使用者的圖形硬體上運作,那麼應該使用哪個着色器。其效果在所有子着色器是一樣的被包含在最後的回退着色器中。例如,如果您要編寫一個漂亮的法線映射着色器,而不是為舊的圖形卡編寫一個非常基本的無法線映射的子着色器,您可以直接回退到内置的VertexLit着色器。

The basic building blocks of the shader are introduced in the first shader tutorial while the full documentation of Properties, SubShaders and Passes are also available.


A quick way of building SubShaders is to use passes defined in other shaders. The command UsePass does just that, so you can reuse shader code in a neat fashion. As an example the following command uses the pass with the name “FORWARD” from the built-in Specular shader: UsePass “Specular/FORWARD”.

建構子着色器的一種快速方法是使用在其他着色器中定義的passes。UsePass的指令就是這樣做的,是以您可以以一種整潔的方式重用着色器代碼。作為一個例子,下面的指令使用來自内置的高光着色器的“FORWARD”這個名稱:UsePass “Specular/FORWARD”.

In order for UsePass to work, a name must be given to the pass one wishes to use. The Name command inside the pass gives it a name: Name “MyPassName”.

為了讓UsePass工作,必須給希望被使用的pass提供一個名稱。pass内部的名稱指令給它起了一個名字:Name “MyPassName”。

Vertex and fragment programs

We described a pass that used just a single texture combine instruction in the first tutorial. Now it is time to demonstrate how we can use vertex and fragment programs in our pass.


When you use vertex and fragment programs (the so called “programmable pipeline”), most of the hardcoded functionality (“fixed function pipeline”) in the graphics hardware is switched off. For example, using a vertex program turns off standard 3D transformations, lighting and texture coordinate generation completely. Similarly, using a fragment program replaces any texture combine modes that would be defined in SetTexture commands; thus SetTexture commands are not needed.


Writing vertex/fragment programs requires a thorough knowledge of 3D transformations, lighting and coordinate spaces - because you have to rewrite the fixed functionality that is built into APIs like OpenGL yourself. On the other hand, you can do much more than what’s built in!


Using Cg/HLSL in ShaderLab

Shaders in ShaderLab are usually written in Cg/HLSL programming language. Cg and DX9-style HLSL are for all practical purposes one and the same language, so we’ll be using Cg and HLSL interchangeably (see this page for details).


Shader code is written by embedding “Cg/HLSL snippets” in the shader text. Snippets are compiled into low-level shader assembly by the Unity editor, and the final shader that is included in your game’s data files only contains this low-level assembly or bytecode, that is platform specific. When you select a shader in the Project View

, the Inspector has a button to show compiled shader code, which might help as a debugging aid. Unity automatically compiles Cg snippets for all relevant platforms (Direct3D 9, OpenGL, Direct3D 11, OpenGL ES and so on). Note that because Cg/HLSL code is compiled by the editor, you can’t create shaders from scripts

at runtime.

Shader代碼是通過在着色器文本中嵌入“Cg/HLSL片段”來編寫的。片段被Unity編輯器編譯成低級着色彙編,而在您的遊戲資料檔案中包含的最終着色器隻包含這個低級彙編或位元組碼,這是特定于平台的。當你在項目視圖中選擇一個着色器時,檢查器有一個按鈕來顯示編譯後的着色代碼,這可能有助于調試幫助。Unity自動為所有相關平台(Direct3D 9、OpenGL、Direct3D 11、OpenGL ES等)編譯Cg片段。注意,因為Cg/HLSL代碼已被編譯,你不能在運作時建立shader。

In general, snippets are placed inside Pass blocks. They look like this:


Pass {
    // ... the usual pass state setup ...

    // compilation directives for this snippet, e.g.:
    #pragma vertex vert
    #pragma fragment frag

    // the Cg/HLSL code itself

    // ... the rest of pass setup ...

The following example demonstrates a complete shader that renders object normals as colors:


Shader "Tutorial/Display Normals" {
    SubShader {
        Pass {


            #pragma vertex vert
            #pragma fragment frag
            #include "UnityCG.cginc"

            struct v2f {
                float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
                fixed3 color : COLOR0;

            v2f vert (appdata_base v)
                v2f o;
                o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
                o.color = v.normal * 0.5 + 0.5;
                return o;

            fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
                return fixed4 (i.color, 1);


When applied on an object it will result in an image like this:


Shaders: vertex and fragment programs - Unity Shader Reference 番外2

Our “Display Normals” shader does not have any properties, contains a single SubShader with a single Pass that is empty except for the Cg/HLSL code. Let’s dissect the code part by part:


#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
// ...

The whole snippet is written between CGPROGRAM and ENDCG keywords. At the start compilation directives are given as #pragma statements:


  • #pragma vertex name tells that the code contains a vertex program in the given function (vert here). 代碼在給定的函數中包含一個頂點程式。
  • #pragma fragment name tells that the code contains a fragment program in the given function (frag here). 代碼在給定的函數中包含一個片斷程式。

Following the compilation directives is just plain Cg/HLSL code. We start by including a built-in include file:


#include "UnityCG.cginc"

The UnityCG.cginc file contains commonly used declarations and functions so that the shaders can be kept smaller (see shader include files page for details). Here we’ll use appdata_base structure from that file. We could just define them directly in the shader and not include the file of course.


Next we define a “vertex to fragment” structure (here named v2f) - what information is passed from the vertex to the fragment program. We pass the position and color parameters. The color will be computed in the vertex program and just output in the fragment program.


We proceed by defining the vertex program - vert function. Here we compute the position and output input normal as a color: o.color = v.normal * 0.5 + 0.5;

我們繼續定義頂點程式-vert函數。這裡我們計算位置和輸出輸入法線作為顔色: o.color = v.normal * 0.5 + 0.5;

Normal components are in –1…1 range, while colors are in 0…1 range, so we scale and bias the normal in the code above. Next we define a fragment program - frag function that just outputs the calculated color and 1 as the alpha component:

法線分量在-1 …1範圍,而顔色在0…1範圍,是以我們在上面的代碼中縮放和偏置法線。接下來我們定義一個片段程式- frag函數,它隻輸出計算好的顔色和作為alpha分量的1:

fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
    return fixed4 (i.color, 1);

That’s it, our shader is finished! Even this simple shader is very useful to visualize mesh normals.


Of course, this shader does not respond to lights at all, and that’s where things get a bit more interesting; read about Surface Shaders for details.


Using shader properties in Cg/HLSL code

When you define properties in the shader, you give them a name like _Color or _MainTex. To use them in Cg/HLSL you just have to define a variable of a matching name and type. See properties in shader programs page for details.


Here is a complete shader that displays a texture modulated by a color. Of course, you could easily do the same in a texture combiner call, but the point here is just to show how to use properties in Cg:


Shader "Tutorial/Textured Colored" {
    Properties {
        _Color ("Main Color", Color) = (1,1,1,0.5)
        _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" { }
    SubShader {
        Pass {

        #pragma vertex vert
        #pragma fragment frag

        #include "UnityCG.cginc"

        fixed4 _Color;
        sampler2D _MainTex;

        struct v2f {
            float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
            float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;

        float4 _MainTex_ST;

        v2f vert (appdata_base v)
            v2f o;
            o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos(v.vertex);
            o.uv = TRANSFORM_TEX (v.texcoord, _MainTex);
            return o;

        fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
            fixed4 texcol = tex2D (_MainTex, i.uv);
            return texcol * _Color;


The structure of this shader is the same as in the previous example. Here we define two properties, namely _Color and _MainTex. Inside Cg/HLSL code we define corresponding variables:


fixed4 _Color;
sampler2D _MainTex;

See Accessing Shader Properties in Cg/HLSL for more information.


The vertex and fragment programs here don’t do anything fancy; vertex program uses the TRANSFORM_TEX macro from UnityCG.cginc to make sure texture scale and offset is applied correctly, and fragment program just samples the texture and multiplies by the color property.



We have shown how custom shader programs can be written in a few easy steps. While the examples shown here are very simple, there’s nothing preventing you to write arbitrarily complex shader programs! This can help you to take the full advantage of Unity and achieve optimal rendering results.


The complete ShaderLab reference manual is here, and more examples in vertex and fragment shader examples page. We also have a forum for shaders at forum.unity3d.com so go there to get help with your shaders! Happy programming, and enjoy the power of Unity and ShaderLab.

完整的ShaderLab參考手冊在這裡,更多的例子在頂點和片斷着色器例子頁。我們也有一個論壇的着色器在forum.unity3d.com, 是以去那裡得到幫助你的着色器!快樂程式設計,享受Unity和ShaderLab的力量。